Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Languages, Portals and Dragons.

Had spoken with Inak and Leon lots yesterday. IOU 'Just come here' 

When I wake I'd had a really long dream!  

lol Loci in my main dream area but we were in Bamburgh to the west of the castle where the cricket field is there was an outdoor restaurant. The area is still so busy there were people all along the coast, all kinds of people entities ages/history.  

I was meeting him, we had booked a table for a meal for 6 but there was only us and then Em too so Me/Em. We were arguing in Japanise!! 'lol yep'  Eh? πŸ’œ 'You wanted a push back, you didn't stipulate you wanted to understand'  Hahah, we were arguing about a comic book and other things too. Guys πŸ‘€  

I'd felt bad we had booked a table for 6 for a meal but there was only 3 sharing drinks as the restaurant needed revenue.   

'Come bk Ren, Round House' - Jump there and am gone instantly.

Wow, just wow... wow... where was that? 'Hehe' 😈 I'd been with Inka in a lol was like a portal room, I've not seen anything like it before there were walls of lights and various coloured portals drop-down tubes ones too like I've used before.  

I'd had another dream too a long one... there was a circular flat stage with a wide audience around it, more of a wooden round dancefloor set in a colourful, other worldly market place.

There are dance acts using it in either solo or pairs. Amazing beautiful dances, I watch but the boards of the performance floor are being removed. The last dance I watch is a solo woman balancing on a few remaining planks it's more like gymnastics.  

Dream hopped and I'm with Em So another Me/Em. Em has a serious spine injury she can't walk and is strapped into a strange metal trailer.  She is going to be pulled along behind a vehicle. I was covering her with my duvet and blanket and tucking her in she was warm as it was going to be a fast ride......πŸ‘€ lol

'Bk again Ren'   

Jump to Inka 'You're crazy to challenge me Ren'.  IKR , Can't be any other way though 😜 'I know' we hug and join into one entity. 

Then just WOW!... We dive inwards into us and turn into that bonkers demon/goddess thing from last night holding the wooden dryads and then we go outward projecting and we are a massive black dragon dark like the one who shared dreams with me years ago but huge and winged. -- That was unexpected! It's 515 😲  'lol, straight bk come'

The dragon we are stretches afar and away becoming all things. The dragon was also code, the bones 1 and the joints and articulations 0 .....Just wow!! 

'Want to go in now?' Oh, ok. I jump bk.

When I wake again lol well I'd been haggling bartering in another language possibly Hindi. 2 females I'm in colourful clothes. I was in a dark wooden shack buying unfamiliar Veg. The woman didn't have what I was looking for and was trying to get me to take these small round and hard brown veg with a rough skin/peal... I was speaking the other language fluently and the exchange was fast and friendly.
I'd agreed to the other veg and she went to her own cupboard and brought me some opened jar with a few of what I wanted in. They were in a rind/water the lid was red and the label in a language understood in the dream. Inka wow!!....
  'Back again Bitch' 

Wake again and it's 616!  'OFC' 😏Venus outside looks amazing. In the dreams I'd had a book with a blue and cream cover, inside was another portal tunnel.   

The last dream had been dream re-entry.  bk to the lower astral where I was in Inka's mind in a dream... crawling down the road my knees bleeding... 'Told you last night Bitch to get off your knees'  

lol you did too.... and then this morning, I totaly flipped out at Ian PMT style shouting my head of cause I wanted to shout!! πŸ‘€

'Careful what you wish for Witch'    Hahah just wow!! 

-Part of the discusion the night before....

'So are you helping?'   I'm being 😁  'Bingo'    Thanks, why are you doing this?   'Why are you, you?'  Cause we give a shit? But we.. 'Yep, play the dark mirror, it doesn't make us what people need to see bitch'  Deep... 


I'll drown you later if you like'   Haha fuck off, ask me when I'm sleeping.


 'Off your knees bitch, you know you love a scrap'  πŸ˜› Inka... 



 'It's ok to bring a wall.... It won't be liked sometimes but you're also offering what you want too'   Oh the line to the flow


 A wtf dl.  'You asked for help bitch, it's incoming.  

Don't fight them they are not you'   πŸ‘€  More DL Feel weired...   'Wind out your sails Bitch? Good, listen up and for once and pay attention.... There is a reason people hate us. Fucking fine line and we are course - Don't expect to be helpful.... It doesn't mean you aren't'  


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