Saturday, 15 April 2017

Void Game & Training.

Friday night.  First in the mine craft world I'd been building with the kids, then in my main dreamscape. 

The main dream one was wired, as I was mainly just going round talking to the other DC's  -  It was fascinating, they all had so much going on.  One guy with high blood pressure who'd been elected mayor - a princess who'd been cursed or something and was tied to the dream...  a fox frozen who could only move at the pagan festivals.     A Dr who was training in acupuncture, a girl who was loaded,  2 old women on the bus complaining that they were taking the buss pass away and giving credits.....  lots of building work in the next village, another woman telling me how she washed socks before washing machines. 
I walked along the beach for a few miles,  It wasn't like a dream, it was more like a daytrip.     There wasn't a plot as such I was just going up to people and asking them about themselves.


Playing an epic game, with 2 players left (Though there are others watching who went out at an earlier stage.  The game is 2 factions against each other, neither good or bad... starts as small teams on one side or the other..  I started of small. 
There is me and a male left, the game is huge... so much power at play... it's in a world and effects a world but there is also like a floating game board in the void,  it's set out as points geometricly aligned.   Almost like the flat version of part of the tree of life.   Me and the male are in the void playing but aware of the impact on the planet.    

It's a little chess like there is a move and counter move...  the points control stuff like 'insects/bees for pollination' 'weather systems'  This guy has held the reins of power for ages and doesn't lose.   I'd played the team games but then made a fast power play having little to lose.   It had paid of and the game board is set in my favour with the others who have fallen away now watching.    Me and the male have also seen something the others haven't   at this level of the game it's possible to see a code/key/pattern not apparent to the others.   (It's to do with the layers of illusion, that it's all equal and all nothing) 

The game has stalled and slowed as we reach the conclusion it's inevitable I will win but my competitor is taking his time to teach me his role... he's appeared as a bad guy but has been playing a balance game too that isn't obvious at the ground level.    We enjoy each others company and conversation as we play out the final moves.

Wake briefly and then back to sleep, because I'd won that game I'd been called up for 'witch training'   :P  The teacher at this stage was my Yoga teacher.
In the dream my mother had been a witch and I needed to learn more now.  It was going to be taught in my main dreamscape, astral and on spaceship/stations.   Part of the role was tantric so we would be paired up too.   This part of the dream is set in what seems like a black spaceship or hummm  I duno, it's like a relay station..  we are getting ready to move on and shown the position we needed to be in to get astral.   There was around 6 in the class and we need to be close together in yoga like pose but using each other to balance and interlocked so we all ended up together as we moved.  

Zak yells and wakes me.

Go and see him, back to sleep.

I'm in the same dream, but I've lost the others I'm training with...  I'm in Alnwick but have my kids with me and need to get them to my main dreamscape before I can go back to the class.   I take them to a bus station and check if they can use my return ticket..  they can so I pack them onto the bus and fly ahead of them to check there is someone home.   I land at the outskirts of the village (main dream) it's night I'm aware my Dad is at the harbour (he was fishing again and there were unloading the catch before he could look after my 2 boys) 

I walk into the village and Zak youngest runs up to me, I wonder how he got of the bus..... and if Josh even realises he's lost him.  I head back to the house as Josh will be getting of the bus soon, I find him and send him with Zak down to the house and turn to meet the approaching male. 
He's my height with short brown hair and a long black coat, I instantly know he's the male I've been partnered with for the training and he's come to take me back to the training.   He has a sharp intellect and playful manor that makes him attractive and likeable.  He follows me into the house and meditates to contact the class teacher to let her know we will be joining them shortly.   We are telepathic and I can listen in on the conversation and view the class.

Get woken again... but go back into same dream.   I put the boys to bed in my main dreamscape house and leave as I know my father is walking home.   

I port back to Alnwick to hover over the bus station to observe a wired chase going on :P   It's a bus and a yellow JCB being driven by one of my friends they are going round and round weaving in and out of traffic cones.     I was about to go back to the group when I got woken up again.....  

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