Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Not a dream but an observation.

29 June 16
Really amazing insight from this dream.
The setting is a huge high security science complex, it's quite futuristic really clean and white, with huge cooling systems and miles of corridors.
I'm in there on a mission, I know I've 'done' this before.... I also know I'm 'winging' it but I instinctively know all the people I need to go to to help me, and also know how past all the security systems.
My mission is Crocheting - the thread is unbelievably fine and organic in nature. I've got a pair of hooks they are a size 7.
I pass threw the security un-noticed and I'm cleared for the bio security too. I'm connecting the few people I know in there who can help and getting things from them. When I get into the place I need to be, I realise size 7 hooks are to big, and I need 6.
I remember someone who can crochet leeks and that she has the 6, so I find her and bring her to the work station. I'm watching my team work, they are making amazing tiny molecules and shaped with the thread.
--- As I wake up I realise that rather than coming back into my body awareness from outside, I'm coming back into my awareness from inside me.
At that moment I realise that the complex was representing my body, the 'helpers' were cells the security was my immune system!
We were making cells molecules and DNA! :P
I've just quickly googled number 7 & 6 and 7 is intellect and knowledge spiritual awareness and 6 is balance, love/care and connecting above and below.
How cool!! :D :D
I'm now going to reconsider other dreams I've had in lab/medical/factory type setting

(Need to Finnish this)) 

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