Saturday, 15 August 2020

Trance and Acid

After finding yesterday I'd found Inka in a dream in a Inca style jungle!! and he had a debt to pay but he was family and we wanted to help... but I'd not let him steal our history' - I met him again trying to pull out my kidney with his hand.. then a 3rd time in this dream where I stopped him being killed and got him arrested instead. (I think it was him I also beat up to get out of jail) I was taken for 'Harka'  Norse/Icelantic for toughening/hardening...  He also told me this 2 nights ago! Diamond

 Right before sleep told -   

'Like I said Ren we are Turning you into a hard bitch Ren Shiney too! Illeth will teach you love, Leon wisdom and me self knowledge and mastery' What about loci? 'He'll put you back together when we fucked you up' lol, repair stronger than the original right? 'You got it kid' 

Went to sleep early and woke with a HOLY CRAP! I knew we'd been in lots of dreams together but this was 1000's we were sorting balancing/folding Helping and hurting. We have killed each other and helped each other so many times.  

at 00.00! lol 'He tells me didn't think you were getting away that easy bitch' laughing I though I have no idea how long I've even been asleep for to be told.. 'Let me do the thinking'. 'Time as all now Ren it's all at once'  it's just gone midnight and I'm so awake. 'That's the point' while showing me a diamond. 

So second Holly shit moment is when Ian walks in really late. 2.55... 'He tells me oh, just DLing loads of TRACKS' There's been one missing for about 30 years, I knew I'd find it one day!! (I think wtf?)  'Fun hu bitch?   😆

Leon tells me... 'Yes, the empowered feminine is fierce to embody it rips the personality asunder. The male mind and ego struggling for identity terrified of its own power! Inner child goes into hiding scared at the conflict and at the same time desperately hunting it, that's why you needed to find and integrate in order. It needs a fierce ego identity to balance the embodied power of the sacred feminine.    

Oh, thanks Inka 'Np, Bitch' ' Now as I said we got you stop poking and go to sleep'  Where are we going now? 'You'll see' it's 313 

I think back to what Ian said.. 30 years ago??  'You'll see' 

Taken back into 2 dreams this portal dream with me refusing to prove multidimensionality and letting grow threw story/narrative and the others opening portals. - How that tower was the same one in this dream with the old mine in the ground. Oh! Got yah, look at watch it's 333. WoW..   'Told you Ren, we are still playing now play nice!'  lol 5d & 5g!!  'But of course'   (Wow, this is to do with how I have an eye in 2 realities and in one the phone mast on the lane is a mast and in the other, it's a wizard tower with an iridescent purple dragon! )  

'Keep weaving Ren we've got this you know the outcome remember' 

'Now, sweet dreams sleeper agent'   What is MK Ultra?? He's laughing hard now, 'hahah your going to love that one!' lol

Then just dream this track / TRACK   I love you then wake again.

'When you can look into the eyes of your self, your daemons all your deeds Ren and see only love then you can forgive and love all. Evil no longers exists for you there is only love in the mirror'

'Let the Lion lay down with the wolf, the serpent and the demon' 

'I'm the goat you killed and you're my murderer I saved!'  'Yep!'   lol, I'm tired Inka 'Hush dreamer we are bringing the dawn, your coming up... lol in both ways'  Hahahah  'Not long now' 

Tired and awake I recall a poem from years ago... 'The music won't stop bringing the light that can't go out, your mind won't need the questions as your heart will have no doubt'  'Music/Tracks!' too... this is Ooo

I'm really tired but I'm told jokingly 'Don't make me wake you up again, you'll sleep when I tell you bitch'  lol, I kinda liked it 😆 'Ikr' 😏  'Not long'

2 dreams.  

First I'm on a beach Beadnell I think and the tide is rising and some tells kids in the water that the tide is coming in I see a shadow before it gets dark.. we call for Fay but there is no answer so I dive into the sea when I go down it's dark but a bright light appears in the water above me and I can poke her dream body to wake and swim.


I'm in Shirlys house with Shirly and Donna and I'm on Shirlys stairlift but something caught making me fall (I know this is donnas fear for Shirly I'm acting out) I'm fine and I help them both to see their own projections.  

I walk into the kitchen and there is a small white pony there it won't leave It presses it's head into my hand equal and same.. it's not till someone comes to help we can move it out. 

I wake at 515 'Go ride it bitch' I need help..   'and that's the point dumb-ass' Image of a diamond. 


'Run with me?' He laughs..   'If you behave.......Ren your starting to get this shit! I'm the trance and your the acid' 😏

So I get up and get ready to Run...

Beyond your wildest dreamsIs playing I need to check track id with Ian :P  Hahaha !!


I followed the light and all I found was my self..   It wasn't untill I ran into the dark I knew love.


4 Strand dna god n his shadow goddess and hers.  All still one. The cross and the resection


Let them see you, let them bite you, let them rape you let them beat you.


You will fall you will rise like shuttle that you are, divinng into hell to be found by your star.


 All is symbolic-  watch.  

Big blue/black beetle in path (Strenght/power/Comunity/Team/Purification
Then one of the wild ponys like was just in shirlys kitchen but different and alone with white diamond on head!! (Never seen it before it is staring at me)


'Wild hu bitch ;)  like i said...  im the trance your the acid now ground this shit'


Their 'ego' that around.... 40 if we Don't own it ages faster- 'bingo.   Midlife 'crist-is!!!'   Hahaha harder for Men...  


