Friday Aug 2nd
Minecraft dreams, in the house I'm building all square.
Driving a bus, I'm collecting artists and creatives and different stops. The roads have lots of sandstone bridges carved with lots of glyphs. One of the stops is Craster to pick up the musicians that were there in the other dreams (festival on the beach)
Watching a woman give birth from above - sometimes watching sometimes I'm the woman (not my body was a bit like an old friend Suzanna) - Watching a body with no skin above it's hydrating and then emptying I can see all the circulatory system - It's on a medical type stainless steal table.
Then I'm maning a pregnant woman shape from clay or wax.
Last dream I'm with Ian but we are both female, it's a car race/chase game - We had guns and there was time travel portals to drive threw.
Sat 3rd Aug
Another minecraft dream this time outside with square skeletons.
Main dream area, out the back of the cafe by Monkeys house, I have a revision scheduled for science papers... But I'm also working in the cafe there too and don't have the revision time.
- Another were I was watching child me (3-4years) with my Dad.
Sunday 4th Aug
Main dream area but lots of tents were main dream house is (This this might be after it was evacuated)
Monday 5tth Aug
I'm in a strange sandy / scree landscape it's like an opencast mine possibly. Lots and lots of people there (They have come for a birthday party) I'm watching people on a cliff that falls and I'm also falling with them. It's mainly sand but there are them black stones too the hexagon ones like on the giants causeway. They are in long columns but all falling in bits with the sand.
Next part I'm with an artist she has bad arthritis her fingers are curled and she doesn't paint any more as her hands hurt, we are having hot choc together and I'm carrying a tray. We go round the outside of an old damp dark stone building to a stone seat carved into a stone retainer wall (a bank behind with ferns in)
We sit an an old rotting wooden table and I pour us are drinks, she tells me the sun is returning back here soon and I can see a chink of sunlight peeping round the stone building in a thin strip on part of the seat.
Emma arrives too and we are now looking round stables on the property big stables with lots of horses.
Last dream - A game in an old wired city there is a lady of light we are going to for a reward it's like a massive turtle bit like some of the ones on supermario.
Tuesday 6th
A big heated swimming pool - It's for elderly people with joint problems, I'm trying to insulate the water when not in use to keep it warmer for more pain relief but Ian is there and he doesn't like the top insulation covering. It's 's working though and the water is getting warmer.
Last dream was like a film/story. It's in a big glass multi story building, the characters are introduced one at a time, a small young girl in an oversized coat who dose handstands, 2 huge mastiff dogs who kind of guard the girl. A drunk french guy, a posh woman they all have different skills/roles.
There was something really profound written on a bit of paper but I can't recall it now.
Thursday 8th Aug 19
First dream I'm with Em, we are going on holiday to Crete, when we arrive there is a storm that passes. Dream was of swimming in warm blue shallow water there are flat plaice like fish on the bottom.
Second dream.
This dream was all set underground. I'm with another female we are singers and are in a show singing a duet - we make beautiful harmonies and there is a special song we will perform.
Our relationship is of mutual respect and affection though we don't appear to know each other very well. To warm up we have gone to visit a very elderly bed bound lady to sing to her - we can't sing the duet as it's for the show and we realise that we don't know the same songs only the same tunes.
We are looking for lyrics for a song about a gypsy woman so that we can sing it together.
Friday 9th August
Minecraft dream but also countryside like Scotland, mountains and hills. I have a blind friend or a friend blindfolded we are playing games directing each other to things.
Then an odd dream about stocks and a flight to Africa and something about Mugabi.
Next I'm with Jean, she's pregnant again and we are in the old house she lived in as a kid but it's modernised. I'm the only one who knows, her mum and hubby don't.
Sat 10th August
Big long wild adventure dream, it's about soul and bare - feet and nekid, solving a puzzle and a strange gold symbol surrounded by rainbow light.
Next I'm outside Alnwick, there is a big station with many tracks, lots of different gauges. Trains are different sizes and from different times in history. Its alot like childhood nightmares but I'm hopping over the tracks now dodging trains and heading to the signal box.
