Sunday, 4 October 2020

Less Conflict

Inka? Bitch? lol 

I'm so chilled since I died!  'Hahah Ren, Yeh death dose that when you have death wish'  😈

TY 'YW'    💜

'Consecrate that space Witch' ??? What does that even mean?   'You know'... Duno the word meaning... 'that's causing your memory is shit Ren'

 Religious? Alters?   'Closer'   lol Ohhhh that's dyslexic for dissociative shit!! <3 <3 hahahah 'Spells Witch..... you're upside down.. keep going' 

Altar - sacrifice....Hahah at least you're staying on point 😛   'One of us has too witch'   The bath in that dream???   'Yep'  👀 Oooo

We are wired, WTF are we?   'Fun' 😏 Just loo

ked up consecrate! 'Sacred is supposed to be fun'  I believe you! 

Yesterday I'd only had one dream it was a large busy city unfamiliar people and entities all colours types had roller skate and was skating on smooth smooth stones looking around. 

Last night back to busy.

The first dream I'd been playing a puzzle game with Kaylo, was fun tricky and mind games working out who tricked who where, how, why. 

Then a few hrs of the same thing formless voiceless discourse. Was exchange, agreements, offers, time, play or can cash out/check out waking at once point I had the sensation of powerful back legs... hopping.  

Oh lol, flea! 😆 What are we talking about?? 

'Us & Them... This & That...Mirror fun cause we know we are one! 💜' 

Oh was that the emissary thing??  

Get up sort cats.

Falling like rain away, away, 

Absorbed into earth to play, to play.

Moving threw Trees, Breathed in the air.

Held by time, embraced with care. 

Then separated and lost to far, 

forgotten the whole don't recall what we are. 

Hunting ourselves, Fighting to BE.

Looking at you knowing you are me. 

Missing our home in the darkness of love,

Called into the light to remember above.


I'd fallen asleep again and I'd woken as Inka was putting a single earing into my right ear, it's an amber flea! lol we were blue. A flea in my ear now 😆

I'd had disjointed dreams I'm not sure of the order... might have been all at once.

I was walking over a long wide bridge over an estuary, the road was deserted but for me and the guy I'm with.
The sun is setting the tide out and golden sand of the estuary bed is reflecting the pink sky, I can see it from person perspective or zoom out from the bridge too to see all. 

I'm walking with a man he has what are classed as learning difficulties we are walking together to collect something the walk is companionable and there is a feeling of mutual help.

In another scene, I'm in what is possibly the quarry field of my main dream area but it's different there is a garden centre selling plants and pots but it has a system of caves under it - We were allo

wed to go an explore them but we are not attuned to swim in the Iron yet. I decided to wait until I can, there is what is like an old town well/spring instead of water bright liquid iron is flowing. 

Last scene I'm in a small silver car with a female driver a passenger I'm helping them they are driving and I'm going into places collecting things for them as a runner.. They have a disability but can drive - the car is full of stuff. 

We stop at one place but I have a large orange goldfish it's flopping around in my hands and I'm trying to put it back into a bucket so I can go collect something else. (Think this is to do with my neighbour) 

As I'd written the dreams I'd also realised the Amber Flea/Goldfish and there was also a purple portal and I could see how the portal in the House was also linked to that dream in Dec, pre-cog about Trump/Bog roll cleaning stuff.... That was another me I was talking too! I was talking to myself again! 'haha Yep Witch, now come bk' WOW!

Pink/Orange? The Red?? Celtic Chakra spiral?   'Bk, plx, Bitch' 

Lots more dreams but jumping about.  

I'd jumped to Inka in a world, he looks like crap again. He's really tired and I give him a very dirty blue hanky I have.. It was a hanky I do own, but it was really grubby. He tells me 'Weapons in the clouds. I won't be fighting this time'  We hug before parting.

A time tunnel/vortex it's like sand coloured of pale brown smoke like a brown whirlwind.

A long dream I'm in a house I'm cleaning a large old ceramic bath, the ceramic is old and discoloured with age and cracked in parts, a guy had had a bath and it was really dirty I'm cleaning it... it keeps morphing as I'm cleaning it from a bath to a soft-top car to a bed. The car I'm sewing the roof cover... the bed was inflatable and I'd let the air out and as I had there was a queen with a litter of kittens all different ages some were tiny like mouse pinkies and other were newborn hedgehogs. I realised I'd disturbed them letting the air out so I reinflate the bed then it turns into a normal bed, I remake the bed but the hedgehogs have got too cold and are dead the queen leaves them and puts the others back. There was also a shelf field with candles and crystals. 

Other dream had been Zak and one of his friends - we were outside a venue and the boys wanted to go in but they were not allowed inside unaccompanied.  Another female was with me who I don't know. We agree to take them in. As we do the boys run fast to sod off into the male-only area to fight... I'd been in that situation before and I teleport fast baring their way and telling them 'Not this time, I'm tired of your crap' and I lead them back out of the venue taking the other boy back to his mother too. 

Another dream of an old battered Tom was tired sort of more of a small wild cat sand/brown. It was dying.   

Woke still sleepy.

I'm happy to kill you if you want Inka?  'I know Witch... I don't mind dying, you usually keep me company anyway'  Oh.... Fox? Beach? Train? Story?  'and the rest' Oh, recall of the deaths... so many deaths.  'Come bk'.

Sleep again geometry... 

Flower of life over and over I'm the fabric that makes it and the space that cradles it.  

Still sleepy...  'Dream more'      Haha I'd fallen into a vision looking at a version of me!! lol a fancy-dress witch looking really dishevelled in a bus station late at night waiting for 'the last train home'.

I had deep purple messy tangled hair untied shoes and a ripped and stained short green silk dress.... I knew there were more of us. All the different colours I'd bogged off on my own again and was going to be in trouble when I found my way back! 

Another scene of filling a pet water bowl with clean water 100's and 1000's of them all breathing in and out different bowls and hands all filling and being placed on different floors.  

Last one I'm looking at a long text on a pad it's not my writing I read...

'Visions are fleeting, burning up in the first rays of dawn. A deeper connection a tangled weaving gives us coherence, binding us to ourselves' 

'Better'💜 Wow TY! 'When you going to learn to trust us?'  Sorry 'Guilt is like worry Bitch, solves shit. Jump house again quick before morning'   

Jumped back to the house, the meal before we are going to go back into the blood ritual dream - lol I duno if this is book guys?  'Told you Ren, no such thing as fiction 😏 Or fact.. think Symbols/Narative and keep writing... put the house chapters in OneNote for now'   Ok.

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