Monday, 12 October 2020

Dream Re-Entry & Choice

Went to sleep early as was so late-day b4. I jumped t the station and knew it was Leon who was calling so then went to sleep to the Island where I re-entered a dream that was before the book but still on Leon's islands. Oh wow, thanks... hehe didn't realise how relevant that was! :)

The cats work me again after my first recall I was back with Leon, we had been chatting everything was big and flowing, narrative and story... I'd agreed to help. 

Also this track below and vid - I was playing it bk and forth in my head.

... Oh, looking at the comments on the vid it fits with the first dream re-entry. 'She wrote Gunshot straight after a meditation. It represents the moment in a relationship where you’ve fucked up and some things you can never take back.'

Next dream was confusing... with Trump who's not been in dreams for a bit and Surran a local councillor and neighbour, and then another person again. My main dream house was full of cats. Trump tired and moody and was waiting for calls on a special telephone. There was a pregnant woman. Trump and Surran were in my Aunty's main dream space looking out of an upstairs window they have locked themselves in. I think I was me/em we had crossed the road and people were annoyed with us for crossing the road. I was cleaning again, that was my role in the situation and another woman was with me, petite with warm brown playful eyes she looked Polynesian.  

None of the dream made much sense as I was waking I hear 'If you're going to go animal go bird'   

'Not you though bitch? you're a dog right!' haha, Heya Inka... this is from last night too the choice of 2 totems canineWolf/corvidCrow.

I'd picked dog again... 'Better the DEVIL you know!'   Oh, next Tarot card to dream threw is Devil! too 😏 The big bad wolf 💜

'Come main dream hub, you can take me for a ride' 😈' Hu?? lol.
Back to sleep...

I'd jumped WILD into main dream area and back to the roundhouse losing a fair bit of lucidity as I enter, it was daylight for the first time, grey cloudy non discript the place looks muddy and messy, the outside fire smoking.  😀
Leon, Inka & Illeth are there chilling by the bonfire. I change my form into a puppy... a cross pointer type thing, flat coat, big paws wobbly lets and a floppy ears which gets a laugh before swapping to the more familiar grey/white wolf thing - Inka joins he is just like energy running up dog me's spine, tail to nose heat too lots of heat.

Am told 'Run, Ren, Run' lol.   I get lost in smells on the air, the feel of the dog shape, paws, claws the strength in the muscles in the shoulders, how it propels and gives momentum, the feel of claws getting purchase in the earth and the easy rhythm & stride of 4 paws on the ground and the stability of the metatarsal bones.
Aside from the wind in my fur and in my open mouth, there is that familiar feeling like the body stays still and the earth gets tuned below it.. I ran south threw the scrubby pasture before I am lost to the dream. 

I'd had another dream too.  Long also with trump in it! It's in a strange and unfamiliar seaside town but waking now I have recalls of similar places from other dreams. There were cafes, junk and antique shops and a large football stadium. 

I had a newborn baby again (The baby from earlier and I'd given birth last night) The baby is prem small birth weight and that overly pink skin - It was only slightly smaller than when Zak was born and I was wishing I'd kept his prem clothes as the baby was naked and I felt I should cloth it to keep it warm... also it was a wired looking thing as human prem babies are like bald skinny monkeys. It was warm and healthy though and very with it mentally, like a much older babe, it was already smiling. It's dark eyes mischievous and playful like Zaks. Josh is there too, he's with 2 girls who live in a cafe that their parents own it's a wooden building painted white with tables that open onto the street one girl is named Star there mother Daisy, both the girls have braided hair, they are friends with Josh and he's gone on ahead and I'm waving to him know I'll look around. I visit a market stall and buy a selection of hair accessories to take to one of the young girls. Next, I'm in a football stadium with Trump a guy who was Trump's brother and their father... It's a dream about inheritance there 2 things a football club and a presidency and they are waiting to see which son will get which, it's tense.

Trump comes out with a football top on he is number 13 and I know he's got the club job. (He looked wired :P) The kit was dark blue/black strips in the dream the clubs was Manchester United I think this represented that it was a big club known lots of places around the world.   

Initially, I was thinking Trump had got the raw deal as the club manager can be sacked then I realised he was the club owner instead.  

My attention is grabbed by a young boy in the team kit running, he's maybe 13.. He's jumping barriers chased by security so I take of after him to see what's up. Follow him threw narrow streets he's fast and I can hover so we lose the security easily and we are walking on what is like a crazy golf/pitch and put green, still in the seaside type town. A park Pavillion is to one side - The boy in the kit has cleared off and I notice a nurse friend of mine chasing a grey-haired couple. I ask her what she's doing and she tells me she just hiding/teasing/playing I wave them all bye-bye.

Get woken here...  

So lol so many dreams I know this is linked too. Also what you told me about Zak, Inak. Ancestors stuff. The links to football and then that thing about baby/babies. Pffff time to Run!! 

Hum, search functions borked again and I can't find the football dreams, there was the one were I was excited about the allfemale match then the one were I was made a reluctant captin of the female team

Wired Nap, Wild to main dream as falling a sleep was still light stumbled into the roundhouse and crashed out fast was having a wired dream when alarm woke me.  I was inside something that felt metal, I wasn't me.  Was like being a err meby a pinball in a metal turbine 😛

Oh the song lyrics...    Like the sacred female/earth/material/planet/ our body....   allways longing allways loving while everyone gazes at the light. 

[Verse 1]
I am longing for your poison
Like a cancer for its prey
Shot an arrow in your harbor
Where you waited in the rain
I am siren, I am ivy
I am no one, I'm nobody
I am longing for your honey
I am longing for your love

And the shot goes
Through my head and back
I can't take it back

[Verse 2]
Lay me down in your ocean
Carry me and my burden
I was dreaming about you, honey
I was hoping you'd save me

And the shot goes
Through my head and back
I can't take it back
My heart cracked
Really loved you bad
Never get you back
And I ache, while you're not here
Feel you aching
Wide awake, while you're not here
I can feel you firing straight into my heart

Through my head and back
I can't take it back
My heart cracked
Really loved you bad
Never get you back

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