Then a lush green garden with 100's and 100's of apples and it was harvest time.
Last nights dreams
Started with treasure hunt, I needed to find 3 pictures that were
buried. I found them, and made a wired fractal/yin-yang /dragon
eating it's self -- Kinda hard to describe
I was making it in the air in front of me like magic, it was black and white and quite amazing looking, made of tiny lines and angles.
After that dream went 'fractal' too - I was with someone talking about shamanism and multidimensionality, trying to explain something playing with a virtual ying-yan ball, also fractal and made of lines.
Next dream totally different.
I'm being kept prisoner in a small home, I escape and go to a river... I'm swimming there and river dolphins join me. ..
Then the people keeping me prisoner come to find me, the woman has taken a magic sword I had and incorporated it into something she has?
They take me to a car park with 3 wired prisons next to each other... they are odd like perpetual house party surrounded by barb-wire so people can't get out in each house are 100's of people - lots of drugs/fighting/music/noise/drink. I get shoved into one of the party/prisons.
Once in there I'm talking to people.. I weirdly manifest a wasp, and then a green caterpillar - I'm trying to fix stuff and a guy gets shot. O.o
Humm! SOoo
Both last nights dream contained the number 3 - whole/manifestation/trinity.
The second dream, I'm going to assume the first 'small home' is a thought or behaviour pattern that I'm stuck in. - The fact I'd lost/had taken a sword.. that's mind too in tarot.
The 3 prisons seemed traps of self/serving but ultimately confining behaviours.
Caterpillar - Surrender of body - potential - growth waiting transformation.
Wasp - Not sure.. Busy, Defensive, Communication
Dolphin - Balance, knowing, love, play, joy
--- I've not drempt much since these dreams, Only one I've remembered much of all week is from 8th sep.
Last night there was the black dog thing called Anubis, and animals with triangle shaped faces.
Then a wired stage play about male and female relationships and sex, a dog and some wired crude old man who expected everyone to be like him. Then a wired dream about war zone, people who don't want to fight and forced wars.
I was making it in the air in front of me like magic, it was black and white and quite amazing looking, made of tiny lines and angles.
After that dream went 'fractal' too - I was with someone talking about shamanism and multidimensionality, trying to explain something playing with a virtual ying-yan ball, also fractal and made of lines.
Next dream totally different.
I'm being kept prisoner in a small home, I escape and go to a river... I'm swimming there and river dolphins join me. ..
Then the people keeping me prisoner come to find me, the woman has taken a magic sword I had and incorporated it into something she has?
They take me to a car park with 3 wired prisons next to each other... they are odd like perpetual house party surrounded by barb-wire so people can't get out in each house are 100's of people - lots of drugs/fighting/music/noise/drink. I get shoved into one of the party/prisons.
Once in there I'm talking to people.. I weirdly manifest a wasp, and then a green caterpillar - I'm trying to fix stuff and a guy gets shot. O.o
Humm! SOoo
Both last nights dream contained the number 3 - whole/manifestation/trinity.
The second dream, I'm going to assume the first 'small home' is a thought or behaviour pattern that I'm stuck in. - The fact I'd lost/had taken a sword.. that's mind too in tarot.
The 3 prisons seemed traps of self/serving but ultimately confining behaviours.
Caterpillar - Surrender of body - potential - growth waiting transformation.
Wasp - Not sure.. Busy, Defensive, Communication
Dolphin - Balance, knowing, love, play, joy
--- I've not drempt much since these dreams, Only one I've remembered much of all week is from 8th sep.
Last night there was the black dog thing called Anubis, and animals with triangle shaped faces.
Then a wired stage play about male and female relationships and sex, a dog and some wired crude old man who expected everyone to be like him. Then a wired dream about war zone, people who don't want to fight and forced wars.
3 tree trunks wound together, they come threw a hole in the ground at the top were the earth is and the sun shine on them.
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