Epstein, cards falling in the dark. Lots can't see.
Last dream a town and outside school, there is a female trying to intimidate me but I make her sing beautifully and she's happy.
Big class room, Jack and another male, I love them both. The class is on changing and manipulating time, we are learning how to pause/ alter stuff. The 2 males are angry at me.
More cards falling.
An outdoor collage with Marie, we have LSD cakes they are round like merings but coloured pink/yellow and brown like Neapolitan ice cream. We walk around the town tripping, it's a bit built up and we would prefer to be in nature. Fake snow starts falling it's like CG. It's night time the acids not very strong.
Disembodied voice 'If you evolve all evolve'
Sunday 12th Aug
Tracking threw a jungle and a wired God coming onto me.... think this was from book I was reading.
Monday 12th Aug
Long dream of Dr Soory and hospital, I'm going to have my chest opened and all my blood taken out, saying goodbye to my Dad first then we decide not to do the surgery.
Wed 14th
Wired long dream about a pedo ring, I know them, some of them are friends. I've been asked not to report them and they are relying on my trust but Ian follows me finds out and reports them.... then it's wired the children involved and the kids parents are angry with Ian and he apologised to everyone. I feel I've betrayed people.
Then we create a wired peal away alternative reality where it's ok to be pedo - it's a kind of social experiment. I'm an observer.
The reality we create is very different not just the pedo thing but the command structure there is no money either - work is voluntary. The society is coming of age and I'm curious as to whether the pedo will have fatherly protectiveness of there own offspring with other older men.
Last dream is Zak and a toddler group, I'm with a group of mums but I'm tired, half my brain was asleep and I couldn't control my body or face.
Seahouse's old first school, the bottom playground had building going on. Diggers.
Thursday the 15th August
Buying a new house but the old owner still in and there stuff. It's Miranda and she has lots of old crockery and pots antique and mid century. The house is in Craster the house Dad's uncle lived in and grew tomatoes.
Large outdoor area with a coastguard look out - up some steps is a big telescope pointed at the stars & skys over the sea. There is pet/tame heron gul too & Kef they walk with me talking to me.
Main dream area, the old quarry field but it's very very different - large flats built into clifs with balcony's, (The earthquake? ) There is also a huge celebration a new year festival with people spilling right down to the beach. Lots of drink, I'm with Emma we have old fashioned cloudy lemonade to share.
I can't find the way to my main dream house find a wired stone opening but wake before I go threw.
Next dream with another Emma and Holly, we are going to an wedding expo but don't want to pay so are going to climb over a house. House is huge 3 story, I get stuck at the top and the other 2 climbe down - I leave my body and fly down to join them, we laugh cause I can't get my leg over. Fly back up and into my body then can climb over and I make my way down.
Sat 17th
Long train journy stopping of mid country, also lots of underground trains very busy - visiting Chloe & Arora and horse too.
Sunday 18th
Dream of Croft and A Bettys Will, then a meal. The main dream is a panto/show. There is lots of costumes and rolles one is this amazing evil/ice queen outfit with huge long crystal horns - huge fingers too that shoot ice & fire. The queen actor is not well so I take the roll, the outfit and makeup are amazing but I don't know the lines so I'm trying to learn them quickly.
((Oh wired, as I'm typing this up - I did just get the Money from Aunty B on my way to have a meal with friends... where they said to me don't go to the dark side)
Monday the 19th
Crazy city/tower it's glass and metal and huge, climbing way up impossibly high some parts are floating above the main tower too.
There is a hierarchy - The higher parts are built/stolen from the poorer down below. It's really interesting, glass spiral staircases and strange art. I'm clinging on the side and floating around looking at it all and trying to find an odd glass robot.
Wed 21st
Another school type dream..again there is a big performance. We are locked into a big space - there are carpets and rugs eaten away by moths at the corners. Jo n Jon... singing again & Jack.
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Strange Summoning
12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...

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