Sunday, 16 August 2020

You Pick your Scab I pick mine!




Fuck! So I fell asleep at 23.23 was out of it then came back but not back just dark lower astral of the room and I supprised I feel a movement coming presence inside me and closer and closer and then the bed moves and Ian wakes me. I pop back into me as Ian lays down but I'm inside him too. I ask him what time it is. He tells me midnight 00.00! WoW.

 'Yes Ren lol, your tired of this shit, that's why we are here' To try and help people remember we are their shadow.  

Never mind Inaka, if they don't they can have the fun we are having pulling it back together.  Hahahah

'Psycho' / 'Mirror' 'Ok you got me, just transmute'   Holy shit! 'You get it now, I'm hoping, I'm small, I'm small in all... Dream-weaving connecting and drawing the collective battle into me'

My orange is growing and growing and growing .. Holly Shit Inka!

'You didn't have to know!!  but we know that's what knowing it.  'Ride it bitch' 'be the mirror, you don't have to do this conciouslly'    lol ikr

This is wild (Wake into lucid dreaming!) 00.33 Scary/Fairy and ?/?  'That's mine Ren now if your here STFU' 'You pick your scab, I'll pick mine'  

'If you can't be quite get up and weave... feelings are best felt - go look up your scab dream we will let you know when we need you' ......      SHIT!

'Yes' lol  
 'I'm watching you'    

Come down to PC and Venus is out the window looking down :P lol  Valk /Odin :P 

Wow, that dream...  All the dreams the body stasis the reincarnation/forgetting/matrix
The being called at the re-ed station!'I told you bitch, you were made for this ;)  Hang on and listen we will tell you when your needed'   lol 

'We have the perspective...  Trust, weave & dream It's all symbols'

'You can come back to sleep if your quiet.. '   😶  'I fucking wish bitch'  😏

Almost 1.54  back to sleep for 2 ;) 

The owl is getting closer you go ar 222.  

My head violet flame growing.. Oooo The dot in the Yang -What!! 'Use violet flame'  Eh?


This felt bloody wired... like a massive swirling that was in my energy body head but bigger... Inka my head will pop! 'lol That's what loci',s for now lay down and go to sleep it's not long' 

Wake at exactly 3.00 Wow, your heads fucking wired?   'You see!?!'

So I'd had a totally surreal astral experience lower astral outside our house but the street is flipped odds/evens other way round. Shirlys boiler had exploded and I've carried her outside she is standing easily and I say to her are you ok.. the adrenaline helping she told me. Then this massive wired giraffe head smashes threw a window really fast making us jump! Then I'm crawling on my knees down the middle of the road in the gravel and my knees are bleeding and it hurts. Then I'm on my back in the street with lighting all around and wired 2d children's mobiles of like flat planets, stars and solar systems. I'm getting constant electric shocks. I'm woken into a second dream as a female I'm with drops a cigarette end onto my leg burning the skin there. I feel it all physically. 

'Symbols'   The flow of energy gut to head is so weird so alien my front incisor is throbbing right into my head.  'Your wirings not as good up top, not been used much'  lol FU ;)

Then more of it and PoP   'lol chill Ren we've got you' 

Nothing felt real? Just the sensation I can't make out the next bit I'd written.  '

It's another form of birth, but mental?  'Yes, very good!'  That's wired! 'lol yes, that's why you do the feeling and we do the thinking' 

The mirror the mind all & nothing on and off?   'lol we've been telling your mind this over and over now you KNOW here too'  

Sudden recall of 2000 dream and it's 606 

It's a nightmare I'm in a white TV broadcasting studio, there are huge glass tanks and body are being poured into them and minced up it's very visual and fucking horrifying I'd zoomed out and could see all this stuff being broadcast from the station into space from an aerial.  (Now I want the Evil Queen)   You met your dark & light sun! 

'Good, your learning'  O.o 'Now you're the queen flip-the script... you've done it before' Violet Flame' <3 WHAT? 'Symbols bitch.  

Now, I would advise you to get up and run'  

Chasing the dawn. 'You got it bitch, come on' Sun is rising 2000 2020 the year of clear vision!! Hahah sun is rising. 616 

'Track ID' They keep me in a dark place so I can have my visions and show them to the treasure'? lol  'Symbols bitch now dawn please'  on it.


Rain and sun.

Rainbow runners


Lol its a beautiful day in this/the neighbourhood...  haha  no shit !  Xx  Told you Ren you were fucking with reality back then we all where😈


Light with turn to dust - will burn shadow all of us  track id? ... just puck bitch you'll feel better. ;) omg. . 
 The snuff vid at collage me n Clair puking in the same bog

Coming together   symbols ;)   


This factor b mix...   haha  mirror ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤍


Mad fairly run big rings..    puke  ffs haha.

