Thursday, 1 August 2019

Horses,Foals and Leaders.

First dream is outside grans house still lots of people there and music again, there are music and bands and people coming up from the shore.

Next dream I'm hairy and pulling a sleigh I'm at the back and am not a dog, more like a coyote, I can talk to the dogs though.   

A dream with a metal stove, lots of people qing up for food and taking exams I've not studied for. 


Long crazy dream with world leaders, mainly Bush and a group of Chinese leaders - It's a secret meeting and it's wired and stupid they are rolling on the floor like babies playing wired games.   I think I was there as a family member related to someone at the meeting, I was introduced to people then just watched them confused - They were drunk/wired all just rolling round so I left.

Outside there is a field of horses in family groups with lots of young foals one is called Essa'

I meet a Jewish woman too, she has a very big house/building it's all white smooth stone looks almost castle like. 

I go back to the meeting and the leaders are playing with wired slime on the floor. 

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