What about Ian?  'You do you..'.



Roger-  rog!!!   Lol 



Stop fucking poking when you get implanted you can't expect it to heal overnight.    I'm nuts!  'Well obviously'



There is a reason you can kill stuff Ren, your a planet you birth stuff too.


Soat    on path.  'You chase my dawn I chase yours'  ((Trickery and friendship)) lol 


The mind is the matrix your heart is your home use them together or blind you will roam.

 We can't destoy the earth we are her she is us.  We are destroying our selves or fixing ourselves


Am writing that and a dog that looks like Kef but gold and not and black white appears 'Wow I say you've changed colour'  ...  'I can do this shit all day ren 😈  ground it"


We love you all please wake up.    Massive raven on bench caws and then flyings over the old celtic cross of the gibbet hill!   Spider crossing my chest


Walk to the gibbet Cross raven waiting in the tree..   Song playing meby I don't remember the fire or the ember!!!   Gibbit/Death & Guilt/Raven and the celtic cross..


'Bitch, you are the fire, I told you I could do this all day.  Run and ground...   top of the hill.. for today ;) Valk'




How much DMT can we make...   ' lol, you don't want to know and I'm not telling ' 😏

I remeber that unity100 deam where I just couldn't understand him and then in the dream I was looking at him threw a broken rearveiw mirror!    A multifaceted truth i wasn't capable of understanding when broken!



The dna and manipulation all true but you are we are you.  You are no one's victim but your own as well you know;)     'You can only understand this threw unity christ awarness first' 

Now.....  I wonder what Ian found DLing tracks????  😂😂


So was allover fucked up and told go nap.  lol  I did feel sleepy.  Told to breath slower deeper.

'Go find Illeth, or Bring her here' Can you help please?' 

Lost in vast compassion and love all entering me then sleep.

Wake feeling like the world is attached to my orange ray vast and glowing ball of liqued golden flowing fire but it's playful warmth too... breathing and dancing.   Huge!

'What was that?'  'Thats our creation Ren, At the level your manifesting now you just have to trust us'   'If your vessil tries to grab this you'll break-fast'  - 'Trust, we are teatching you'  'All the dreams!!'

'you can't handel this that's why we are here trust we got you, if you need abreak kock yourself out... I don't need you sober or conciouss   'Hahaha'  We love you Ren like you love is, love is everything it's vast!

'That advice last night it's a mirror kid'     You told me that at 11.11 right?  'Obviously'

'We are not trying to break you kid all is now - lol you know as well as me how well we test our breaking point'

'Like I said you are turning into a hard bitch Ren Shiney too! Illeth is teaching  love, Leon wisdom and me self knowledge and mastery' What about loci? 'He puts US back together when WE fuck-up'   Oh... the clean ups/stasis rebirth....  Birth/Stasis  +  Awake/Asleep  'Shame you skipped so many classes' Hahah.. I'm you too so fu ;)  We're unconventional! 'No shit!' 

Oh the last time we nearly didn't make it?  The your in service bitch?   'You got it, we are a team planatery stabailising entity when you let us in it's joint responsability too.  Keep dreaming, keep creating keep trusting' 💓💓💓

Fuck... 'yep Ren'  😏


Inka you stabbed me goat in the fucking eye!!  Laughing  'Where else?'   'Symbols & Bitch'  'You rescued me from thr AI'     'Heart/Mind'     


Photos from my Run this morning - 'I told you Ren I can do this shit allday'   Cletic Celtic cross? 
'Unless you want metaphysical V&D pack it in now' 😂


Gibbit Hill Celtic Cross  -  CG??   'Bitch stop, I will make you vom!'   Remeber last time it was allover the Natives'    😈      'The Trig point, / GPS'  'Where you saw the reality bleed threw'    

I feel sick... yeh Ren you broke the editor.. all is symbol/code.. now plese stop poking.   😆

OH   This was song that was playing as I whent out the door to run....    I know bitch now shut up and move before your sick.

 It's a game Ren, Ready Player one
Ready team Shadow
The game is life
American gods... all the gods!
You wern't kidding when you said you could keep this up all day
'I'm allways kidding Ren - Thanks what tricksters do untill we kill them'
lol  fucking brilliant!!
I'm utterly bonkers and totaly sane
You were just in the looking glass magic world looking at the where the femainin and earth play with illusion 
Now you've got one eye your inbetween.

Oh you told me this....  over and over and over bitch!!
Thanks...  that's why we hate you fuckers 😏
(The symbolisim is now relentless  TV/WORDS/IMAGES)
Enough for you yet😏

lol - Your on DMT now Ren and your making it yourself.
What now,
Your in service remeber.. you volenteered 
we wait and we play nicley😈

can we stop at 17:17

I told you to take a nap bitch... 😆

Oh man....   Oh woman!


That was fucking brilliant..  ofcourse it was diamond.
This isn't duality anymore bitch with your one poison fang!  
We can all play the time game now
We got a lot of spawn here and were not going anywhere till the game is done/one

Oh Ian's track he found was

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