Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Still on Tower - Join the Dots.

'I'd not trust me btw'  If you were me?  'Or me'  lol Your honest about being dishonest! Either way, I'm in... Even when I had you bricked in my dreem floor I still loved you.  'Yep Ren'  Why did I brick you up?   'We are finding out!'  Damage limitation?  'Timing'   We can play? 'Mmmmm'  

First dream is a school setting of sorts, I'm there cleaning the setting again,  which is totally unfamiliar. It had got into a massive mess. The area is wired like a round arena again... the floors were shiny like shop flooring a roof was held up with round columns and the shiny white floor is covered in sticky black stuff a sink area to one side were the cleaning water was is thick with grime, lots of dirty dishes and filthy tiles. It seemed to be my responsibility the places was a mess that's why I was cleaning it.  

As I'm cleaning there is a demonstration/lesson/advert going on 2 men in lab coats. It's for a mineral oil for babies. Like that baby oil I guess, it was being touted as a medical product but everyone knew it was shit and had no business on a baby's skin but it was typical obfuscation and marketing bullshit talking around the obvious and presenting data that appeared to show benefit. I'd discovered the oil did seem to clean up the sticky black stuff on the floor so I'd taken it off them to clean the floor. 

I was aware there were new toys and a new game to come once the place was clean again.

__ As I woke from that dream I'd looked for Kaylo he was in the Re-Ed hut so I'd jumped to him and then we both went to find Leon.
When we get to Leons on his island we were kids lol perhaps 4 or 5! Infant school ages anyway.. Leon was talking to us in Latin but I understood it perfectly and he was showing me other dreams that linked to the first explaining the one-eye thing to me from the other dreams.

I'm always the 'other' too which is why I see the manipulation... He took me back to this dream where he had been the person in the icecream van! (I had n clue till he told me) Inka was the cat (again with the blind or stabbing out one eye) I was watching the dream now as freeform awareness above it.... I'd asked what the pink floaty thing was and was told to go bk so I jumped back to him on the island again. 

I'm back on the grass as a kid sitting with Kaylo, Inka was there too but he was just free form talking to me occasionally or showing me stuff.
We were still talking in Latin - I had a vision of polished wooden draws.. that shiny lacquered wood antique style it had a secret draw, I knew the inside was lined with red velvet I was looking threw the tiny brass inlaid keyhole - I knew this was the key on the ribbon that various dream characters hang around my neck!!
Inka tells me it's fine not to trust him he likes to talk shit!.... To trust my own intuition and feel stuff.... I could feel the orange centre creativity it felt big.

This dream with the Holographic stuff and the nested databanks were relevant also the dream where me and Inka were twins in Asia forced to train and fight with each other.... and that was tied to the old book I'd been shown when I napped. It was a book my mother had given me to read when I was in highschool.. Flowers in the attic, I'd shared it with Em after I'd done and we both read all of them(Also Rog and the Dowery?)  

I think me and Kaylo had dream shared around now, as I'm in another dream. Long one... male me was a friend I had as a kid, we were hugging it was his birthday but he had bought all the gifts for himself. He was showing them to me and I was laying on a bed (I think the setting was 'pinnacles' in my main dream area... Oh this dream with the crowns??) Oh the 'Pinnacle' 'Crown' these are both Tower card too!
As he's showing me his gifts I was laying on a bed, I had a tablet like the one from that dream years ago about twin/flame. This time instead of dreams to scroll threw I'd been scrolling threw lots and lots of various avatars and their various skills/abilities and had got tired of him showing me all the stuff... toys/games, a signed cap a toy police car with flashing lights and had fallen asleep curled up like a ball or planet.    

I'd gone into another dream from there the male me was younger now and I'm older, he's with me and we are in a very unfamiliar city journeying he has the same toy police car I'd been supposed to take care of it for him and then part of it was in the road, a removable roof with flashing lights.   

