Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Cat/Man and a Lost Sock.

26th Jan

Starts more like a memory I don't have.  I'm in a home in a 'high rise' we called it... it's a block of flats (But we thought of it as a high rise) 

Anyhoo  I'm with my brother and we are angry at each other.  Our dad has just beaten us for losing something.  My bro and Dad are black, I didn't see my reflection so not sure about me.   We are poor and live in this 'high rise' in an urban area.  

My Bro and me have been sent out to find what we lost,  (It was a sock I think ) and are fighting over whose fault it was and both blaming each other that we got beaten. 

We are wandering the streets retracing our path looking for our lost item -  It gets wired when we think we see it then it keeps vanishing, another kid is there called 'Ash'   - he's doing magic and tells us to follow the missing things.   We try too. 

Oh a german lady too, with her hubby.  She has on a patterned scarf, blue and embroidered with mits....  like the scarf is folded over and sewn into it's self to male pockets at the ends.  She is nice, grandmotherly. 

A second dream in main dream area.  A panto telling Em she is the obvious director.

Main dream area, seafarers ...  but it's a pub, not a restaurant.   Our boys in Mel's room making a mess


Main dream area Grans.  Bright sunny breezy day on the cliff by the sea, I'm on the grass above the rocks where the school was, but it's all just field. 

In the sky, I see a huge pink and purple butterfly.  It's huge and moves strangely sometimes turning into what looks like a jellyfish.   I ask the person I'm with what its name is, they don't know but tell me to ask the guy in the Icecream trailer, he's a Dr.
I point and ask and he tells me it's named in Latin, none the wiser I follow it into what is like a rotting woodshed/garage.   Filled with old junk and rotting timbers.   The other female and the Dr are with me and I say oops, I didn't mean to chase it into here, it gets stuck and I go over to help it free I spot a cat.

It's an old scruffy black cat, it's injured.  It's been injured a while and is close to death, it's laying on it's back trapped under rotting timbers, on its chest is an open wound, the skin around it is necrotic. It's blind in one eye too - the eye is opaque blue/white. 

I take of my coat to lay the cat on and the dr moves the timbers to free it and we carry it back out into the open.  I'm surprised it's struggling that it has the strength too.   As we lay it down it changes into a man, he's grumpy...  I see his image on the front of a 'forbs' mag??   He's got a tan suit and 80's style hair and watch. 

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