Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Unity/Christ Conciousness Dream

I'm not even sure how to try and write up last nights dreams as I don't really have any reference for what I experienced.

To start with I was dreaming of seeing dreams and nightmares, they are in information/light/tunnels... It almost felt like watching other peoples dreams.

I was trying to sleep and dream (I was asleep) but I couldn't find my dreams?? I seemed to be experiencing the kids dreams and Ian's dreams?

I find a dream to enter, It's a school/church medieval looking - I'm in the dream but I'm also like a mesh overlay to the dream too so I'm everyone in the dream. I keep flicking between different dream characters. In the church is an inner sanctum... we have to enter here 'one' at a time.
I pass behind a curtain to enter, of to the side is a room of scholars/monks with robes on. I pass threw a second curtain to the inner sanctum.

It's all made of light... it's holographic, like them spinning discs but forms walls and things out of tiny fragments of light. It makes me feel discombobulated (for want of a better word :P )
I come out.

Next I am moving house, there are 2 huge houses round a pond/lake.. both are mine but I'm only moving into one. It's huge, and old and a big mess. The electrics are shot, but it has much better storage capacity. 

-- Then I'm back into the wired dream space of feeling like I'm me and the kids at the same time.... then I fall back into the first dream with the sanctum again.
Again, I'm a wired net/overlay of the dream?? Sometimes I'm all of the people or just one... I go into the body of a male he's big. I have a cup (like a challis grail type thing.. I'm going to take it to the sanctum to fill with knowledge) I leave a door to go there and find myself outside were a female is bullying a young boy. She's humiliating him... the male me feels the young boys shame as they are all me, and he attacks the female (me too) he wants to kill her but just punches her. (This was odd, I don't really ever dream of violence)
Old male is very remorseful... young male is shocked but great full. Female unconscious.
He doesn't want to hurt people so wants to prevent people getting into trouble... he gives up seeking and becomes a guide/guardian.
He gives away the cup and his belongings... he walks with people across a big dessert, back and forth (Him just being there protects them)

Next dream I was in a place I worked as a kid, this too had the multiple view points.. and also a massive metal chicken structure?

I think I know why the queen calls herself 'One' and 'We' now

Thoughts on this...    (Need to add links to old dreams)
After I realised some of the meanings behind this dream, I just got a physical conformation.

*The house is capacity for love, but I need to fix my energy flow

*I'd realised this dream is explaining to me the message I got years ago in a dream from a disembodied voice I know. It laughed at me and said 'your a guardian too' - At the time I dismissed it as part of me being delusional (if you can even be delusional in dreams) --- I've been thinking of going to work with those who are close to death, and have booked into a shaman style dream course on death.
*A dream I had where I was in a void, there was a terrified person being sucked into a black hole whirlpool... They were trying to get me to pull them out. I just smiled at them and told them there were an eternal being who's essence was love it was ok to let go. They let go.
*This dream, the male... giving up his search for knowledge.  Him walking threw a desert (writing this down this morning I got a mental picture of the Jesus story about foot steps in the sand (Why are there only one set threw the hard times)
I realised the male in the dream was representing 'Christ' or Christ Consciousness.

I was standing in the kitchen making cream for shop and feeling emotional... the post man arrives and hands me a packet.

The packet is from 'Hospice of the good shepherd' O.o

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