Friday, 30 September 2016

Busy night! Sand Dunes, Labs & Auntys.

4 dreams last night :/ + visions.

1) Dream starts in a medical facility, it's white with a bright white light artificial source... there is an old jar filled with wooden spoons on a white table and Josh (middle boy 8) had peed into it, he is peeing blood. The blood is taken and put into test tubes and fed into a wired metallic analysis machine. I'm standing and observing.


As this dream is set inside It's a thought construct.
I'm standing and observant so I'm actively working with this idea - the lightings good so.
Medical suggests healing perhaps also male dominated as it's man-made. The Jar and the spoons are clay and wood, this suggests female ideas (spoons are made from dead wood so this could be old female ideas... the pot is a container/receptical also female. Josh peeing blood, this seems like a role reversal, of female menstruation.
Could this dream be about how we have disempowered the feminine threw medicalisation???? Hummm... need to ponder this more.
Interesting timing as tonight we have our first 'red tent' meeting for the new moon.

- 2) Setting is a sand dune, I'm with a group of people and we are travelling up hill threw maram grass, it's sipky and pokes us as we walk. The sand is white and fine it's quite tough going but we are making good progress up.
It's a beautiful sunny day. Along a right hand curve in the path we come across young male children playing they are primary age. They are role playing bible storeys. They are doing it on the path though and have set up play tents, the tents are white & blue cotton pegged with old dolly pegs... were they are playing our the bible storys.
They don't want to let us threw, as they pull the tents tighter to stop us getting passed we cause more damage breaking back threw to the light on the other side.... the wooden dolly pegs snap of as we clamber back out and continue up. I feel bad as I don't want to disrupt there game but they are blocking our progress.

Interpretation -
This seems fairly self explanatory.
If the outside setting is taken as 'higher' teaching. I'm active and we are climbing upwards, the setting is light so it's not a hidden but something obvious. The tent was on a right hand turn so it's something intuitive - the game was being played by infants so it's an idea I've outgrown also male infants (direct energy). The tent it's self was dark, natural fabric with wooden pegs these are all quite feminine, the fabric blue & white is indicative of pure thoughts and wisdom and the children also represent innocents.

The feelings in the dream were obvious too, I'm trying to be gentle with myself but I'm ready to progress. Old spiritual ideas are being shaken up as I outgrow them and continue to move forwards.

Setting is enclosed like the inside of a car, it's restricting. I'm an observer 'ghost' the DC's are 2 lovers... I don't know them and they are unfamiliar.
Male late 30's looks like a biker, female similar age she has shaved purple hair and piercings they are both wearing wearing black leather, the light is subdued they are troubled, they have a son of 7 or 8 but he's not with them (I just know this)
They are troubled, the female is impatient, the male is searching for part of himself... part of him is in this location. It became separated in a fight or accident defiantly something traumatic. He wants it back to stop the same pattern happening to his son.
The male knows it's close but not how to reconnect with it... the females getting irritable. I put my palms on the males chest & heart (he can't see me I'm ghost or something) He can sense me - I let him know he's close to his goal... I slow my breathing and he naturally synchronises his breathing to mine. He joins again with his 'soul fragment' and starts to weep... he can feel it again, the setting has changed now to a room. The male goes to lay down (I notice in the room 2 fat mice, they are in a square glass house with a geometric shaped lid) they want to escape and are pushing up the lid to get out.

I see my Aunty Betty on a swing she looks free, when I go to visit her though she has moved to a hospital bed.
She's close to death and keeps vomiting. She's in an old 50's style care home with 2 big strong male carer's one is a black man & one white, they have crisp white uniforms and are taking very good care of her. There are family in the room, my brother and cousins they are sitting round and Aunty is laying in bed.
She's very week and frail but she will occasionally 'come round' and her eyes twinkle we are all talking, telling her we love her. In the room is an old wooden wardrobe it needs to be moved... I get her carers to carry it to the 'haunted room' I don't want to go there.
I take her to the swing outside again then we go in again. She's so weak she keeps trying to stand.... I can also see another 'timeline' were I lived with her we were making a quilt with geometric shapes.
Her body is so frail... I hold her and tell her I love her, that she was a second mum to me too, she's very touched but finds it hard to hear. Other family are talking to her too, after we have all talked to her she starts to retch and vomit yellow liquid, she's laying on her right side... she is choking, I move her over so her head is of the side of the bed and clear her airways, the other family go back to get her carers.

Visions, a huge wall of ice!! Inside is a magic holographic light chamber a tiny 'lady bird' comes and lands on the ice wall. It shatters and falls away leaving the entrance clear.
- Looking down onto a stone henge type of building it's all rock and built onto rock... all grey.

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