Saturday, 2 January 2021

Snoopy Dog Smells some Funny Onions

'You know where we are Ren'  I know I just want to feel this a bit longer.


Asia, Nuber 13? 
'You're on the case Ren DW... You need love here'
  I know... I just need to let this go.  'We are still with you'  IKR 😏

I must have fallen asleep...

How the hell is it only 1/4 past midnight?!?!  'Seasons'  ofc, ffs you're impossible.. 'Its why we make a good team'

lol I'd been in some really long mad dream... A star wars one!
Only it's layered like an onion and there are trapdoors between the layers we can slip threw.

I'd just got caught again... We'd met running in opposite directions.
My stupid dog had stopped then run off and I'd had to stop and wait for it and got caught. lol Darth Dad??

He was heading along a similar path and passes us both too laughing!!!


'You never quit bitch, nor do we!'  

I don't even know where to start on my energy bod right now?!?! 

Chill we will help.. lol you told me that before the StarWars dream 🙄  'Yeh that was the help, you get a hug next!'  IMG gonna bite you!  

'I'd expect no less mad mouse' Pfffffff

'Come here'  Grrrrrrr 'Your cute when you're angry'  It's fucking on mate!!

'Sleepy?' No I feel like a prickled onion 'Monster munch?'  lol ass hat!

'I will send you Kaylo, you'll get a scrap when you chill enough to jump'   Humph....

'Hahaha, let Kaylo help'  I'm quite happy being prickly right now.

'I'm sure, but he wants to see you too'  

01.01 Pffff yeh whatever.   'Good Bitch'  Keep pushing, I dare you.

That tickled....  'I'm serenading you with a kazoo'  Want to see how it sounds out your ass or shall I ram it threw your eye?  'Mirror Ren?'  MMmmm I'm sure, I'm unconventional'  'It's why we play'  01.10 sheesh 

'We could fight but I've got a better idea' Fight first then I'll listen to your idea. 'Hunters room bitch, I'll meet you there' OK

Kaylo helps me jump hunter room Inka is standing in front of me with a blue and white enamel plate with an egg on it that he holds out.   I take it, Kaylo is with us too.....   

My right palm?? 'Yeh follow it? Scrap first or wright/write/right?'

I'm awake 'Less spiky too' Humph.... Your lucky I didn't smash that over your head. 'You can chuck the plate at me later'
Holly, Yew, Ivy all evergreen hu? 'Bloody resilient too Ren' lol ffs. 

'Get up' lol Blue?? 'Mmmm, still get up'  

Phaha PC piccy. Douglas Fir like my soul tree.   'Nature don't stop for anything'  lol IKR, Hogmanay?? 'Mmmmm'   2-3rd Jan  Hogmanay?

'I gave you a gift' 

That you came close to having smashed over your stupid head.

'I trust you crazy bitch... DW, I still want to fight' 

First Darth Dad dream...Layerd reality..


Second one  Layerd reality...  

Funny bloody Onions & starwars...  'Go snoopy Bitch'   lol 303... Snoopy is still Scrappy... but mellowing...

Head back to bed feeling calm and chilled.. Then so many recalls, bits of the pattern filling in.

M'El died on train tracks Kings Cross to Edinborough.


My??  'Find the dreams with friends who killed themselves Ren' - You are deep in pattern Re-cog, 'Come to the library too please bring the others'

When I wake again... wired it feels like a tiny heartbeat or a clock inside by my right adrenal (Near Ren)  'In Ren too'  Pfff
The dream, I'd come from blue back out.  

A dream about a book in a room, we'd all experienced it, a friend had asked me to cut off all her hair, I had and then she hated how it felt. 

She was crying and I was holding her as she cried on my shoulder. (Ego/Rapunzel story)  I was telling her it was ok.. wired tangly stuff in a knot.  We were all looking in the book and merging awareness....Something about Jesus and that I'd not liked this entity?  Oh someone had whispered 'bastard' in my head that was  No father??

Then I'd woken with the adrenal sensation.  

I'd gone back to Maliocs house (Jupiter)  Inka (Saturn) and Kaylo (Ego) meet me outside.  Malico met us and my awareness was scattering and merging as soon as I was there, he helped get me to the library.

The unicorn I needed to wake, the train to Scotland 2 large tables in the library now they have a leather inlay surface they are superimposed.

'Come here Ren, Sleep again'   

Gaunt Hospital dream....  The cast to awaken and a WW2  dream with Hitler again & more Holly


My head hurts.. 'Purple Ren, follow the sensations'   Mmmmm ok,  So many!

