Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Broken Promis and a Flood

I drempt all night, even first falling asleep... I was talking to people it seemed very real but the second I woke up I'd forgotten. There was diploid and haploid cells swapping fast between the 2 states... it looked very quantum as it was making wired shapes.

Next dream was a family home (again this was mums side) It's a row of houses, some of them are let and 2 are being renovated, I'm there to make flower fairy's!!
I'm sitting in the middle of all this modern building work making fairiys and pixi's out of flower petals and bits of twigs. They look amazing! One is a white pan type character made from daisy petals.
The building is haunted, and wired things keep happening to people there - I can't experience it unless I make a huge effort to engage with the people experiencing it on a different level. The building works not meeting it's potential but as it's a collaboration I'm limited in how much I can influence it, I'm just there to make the fairys.

- Cells again, this time swapping between 2 and 4 not the numbers but quantity's they are vibrating between the 2 and 4.


Dream starts in the newsagents were I worked as a kid (This building also belonged to one of my mams sisters) , I go into the shop and threw to the store room to get the key for the flat above.
There is an extra floor above and I'm going to live there. I go up into the flat and go to sleep, in the dream dream I can reach the top floor. The top floor is a huge grass plain, I'm a member of a native tribe, I think I'm a seer and have mainly shaved head.
There is a tribe elder, he's taken over the plain but he's a descent person and just wants to be a voice for his people. There is another character, like a sheriff/police man... the leader and this guy cut a deal, but we know it won't be kept. The terms are in a small leather pouch filled with white sheep's wool. The sheriff is watching the tribe threw a camera that keeps flicking into a gun.
As they break the promise ours vanishes too and the world/plain fills with water/sea. It's really deep, sea like a flood.
We are below the waves now... walking on the surface of the sea, we have sticks attached to the sticks are small flowers that float on the surface of the sea, they have candles in too... they are like the type floated in remembrance but we are below the sea attached to them.

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