Thursday, 22 October 2020

Pritty Pool and Wired Chest Drain.

Very visual dreams then a chat with Inka while running this morning about how they fit together. lol I'd forgotten I'd asked why it was so hard to remember stuff before I went to sleep! I was told we don't lay down the memories in the same way.. I'd also asked about the name I know I have that glows. Told they don't want to spoil my fun/game... but got a longer understanding this morning.  

I'd had lots of dreams with low lucidity, very visual and detailed though with a good recall of what I was seeing if not doing :P  

Went to sleep early first wake at 12.30.

I'd been undecided where to jump and then ended up at the front door of the House where I knocked and Malico answered. He was confused I hadn't jumped inside or used the key. I wasn't very lucid, I recall I asked him about the portal again but we should wait for the others and he took me to other rooms in the house that I'd not been in yet one was like an old fashioned Lab it reminded me of other lab dreams, There were open wooden shelves with walls of amber bottles of various sizes I recognise the style from many other dreams. Also a greenhouse, lean too, wood-framed filled with plants and herbs.  

Next time I woke I'd had a really long dream in an amazing setting. It's like Leons floating Islands but it's very feminine and the creator/owner? Is a tall older female very elegant if slightly formal. The sky is a pale lavender with visible bright stars/planets and moons. There are 2 large pools rectangular pools tired so one flows into the other, they are like formal ponds crossed with skyline swimming pools I guess as one just vanishes into the sky. Around the outside are smooth grey flagstones the light is soft and everything has a glowing quality.   

The female is very particular about the time's people are allowed to bathe in the pool - It was also being cleaned, I think I was helping with this... there was a slight white foam on the surface of the water. People were impatient to enter the pools again I'd chatted with her about the virus on earth and about contacts and isolation. In another part of the dream I'm in a building behind the pools I'm cleaning a kitchen/admin area.. I think it was more to do with pool maintenance as I was cleaning out a large steel sink and putting chemicals away there is a knocking at a door, I open it to a courier delivery man bringing things. His key/code wasn't working and I was trying to fix it for him as I had full access.

The pool and the clam female reminded me of the dream here with the clams.   

Next I'd woken again at 414. This dream was very visual I was at the bedside of an older female. It's a strange medical setting the female has something attached to her chest almost over her heart but I'd felt it was more to do with her lungs. It's screwed into the ribs with tiny silver screws and there is a jelly-like seel around it, it's a clear plastic that has yellowed slightly like it's old, there is a drain coming from the thing attached to her with a flow of thin yellowish fluid. I was concerned that the flow was excessive (It should have been a slow drip, but there was an almost constant trickle) The plastic tubing attached to the bit screwed to her was much more modern and the flid was draining into a round stainless steel metal kick bin in a wheeled stand. My attachment to the female seemed emotional as well as medical.


My bedroom in my main dream area, last dream I had here was with the 2 teams in Pink & Blue tops with rainbows on.... Oh wow Inka, that's what you told me on the run! 'lol Ren'     Anyhoo again this is very visual.. The room is decorated differently to.. 

In the dream is a large fish tank it's one of them sort of hexagon shapes like they have with water plants in at garden centres but it was big too, possibly with metal seals. It's filled with fish and there is a strange filtration system with a diagonal flow it's well stocked with fish but the filter keeps sucking up the fish food. On the walls, the wardrobe and outside of the tank a strange geometric moss/lichen is growing. It's fractal-like echoing the hexagon shape of the pool it reminded me of the nested data banks and that wired visual pattern from my nap the other day....  


I'd also had a chat with Bill Gates 😆 lol I was thinking how he wasn't so tall, reminded me of when I kept bumping into Putin. I can't recall what we spoke about though. From there I'd jumped to a group of older women with white hair, we were on a wide street with no traffic, very large buildings either side felt like USA they had matching black T-shirts with white writing on them but I can't recall what it said. They were on there way to an underground meeting or a meeting in a basement. A fight had kicked of there and they were in a hurry, I turned into a black and white sledge and let one of the women slide down the hill on me to get there faster.?!?! lol  


Then hearing/mediating 2 females that didn't get on, I feel they had fostered or adopted some children when they had been together but had fallen out and the kids needed to go back into care, I was sad for the kids but the women were just angry at each other.  

Last dream I was just looking about in an amazing city, the sun was low and the buildings high so there was a muted light but the buildings were amazing! Redbrick but modern like victorian blended with I'm not sure.... the houses had large verandas with polished rood floors and railings alongside the path. They had decorated these with stylised wooden chairs and rugs and toys for infants to play, a woman let me look round her kitchen too which was amazing all built from red bricks with a brick clay oven and hand made cupboards and shelves :)

Inka told me what Mix I might like for running... Not having anything else in mind I put it on. 

Felt really emotional very fast.. Crying but not knowing why...

'Waves of cellular memory's'


Track playing was......  Now you're letting go of everything.  


I don't get it...

Was pondering how it works...

'No spoon feeding bitch we killed that kid'. 


Net/web   sun/mirror?  The net in the dream the fishing net networks the line to the weave?

'Yep...   you wanted to do this awake Ren listen 🎶 to the tunes'  😏  lol 


How the fuck?... 'I could give you what you want but is it really what you need' is the lyrics suddenly playing.... 👀

.. Spider web round and round, fishing net line...  Oh !! 

 'Keep running will help'

What is a matrix? ;)


Support??  'Work it!' Cellular matrix?   ..... 'and, symbols Ren duality has flipsides'  the points we weaving between loci?  Oh when we put awareness into points to manifest?

The team games? the out stickers? or wait for rematch or split!! 🤔  'Warmer' and hide clues for next round.....


The off world control?... the she is listening?   'Yes bitch so stop scrapping with your team and play nicely' 😆

The twin flame thing from ages ago.. is that why we don't lose all recall when reboot/reborn?? 🤣lol  I am bonkers...

'Yes Ren, the dreams teach you what you need ofc'

Then why the hell do I forget, again so much?   ' Humans; it's symbolic and you jump alot too' 


Oh... so when I jumped and attacked you n couldn't get a photo to board- 'yeh, I'm in game there'  That's nuts!

The swapping serial numbers/heart's??? that's yep...   'symbolic +/- torus energy flow born of eachother'
.   'Yep to play in duality'   The spectrum rainbow...   'Team, like we showed yday the wave interference'  :P

Is that the loci, point's locations and geometry?    'You know this you just forget all the time, you KNOW unity' 😏 '

lol just came back to find this on my suggestions...
Ohhh that was also from the 22Oct...    2010

22 Oct 2018   lol....   Matrix  & Formless


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