Thursday, 8 October 2020

Dream Linking.

Wired thing with the Cloud Weapon and then someone having a very similar dream with Inka in from the Seth group the day he told me about a cloud weapon. 

What's with the cloud weapon? 'Watch and remember Witch, all symbols' 😏 ' 

I can go back?  'You can go where ever you want but you rarely know what it is you want'  Sometimes I do 'Yes, and it's rarely what you need or is good for you'  Hahah ok point taken. We can play?  'OFC, your call we will find you'    Ok, I need to thank Malic & apologise to Kaylo😆  'House then Ren, you take responsibility'   Yeh ofc.    

Jumped and apologised to Kaylo for the Crow thing... his response was  'Go away Grey. I'm still not coming back to your smelly field' 😄

Beyond that it's hazy but I slept there into other dreams. Was an odd night, I felt like I flipping threw dreams like living pages in a huge book. The clones/Robot/AI/Lithium battery??? 'Yep Ren' The genetics and parasites too. 'Wait and see come back fully asleep'.

Woke at 0110! '💜 Ren' Just wow, this was unreal, not describable I'd been is a space seeing so much overlayed stuff. Similarities and differences. I knew in that space I was integrating and unpacking... almost like data compression. The feeling was like static +/- off on.

Like the dream Databanks.




 I’d had a dream too, I was in my main dream area both parents there and alive I was making coffee… The dream had started in an area I’d not been in for ages!  


 It’s a track alongside the community centre where I’d had one of the first dreams in the blog also with giants in!! It also runs to the field where I just made a roundhouse.  


 Later in the dream was 2 large communal spaces and 2 large families.

 The buildings had the feel of large temp holiday homes but were strange tall buildings one is like a hospital/department store school too.. our building had been way more basic we just used it for sleeping really… it had a strange pool full of sea creatures and I’d been sorting live langoustine into different sizes. They kept pinching onto my fingers. 


 For some reasons the houses we are in were muddled with one family having some members in a room in the other building and it was making stuff awkward for everyone.  


 At one point in the dream I was one of the people in the wrong building I’d volunteered to go there and I’d worked out how we could fit into the other building which would work better for the two families. I didn’t mind sleeping on the floor and that would make more space. 


 So I’m with my ‘family’ trying to get us all out and back to the other building were we belong and feel more at home but there are a fair few youngsters with us who can’t carry there own stuff. Our stuff was mainly a pillow and a blanket each, we were in the upper floors of the building.  


 I’d decided that rather than run up and down the crowded building pushing threw what were like indoor markets/canteens and such it would be easier if I could just chuck our stuff out the window and lead the kids down and back to our building then come back for the pillows. 


 When I got the window/balcony it was so busy in the building I was in was hard to chuck stuff without it hitting people below. 

An Indian guy below was waving at me and trying to show me the timings and places it was safe to chuck the pillows. 


With the other themes of the night I’m sure this other giant’s dream fits too!! With the Dark tangly wood


When I’d gone back to sleep I’d jumped to the roundhouse again. I was wearing a white long-sleeved top that was damp and dirty the sleeves clinging to my arms, I was tired but very content.  
It was misty/drizzly and dark but the outside fire was still warm and glowing the flames had died down. Inka was smoking and I lay by the fire and went into a dream… 


 Then it was another dream that was me looking at and writing on a lined pad it was to do with genetics and recessive and dominant alleles - I’m not certain what I was selecting for and against. I was using the letters Ii,Jj,Kk,Ll for dominant and recessive. - 

Guys??? ‘You don’t need to know or understand for this shit to work Ren’ lol, I know 

‘Bk, now 💜’ 

Asleep I’m back in 3 other dreams of seeing my writing on pads/paper in front of me. One was the electron maps and making gold. The other was the really surreal ‘Gaia Awaken Project’ Classroom with Leon (Before I knew it was Leon). Another was the strange theatre from years ago with the guy who kept neat dream pads. Oh like the canine and the implant 👀 Hahahah 'Symbols Witch 😈' Hahaha


Hehe  Had a quick nap and was instantly back by the fire as I woke I got one of them visual flashes.   -  That Peanuts charachter that was allways coverd in dirt 😆

  Thanks!   'NP'

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