Monday, 13 April 2020

Stuck Energy

The first part of the night was hide and seek...  Multidimensional.  Puppets, us v them but we know we are one.

The dot in the yin-yang born of each other.  Different agendas and different storeys but same - hard to put into words.

Feels 'noisy - dark - busy and tangled'   Not unpleasant, washing machines with aeroplane motors.

First dream. I'm being pestered for sex by a young male (I'm young in the dream too)  someone has a hold of me strong arms pin me down trying to rape me, physical too strong to fight them I flip the script and ask them if they need sex so bad why not ask - and I take control of the situation.  They are intimidated and let me take over - afterwards they 'follow' me into a building.  I've burnt our clothing and they feel afraid of being naked.  (I used a violet flame)

Chaos and darkness messy... not like more familiar female darkness then burning all in violet.  

Violet flame. 

Ian has had a bad dream as well and goes back to sleep still whimpering in his sleep.  (This often happens when I have dreams like this, Zak the other night.. other people years back telling me their kids waking with nightmares when the energy was wired) (Oh Jung said the same didn't he)

Ian even said I was with him in his dream telling him it was ok and explaining that it was sexual energy.  Interesting Schuman from around the same time these dreams are happening.

Just looked up violet flame, interesting 😀  Will read more about it today.

Next up are very very long lucid and semi-lucid dreams... there seems to have been way too much dreaming for sleep time.

Dream is very long.. I'm in a city doing stuff but I get distracted and more lucid when I notice in the air a huge stream of people all flying in the sky going in the same direction.  

Intrigued I fly up and too and over to where they are all zooming along.   They remind me of cars on a motorway I fly up higher to get a bigger perspective on what they are heading too   (I think a hub or station) and then fly off over some rooftops to on my own and land.  A child is playing on a balcony with a cat and I say hello.  I sort of know the cat is going to attack me it dose and it's latched onto my hand with its teeth in chewing...  unphased I count to 3 for it to let go and it does and my hand is fine.

I try to recall what I was doing in the dream before I noticed the flow of flying people and I can recall I was on a mission doing something.... I feel myself fraying and being stretched back to that but decided to stay lucid and set the intention.   'Take me somewhere else' 

I'm in a warm blue ocean just below sea level.  It's like a harbour or canal lock as there are metal structures and I'm in a narrow channel, I swim up and out and climb out of the water via some metal steps to see where I am.

I'm in a sunny port/ harbour people are speaking Spanish.   I thought perhaps somewhere in South America.  Shops and stalls are open spilling out onto busy streets the air smells of spiced food, fish and is noisy with chatter and the buzz of a tattoo shop ink gun.  I notice x Marcus leaning on a wall watching me pass - and wonder if he's dreaming too.

I'm walking towards the ocean (Dream splits here one me goes deeper into the city another to the coast.    I follow both a little way (One is in the kitchen restaurant of a strange hotel were waiters are serving big plates of pasta looking stuff) Other me heads along a marram grass bank that connects to a metal swing bridge crossing a wide estuary.

I meet another female walking and she says 'Hi, your dreaming too?'  I smile and say yes.

We walk along together companionably until we find some wired shoes they look like surf shoes and we want to try them but can't get them to work.  
We talk more about lucid dreaming and she's telling me how we adventure at night and that she'd like me to help someone else, it's her Grandma and something bad happened to her, I tell her happy to try.

She calls up this amazing 'travel map' this is very cool - It materialises out of the air as it's like an animated paper cut map, brightly coloured and moving like a child's pop up book she scrolls threw it like you would a bunch of phone images and the bright coloured paper with cut out houses whizzed under her finger until she points and an area and we are sucked into the map. 

Inside is a girl I recognise from my childhood.  Moira, she was the older sister of a best friend Jack (He often plays male me in dreams).  She's obviously way too young to be the girls' Grandmother but I realise we are in astral bodies and that's irrelevant - I can 'see' this person at many ages and different lives and I know in one of them she was abused as a child. (stuck energy)  I smile and tell her 'Oh, I know another you!'  she knows another probable me too and we laugh. 

We go for a walk talking - she has these amazing bats she can summon... most people find them terrifying but I'm fascinated, they have different faces and energy like Moshi-monster bats or something, I greet the different ones and tell her I like them, they like that I like them and they warp into stranger and stranger forms as she summons more and more of them.

There is another layer to this too.... someone in the bath, a father having sex with a child, another child walking in --- it's like it's tangled into the other dream - at a level just below what is obvious.   I think this was the stuck energy/stuff.  I was in the body of the kid being raped. 

Wake here.

Another dream...  was of a gamer with many many alts.   Very very intelligent and manipulating, he's set up many alts/accounts and is manipulating people into giving him money/funds but in small amounts to many people.  (all the same him though)  He has a child, I've helped birth this child - it can walk and talk as a newborn.   I'm the only person who knows the identity of the father though.


Last dream of a brother in prison/jail  I've arranged for a recurring 2hr call each week. 

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