Monday, 26 October 2020

The Tower

First dream... I'd gone to the roundhouse to meet Inka but was instantly gone I don't recall who else was there...  

I woke later...

TY, I don't remember but I know I was with you 'Then why are you thanking me?' lol I was you!! Hahaha 'Idiot'  😛 IKR I trust you.  

Amazing building! It's deep in the bottom of a heavily wooded valley almost built into the valley and rocks it's self as a front. It's dim light but the green is lush and damp, like a rainforest - huge ancient trees. I'm with one member of our team and I'm going into the building. It's hummm redbrick but also with beautiful sandstone arches and carvings too, Ivy and climbers and lots of arched windows and walkways to view the valley.  

I don't recall why we were going in as we try and enter 2 men come out one was Indian the other Muslim they are armed with long silver swords to attack they looked ceremonial but they were sharp and the guys intended to attack. I was really angry and I fly at them disarming them quickly, once they are disarmed they are prepared to listen and we become friends, we memory share, we were also doing a heartmeld/swap too. lol 

As I woke I heard the words 'Training for the 6 wars' ?? Hu? 'Symbols Ren 😏 Non-linear 'OFC' 

Next dream was visually amazing to a massive pink purple vortex going up into the sky! Pink and purple lighting too incredible looking! A different roundhouse too I was in a team it was like a raid in a game... I had the lowest damage and was being pushed into the middle of the house to be spat back out again, there was a reason for it but I'm not sure why 😛

There was a massive talking owl that I had a chat with and also the head of the infant school was there again.  Oh was it her I burnt in that dream too?? 
We were talking about something wired going on again (I had this in another dream) Kids were blacking out fainting at the same time each night and 'they' who were some sort of authority/government were telling teachers/Drs to reassure parents and kids this was 'Normal' and to file it as 'Normal' ... I was thinking it's not normal?

I'd left that dream back into the roundhouse and Inka had attacked me again unexpectedly. I was shocked but tired, he hugged me 'Do you know why the attack?'  No 'Do you want to know?' I'd just shrugged.   'Do you trust me?'  Errrr Kinda...  'Do you love me?'  Yeh... 'That will do then'  lol Then was jumbled images/messages dl's MKUltra?  'Read it, Ren?'  The one flew over the cuckoos nest book? 'Yes'    Oh ok...  

He jumped me back to the house after to Malico who changed my avatar back to the tall white thing... I'm not really sure what I was before that and I chatted with Malico.  

This is some of the stuff another Ren/other I's did/do? 'Yep,' the manipulated into catastrophic acts Leon told Ren about in the story?  'Yep Ren'    😮👀

I'd woken up confused... with an image of them wired nets again, like a mesh.. when Inka told me HE wouldn't be fighting this time. Then feel a massive love DL at green centre. It's 717 💚

Guess I'm on Tower card!!  'Yep ;)'  Great...    'We'll patch you back up again once your broken'   lol that's ok then! 

Cuckoo's don't have nests?  'lol, no shit Ren, there parasitic too'  lol  👀

lol  I'm not getting threw this with my sanity left in tact am I  😏 'Probably not, but you'll be fine' 

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