Stubborn goats hang on ;)   lol


We're a pretty  mad/bad  gen/zeitgeist. 



The beat and the rhythm you dance to life's song.


Let the evil queen look in the magic mirror and see only sleeping beauty .   


'Fairy tails .. rainbow .   We already are what we are hoping for. X

BTW GPS bitch you run an infinite is shape not a ring'   Lol  The GPS!!   ;) 


'Air is thinner here...  keep hopping till the flame burns violet' 💜


'Ceremony bitch shaman training as it should be inside out ...


Lol Liz vomming on my floor after microdots..   you ran to the sea and helped us turn  the tide 🤣💜  'symbols... '


'Your neighbour warned you about the currents..... you in the sea necked.. It's fine I helped the tide come in'   -  'Were we're there too Ren, we showed you the rhythms flows ripples currents!'    I'd forgotten - 'nothing is forgotten Ren.' 


Track playing endless story waves crashing over ...  'but ofc you our acid I'm the trance.   You're poison

  has gone ..    your in service to intelligent infinity the wave and the beat the heart and the breath.   One song. Keep listening to luminosity.   You need Minerals fast. '


Then call neighbours


Queen of the underworld titanium, .    Green Woodpecker ?


'We could have implanted you as a kid you know'   OH SHIT? ... my elbow- 💪  To stubborn though 🤣  Shit, I broke my arm as kid no one knew how or believed me there was another older break there too and no one knew how/why??  I was told it needed to be pinned but I wanted to straighten it, they gave me a week and I did!  'Could have flowed earlier'


More fun to get lost this way...   haha pleased you think so 🤣 Not sure Loci would agree...  Sorry loci 'It's ok Ren, you always make up for it'  (Loci in the stasis farm)


We are humanity our growth is no race ;)  


'8kn crazy infinity fairy'- can you turn the atmosphere bk on Plx no O2 again.   'The Zeitgeist is the atmosphere dumb Bitch you do it'😈


Haha someone like you..... track is this is to funuy

Ground at soul tree.    - after 'You picked a good soul tree'  It picked me ;)  'Your learning'

Back at 8 ;)

lol  Bath...  In the bath I look up above the bath is the painting of queen of the fairies...  I'm laying in the water in the same pose..  Think this is nuts.  'IKR if you want your fucking wings get out the bath and serve  ;)  Remember where the money for you implant came from'  

Fuck..  Fairy god mother?   -  Symbols bitch  'Haynes'  work it ;)    -

Oooo  'Dama first'

Hahaha Zak comes down and tells me Mama my dreams were brilliant!   I could turn things into other things...  I was magic!  I tell him, I told  you could...  Then he said apart from the last one where I was on the top of a Christmas tree!   Hahahahhah  'Told you yday Ren kids are your mirror' 

'9.55 You have 5 mins to Dama -  Trust us Ren we can make this work  Rehydrate now and another calcium. Your head will hurt today

'Oh then go see your implant surgeon'  😆😆😆

I just read the violet flame dreams!!   Fucking hell!   -  lol Ren I told you yesterday we jumped you!  keep up... now Dama'  Your not going too be able to understand this just play.'

I'm with you too?   lol  Obviosly how do you think we implanted you here too...   'Dream sharing we told you years go!'  You wrote it in the story... we told you there is no such thing as fiction :P  lol  Play'

'Hahahahah'😆Ok, I go help Shirly who whats me to plant bulbs and feed birds... The little girls next door was just peeping threw the bush to say hello and when I go round she's wearing fairy wings and a big smile! 

My head hurts...   'Told you, but your gut teeth and bones have stopped spinning'  

They had! My head's popped again!    wtf is going on?     Hahahahah  'Chill Ren, your upside down, just go with it' 😏


So the money, Haynes...

This name first appears in Domesday Book as Hagenes, which Mills 

derives from the plural of Old English hægen, hagen ‘enclosure’ ????   


'lol Ren, you put your self in Re'Ed'  😈 Yehhh but?? 'You volunteered for this you nutter, go with it but remember don't let anyone but us or you tell you your crazy' 😏  Take a nap when you get the chance'

Do I want to know why?   lol 'Probably not, but you'll like it!'

Woodpecker symbology....  Hahah your shitting me.
Communication, opportunity, drumming

'People with the Woodpecker totem have the power of rhythm in their blood. They have a connection to the heartbeat of the Earth and the cycles that rule it. Folks with this spirit animal totem can shake up the awareness of others just by being around them.'    Ooof my Head.   'Told you bitch were the trance, your the acid'  😲


Guys wft are you trying to do to me!  Heheheh it's fun though? 😈

So I got to the dentist for the implant check... filling in the medi thing on the way and they are telling me really stupid things to put in the box's that are brilliant.  

