Sunday, 2 April 2017

Arrested At School Dream

First part is my usual group game type dream only this time I'm all 5 people at once or I can just play as one of them.   We are playing against other teams.

Next dream, I'm at a very modern futuristic type of school.  We all have ability's (Teleporting/flying/ESP) ect.   The walls are bright white shiny almost plastic or metal  and corridors and rooms are set in perfectly manicured garden areas (Though the grass/plants are not familiar)

Visual wise it's similar to the Hive collective spaceship dream.  
I'm a student, the lessons are all honing supper power type of skills, there was a large area for plant and genetic experimentation too. .  I'm some what unruly and have been called again to the head of my department this time when I go in there are police waiting too.  I'm informed I'm under arrest and will be moved directly to the secure prison.  This didn't come as a surprise to me.  I was 'handcuffed' fitted with strange sliver arm bracer's they didn't restrict movement Though they could be 'frozen' to lock me in position, they also prevented me from using any 'skill' .

I'm moved to the prison which is also very modern with amazing facility's.  (This is familiar, I remember other dreams where I have smuggled things in to inmates)

I quite like it in the prison, education continues, the pool and library are incredible.  We mainly seem to be there to be segregated from more corruptible people.
I enjoy the challenge of keeping my 'activity's' secrete from the guards.  
I set up a gambling ring in the prison, a game using what look like D&D die, mine is purple/pink and transparent it has 12sides.   I get very rich in this prison from my gambling ring and am loaded at the time I'm released. 

Next dream is a club/party -  Stuart James x partner is the DJ..     On the way home I go via a sheep field to pick magic mushrooms but the ones I find stain my hands and fingers bright purple. 

Last dream was setting up an inflatable pool in a very sunny garden. 

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