Sunday, 23 August 2020

Yew are Accused


23.23 'We're with you Ren, just ask and we are here, your crusing atm. You can see the changes'   I know it's wired 'It's not, that's what humas are' 😏

'Sleep' Can we play? 'Allways, see you soon'.

Look at my watch I've been 1/2 here 1/2 not.. hazy, jumping?  'lol Ren, we're here' 💜 We hear you, stop poking!'  lol  ok. 

An old poem. Awake and asleep at the same time, we talk to you with light in a rhyme'

'Now bitch, careful what you wish for, lay down if you want to come and play'
😈  Heya Ink.

High voltage.... O.o ;p 'Yep, you wanted a buzzz'  lol oh the electric fence (ADHD) & Dream the other night.  I'm firmly in the fence camp!!

'You forget bitch,.....not us, hurry up if you want to be lucid'  


Owl close 'Not as close as I AM!' lol 'Meditate & jump' Can you help, please? 'Thought you'd never ask bitch? Up or down?' Both at the same time plx 😆 'Stretchy!'  

wow, that was intense! 'IKR' 😏

I still feel everything, the glue on the 2 bits of paper that had been stuck together, Bumpy and rippled like old skin. 'A confession'. My writing showing threw the deed but folded and sealed, sealed and stuck now to its self. 

Had been my main dream area but not in any way I'd experienced before was like a dark castle & tower.. vast school/lessons......

Thanks Inka,  'NP nut case ;) We're not done yet, come bk. You jump we see you there'


Holy Shit! 👀.... ... 'Hows that for a DL bitch?'  I'm trembling.. 'Yep use that to get astral now come'.  There was also a dream, I'd gone back to say thank you. 'lol yep'.😏

Can I put my name into other ones? 'Yep, yep you do all the time but alive in each other. Now come bk, I'm waiting' lol ok.

'Good now stand with me and don't speak, you don't belong here Ren so let me drive.............  ffs, just for a while behave'  😈 lol ok.  

232 'The the others are asleep'... hehe

'Just us here'   Yew & me..... Yew tree Ogham ... the berries Re-birth.  


WOW! Just looked up Yew Ogham.... lol Yes Ren it's 323 now ;)  'Come bk to sleep and hurry the fuck up'   Hahahha ok..

Whent to sleep, split at first then fully.

'Come, you have to come willingly here Ren'.  Yeh I know.  'No, don't split there, With me all of you and focus for a bit' 

----- 😲

'WOW' 👀 lol   'Hahaha Ren, yes their ruthless here, just shhhhh please and let me play... good now follow'  😏

The accused, I go in your place, sacrifice. The innocent accepts the sentence. Yes. 'Your continued survival is optional. Each soul has an option to exit at this juncture'  


I'm good 😏 'You will stand for Inka?' Yep.

That's why you attacked me in the cow dream foyer?? 'Yep, we go together bitch' ;)   Bloody Hell, Inak's pipe in that dream too and the brown overalls...   'lol We told you when you started the such thing as fiction, all symbols'

Ian dream & corruption too (He stole some road and I took his place)


 Owls are close, Tawny Owls.  

Aslan? Mordicie? Badgerlock? Yes Ren, all symbols, all narrative 😏

The projection/mirror can be broken in place of the reflection. O.o Wooooo.

'Nice one Ren, you played nice'

'But if people want to belive your dangerous then they better start fucking running'
   lol!! Haha the mask thing? hahahah

This was dark/tangled, taking responsibility and blame. Innocent for guilty/natural law?? Lion Witch & Wardrobe? Lion/Leon?   'lol, you don't need to understand, just keep owning it. You are only as dangerous as anyone wants or needs you to be Valk' 💜 'We see you, most see you'   That area in my main dream area, that was the glitch with the grump sun too??  'Yep 😏 '

What did you do??   'lol, you do you, I do me' 

Last bit was relevant to another dream (Aside from the astral bonkersness) I'd had in main dream area which was normal again, I was walking and Martin was there in his Van he pauses and asks if I'm ok, smiles and drives of when I tell him yes.   'another dissident'  lol ;)'    

DL & UL's - 'GG Ren'   'Sleep little more then we run the dawn together, we love you'  

-- Wake at 5.59 'Your on-again bitch, up and run' Blugh, I'm tired. 'lol, shouldn't play games all night'   lol

My last dream...   

I'd cleared my stuff and passed something to a younger generation now... our kids were in the dream playing & laughing.  

'Come on Lazyass' ok, 2mins.. 'H2O +++ first'.

I can run again O2 bk.   'The Zeitgeist is coming online Ren'😏

The stone...  - 'Symbols you passed this time witch' 🧙‍♀️ 

Cc let your fears go home tune..

So nice to run dl @ yew tree?  'Yew got it


'Made to fit Witch'


Ooo exactly 8k to the door ;)

💜Haha 3rd comment by Zeitgeist 3!   'Symbols Bitch' 💜

Lunch time.
I was writing the story, or checking editing and was really sleepy.  Couldn't say awake so lay down closing eyes.   Drifting and hazy not awake but not asleep.  Then tingling and plugged in..   'What's that? 'Blue & Yellow,   You're good to go now'  lol and am now totally awake again :P  ??

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