Tuesday, 28 April 2020


Odd sleep, due to a sick dog and massive kitten.  

A colourful space and 2 dragons one black one blue weaving... then inside us and wooosh and buzz.

Wired   pause    'A step to the side,   Integrate' 

Later I'm viewing a red grid.  A framework then a grid and then another grid in a grid-like a tesseract so the whole lattice is moving and breathing.   -  HYPERSPACE

I'm seeing shapes born from the lattice... this was like Islamic mandalas in 3d. 

Lastly was a jumbled dream.  The only thing I really recall was a man annoyed at me,   I was walking to a door suffocating..    he had seen me from behind and been worried about me.   As I shifted a block in my throat/ lungs I didn't pass threw the door.    The male recognised me and then was angry with himself for worrying about me....  as he didn't like me.     I remember feeling exasperated and dismissive as I barged past him. 

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