Thursday, 13 April 2017

A book by Gaunt, Hospital and a Sky.

First dream is about story book being written by someone called 'Gaunt' with 2 initials coming first.  I'm in several places at once, I'm inside the book/story  I'm formless in the room where the author is at her desk.  I'm a character or all of the characters in the story... but I'm also 3rd person (I can be all or non of the cast) 

I'm the dreamer and the author communicates with the dreamer as a go between..  so I'm being a go between.  

The book is a bit like the Wiz of oz... there is a path threw a wood in a world... a journey a path to follow.  The hero has come to a clearing and can see the other cast members but they are all in a magical sleep.. something has happened and she needs to re-awake them to continue the story.  

There is a dryad tall faceless and amazing looking a walking tree entity like I used to turn into last summer... to see it in so much detail laying asleep was epic.  

A blue purple Dragon, curled round it's self also a sleep (Another form I can take in dreams sometimes)

A nature warden  -  I've taken this form too, it's more human than the dryad like a fairy or sprite and rides on a mouse :P

A Unicorn (This ones new to me) 

The hero needs to solve a puzzle to wake the other cast members up.

I wake from this dream into my main dreamscape.. I'm on top of the small white wardrobe in the room I had when I was a very small child.   I come down stairs into my main dream home to find a friend Holly clearing out the toy cupboard with a broom.  I chat about the dream with her... there is a radio on with someone talking about not experiencing 'dreams' - I laugh and turn if of with a comment 'what a dick, of course I'm experiencing it :P '    I chat a little more to holly, she's heading to the next house to sweep out there cupboard (even though it's the middle of the night)  I tell her I'm going back to sleep and I'll see her soon....   I go upstairs and go to sleep only I go to sleep to wake up here!!!

Next dream is WW2 period

I'm in a Georgian country manor house (square shaped)  it's beautiful and ornate set in a walled garden but the furniture is gone and it's been converted into a makeshift hospital / rehab facility to cope with returning wounded.   I'm a jr nurse or auxiliary there.

The matron, sister and other female staff are all acting very wired this shift.  One of the elderly female staff is in a massive fuss about getting a pair of pants, and that the ward rounds must be finished early. 

I'm confused by there behaviour I tell her she's wearing pants... she's insistent that I must find her fresh ones, it's very hierarchical with me being a bottom feeder I do as I'm asked...  but I'm trying to work out what's going on. 

As evening approaches there is a power cut the building is plunged into darkness and all of the nurses are clearly excited.   My night visions ok so I creep about the house and realise that it's filled with German soldiers and they have all come to fuck the nurses!    Perplexed I sneek threw the massive hall way clocking fucking couples all lover the place and towards the servants kitchen.

I notice Hitler  and the matron at the top of the stairs looking down on me, I look up at them but non of us speak.  I pull up a sash window and climb out into the night in the walled garden.  It's beautiful outside a summers night, garden is full of roses and moonlight and smells heavenly.   I cross the kitchen garden and climb up and over the garden wall dropping down into the dark woodland beyond and head deeper into the woods....

Vision in the middle of all of my dreams of a hummmmmm 

I thought it was the seed of life, but it was just at the stage of being 3 interlocking bubbles and it was contained inside a cube. 
It looked like wired glass or just light.    It was very pretty... hard to describe/draw as it was floating and moving one inside the other.

Dream about Japanese knot weed and trying to remove it.

Last dream.

Main dreamscape.. 

Lots of renovations, a woman has bought Makays gift shop and is ripping stuff out and painting to re-sell it.    I seem to be collecting lots of girl students from school... they all have gifts for each other and want to leave them in my car (wired cause I don't drive)  I let them, the car is blue. 

Next I go into the hardware shop, they ask me to come and look... it's lovely they have taken out the old stuff and there is a rainbow display of house paints, rainbow fabrics, lights.   It's really bright and colourful.

I come out again and have lost the car and the kids,   I use the keys to unlock it to find it.   the kids get the gifts for each other.   The electric shop has changed into a grafix/art shop... someone sends me 2 metal trays full of the most amazing looking cyber pencils!  They are neon colours amazing like light... but they are expensive I don't have the money atm. 

I remember I need to get sky blue art paint for daughter as she is going to paint a skyscape.   One of the pubs is now a fine art gallery and art supply shop.    As I go in a woman is painting a cityscape onto a massive canvas at high speed... the sky is amazing orange/yellow/red and the buildings are black silhouettes.    Upstairs are tubes of paint, I try out a few..   I want a sky blue as it's for Fay and if she mix's her own hue then runs out she might not be able to get the same colour to match so I test a few to pick on.    While I'm testing them I paint a snow scene with tall conifers and a willow bower covered in snow.   I pick the blue and then a canvass.    The shop is shutting but more people are coming in to look at the art, there are amazing Van-Goch paintings - skys and stars.  When I look out of the window to the east the dream has changed so the sky is painted in oil paints.   It's still wet and I can swirl the blue of the sky.   I wake up.  

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