We get there and the Dental practice is right opposite 'Sheep Lane' - It's Church Hill?? dental practice. I go in check-up is fine he tells the receptionist to book me for 'crown fitting' end of Oct. (Samhain time).

We told you, Ren, the female will be home by Christmas.😏

I walk out thinking wtf is going on and I call Ian to get me, I ask if he went up sheep lane and he says no wait I'll come there. As he pulls up 'Get in the car little bow peep!'  Hahahahah

Chill Ren, Your the fool, Andrea's the tea lady 'were the court/tarot' We got your back, just ride this and hang on!'  

'Everyone has a roll to play just chill and go with this - trust us!' 


Dama then nap, we need to jump you again your getting depleted here?  Depleted or Deleted?  😛

'Do as your told' 😏 

-- Am drifiting listning to them talk to me tinngly and then random jolts that shake me a few at diffrent times.

  O.o wooow

The panto you were in as a kid?'

'You were the evil queen you stepped in at as the other person didn't want the role. Em was your Jester' ;) - Fip it upside down! Your seeing her in the dreams to remind you it's all symbols. 'Both sides Ren- Reflected.'  WTF???  😲😲😲😲

'Find the queen dreams... where you were asked to step in as someone else didn't want too' - O.o How much more wired can this get? 

'The farseer books! lol You made Jinya white, your clown bedding and hanging.'  

'Your dark moon your light moon... The nightmare you had as a kid you went for comfort and got non and slept alone on the floor and dreamed on! The moon crone' ;)     

'Your grumpy Sun Dream... and your Other Sun you got to though the full moon. All symbols. You can get up if you want, you're jumped.'  ;)

'You know how it feels now - we may need to do it to you awake if we need to just re' orientate you know how' :P

Ok o.o - 'lol it's cool Ren' 😏

'Call the vets and get your Lion Lane's Lion's ears sorted.. all the better for hearing with ;) Play on & Dream on!'

'More minerals..  Game on again' ;)   lol  your kidding!    'As you realise now you don't have to be concious' ;) If you want a rest knock your self out!  Hahah 👀

'lol Ren chill, you know how to dream!'  ;)   Just do it in the earth dream' :P  Have fun!


Ok that was crazy. 

'Smooth Ren, you didn't even need help! See how it works'  

Yep, I'm impressed.  💜 GG ;)

'Animals, nature, kids your mirror they are helping you transmute. You serve and flow and weave' :)  

'Once you're reading the symbols it's a piece of piss'

Nice touch with  the sleeping pink sheep! Hyoscayamus 😀  'The goat and Beatroot salad gift!'    Wow and the song playing now too.   'Next time, the root hub, The beets will boost your violet.  Sweet dreams'  <3   'The dreamer who dreams you'


Illeth had been with me since the Nap... but I wasn't feeling marvellous :P 

'Ren you need to keep in contact and express' 


 'I'm sending Inka back now' TY Illeth <3 'NP Hun, you did good but you need him again'   


 inc bitch...   

This is like the crystal shower... feels tickly :)  


 Wowo... Lol 'Better?'' Much..' TY.'  

'Lol Back in your heart Ren, let me think'  ;)


 'Ren pan pipes.. Pied piper ;) You look after the sheep I'll deal with the pest problem ;) You'' need to transmute it you don't need to know my side'


 'Ok O.o lol it's cool.. Were all in this together remember :) Don't go thinking and freaking or shit will get messy fast. Ok bitch? ' 'I'm here when you need me, told you Leon told me to keep an eye on you but ask when you need help too'  




 'Like I said Ren, you don't know shit from your perspective ;) -  

You were right to think about the sun tick on your tummy though' ;)  


Thanks, Inka. It's cool like I said.. We got each other's dawns and each other's dusk too :)


You might want to bring the washing back in again though Ren.. Can't call a thunder god without a bit of rain ;) O.o


 lol also told you bitch you can say wtf you like now. Sacred clown your upside down :P You're crazy to them.   


 Also you need to keep wring story must be written to much inside at once is messy...   


 Wow Inka....


 'It didn't take you long to see me outside you when I wasn't in you found the Hyoscyamus remedy as soon as you asked ;) 

Look how fast your dream changed once I was back' - 

 'told you Ren we got you trust us, Andrea might be the tea lady but she has access to the whole deck' 

This was wired, Ian had been really snapy with me and Zak all sad and needy.... Then they were totaly diffrent.    'Mirror/symbols.  Don't forget. '


 'Illeth has her place but she's to like you Ren.. You don't need to 'worry' about your Lion, he's a black and white predator with golden eyes ;) ' 

Worry solves shit, action needed you take care of your Grey queen with her tummy full of beans!'


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