I'd gone off to try and retrieve it but the traffic was too much and to fast and a car hit the part and bounced it beside a bus shelter in a bus depot. I'd crossed the road and was on the wrong side of the bus shelter rooting threw rubbish trying to find it when the bus arrives.... only well lol it's a wired freaking bus!   

It is all grey and metal and it attaches to the bus shelter with a rubber extendable airlock type of affair... (Reminded me of the wired membranes on the houses in these dreams) As I'm on the wrong side of the shelter I'm in danger of getting crushed I meet the woman in a grey uniform who is attaching the airlock to the shelter and we are squished together... she's friendly. I manage to grab the bit of toy and then move with her so we don't get squashed because of where I'm at I have no other option other than boarding the bus now too.     

Once on it's not much like a bus all grey and metal with no floor or seats at the front so the people at the front just need to hang on and hope they don't drop out. (Reminded me of this bus) Did you guys tell me trains I use for times and busses realities? I can't remember? Anyhoo the bus is fast! There were also big waves coming which is why we were moving quickly opposite me there were some younger kids trying to hang on. One young girl was terrified and she was lifted and passed back into the bit.

I'd woke pondering the milk references... the dairy in the broken Dryad dream and the end of the Gaia dream, the Icecream truck and the yoghurt in the mental hospital.. banana milkshake in a dream too.... 

It was in the dream with 2 male me's and the earth Mama too.  

Mother aspect of sacred feminine? 'Keep dreaming Ren'  

Next dream I'm above a grass plain I'm watching the water rise and it's washing buried body out of the ground and into a lake. It was a native burial ground and I knew it was tied to this dream with a broken promise

Also the other life recall of being a native in a herd of bison and also a guy on a ship that smelt of gunpowder and crap. Also the going bk in time and the shaman and grumpy father. 

Next up I'm a blister!! White wobbly and filled with clear fluid the pink skin under is maturing fast in the fluid but will be raw and sore if popped.  'Yeh so don't get pissed today Witch unless you want to be raw n wobbly'  lol Heya Inka 😏 

I'd had another long detailed dream, visually fantastical too. 

It starts as a fantasy multiplayer style battleground game.
There was a male on the other team who was a good player, we kept fighting inside one of our forts.
As we were well matched it was fun and challanging.   I realised it was a distraction though as it's a technique I used too and that the main assault would be south at our resource node and I knew I'd better serve the team by defending the base so I'd killed him a final time before heading down the map before he could respawn.  
It was all up the hill to our node, some parts just verticle...  the resource node is a huge tower... lol seriously '😈'  

I had to climb it wasn't easy going and as I get near the top I realise I have a younger male with me who need help I was shoving him ahead and got him onto the top, he almost fell before I could get up too but I caught him and shoved him back onto the ledge.   

Once at the top the dream changes.  I'm again in an odd school setting different rooms were different temperatures. There are only women and children at the school and they are taking part in an end of year performance - they have been issued roles and costumes but the performance wasn't until the end of Dec the women were all swapping house keys.  lol??  

I'd been dozing after that when I was woken by one of the little kittens growling while playing...  It's 717  lol  how the heck!!  'Hehehe'   

Reality's  getting wobbly and squashy again... every time I go threw to the other dream the radio or kids TV is talking about stuff I'm thinking...   Fays was timelines/now rippling out and the radio was dead people still in games!  😆

I know I need to find the '
Miscreant daughter' dream ah the 26th.  I'd forgotton the word till this morning and the one with 'Rules of Engagement'      Pffffff feel like I'm playing dream Jumangi! 

Oh... Miscreant the word I didn't know in the dream and then couldn't find is latin!  I thought it had a D in. 

Just whent back to writing the story.......  👀 Similarity to Oct 18 dreams including tower!  found it when looking for the next chapeter.  'Fiction 😏' 
Wow, the next chapter...    It's not me writing this book right? 😆   'Us Ren'  


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