I wake at 404... The kidney sensation was strongest so I'd followed that one.

I'm seeing a kid on a toy train ride into a tree, it crashes but is too small to climb out. A girl comes to me, worried as the infants not used to crawling. I see a rodent on the floor.

Hummm Ian also had a dream last week he was riding on a train, a toy one and controlling the toy layout too. He'd had a crash.

He'd told me about it as it was strange and vivid. Hummm, his birtchart all mother & trust issues.. Mother land (Body too & Earth)

In this case though Motherland Scotland too - His name and Dad's side of the family.

Oh... The toy track I saw but couldn't touch?  'Later for that one Ren'  ok.

Tangly..  'Keep dreaming'   My other body is on the Red sofa by the fire... It's crowded, I don't see Leon only Kaylo, He is close being my ego awarness the others too we are all merging awarenss to share.

The  stasis this/  We dream we are awake, we dream to wake up

Hummmm????  'Jump Back Ren, Stay now'

M'el she spoke to my Bro that morning before she went on to the track to kill herself, one of the last people she spoke too... I don't know what she said - he didn't tell me.

'The person who screwed with her head Ren wrote something in your book find it'   ..... oh... OH 😲 I met her once after a club, we had a 3some, Dom knew her.   'Yes' I don't recall much about her not her face anyhow 'ffs Ren'  😏  Hahaha  This is so fucking tangled..   'Yep' 

Oh that books, here now.. I realise a book is by my bed.. it wasn't that one but the other one I had, I remember feeling it was jarring at the time and was curious enough to get up and find it. 

That was the image she drew and then she wrote this.

So much of my scrappy crap all over too  (The 3 6 9 on a clock face, but multi D)

Sooo  around year 2k

Only Temporary Aecadence  
I wonder    
sometimes betray former
In life
Now Agree Now

Decadence? Decade Dance?  Ascendance?

'Come back Ren... Follow purple again please'

I head back and fall asleep fast.

Asia dreams & The pool balls - Kaylo.  'Find them tomorrow RenWe need to heal a bit'   Ok 456 I'm woken by a fox outside making a really bloody wired noise!! lol It sounds like it's clucking... lol 'Not Kansas any more 😏' 


'It's ok, just come back'   

I'm in energy... a Taurus but the dots, of the Yin-Yang - Born of each other we die, to begin.

I'm curled into a ball and Inka's energy curled around me said be soft for a while let me be your armour. Bugs hard on outside squishy in the middle Humans the other way round.

The night Dec when we were sharing awareness we had turned inside out.  

In a dream unfamiliar place Zak is running around upstairs in a room playing with Minecraft swords as he loves too.  His feet shaking the ceiling as he dose when he plays alone and I see me like him as a kid I'd play for hrs... but I wasn't really alone. I was listening to Zak charging room to room playing and I know who he's talking too.  😵

'Sleep more Ren'   What? I'd gone back too... The other Andrea? lol she's lived in the house opposite mirror of mine when we were born. I was the first infant to move into the estate it had just been built, she was the second a week or so older.
She moved to AU.
She was in the dream with me the people from the planets and Nills - The little blue boy 😲😵😶 

Horn Cornucopia - Another ME.. I'd been, a dog joined me. lol the tunnels under the dream space! 

I feel sick.. 'Follow that next' lol yeh, why the fuck not 😆

I'd followed that back to the crew in the library they are all around me.  

'It's ok Ren, you can be formless for a while 😏 We got you surrounded!' 💜💜💜 Hahah 

Green now?? 'Haha, Yeh that's love 😜' lol

The track ID.... The New Track!!  lol Rebel

Leia was one of the entities from the Darth Dad Dream.

She disappeared down a hole into a lower reality while I'd got caught waiting for the stupid Dog 😆   The Luke I am your father and the No I am your father... another ME ffs!!   wow, when you said we were screwing with time!!!   lol this is wild!  WILD


'Screwing with time Ren, we all were 😏'  lol  

606 my green is.......

The manifestation in the void space dream?   Errr sure..    Oh, the projection from the skull too!!  Pffff Creative Evolution 😍    It's been Emotional!! 

We made an infinity shaped track!!

Crazy Track's for Crazy Trains and Crazy Architectural DJ  with Pan Pipes

'Chill then DL,You'll need a long run' 😏   Haha no shit!

The deck had been my mothers?   'That should help you find that other dream again'   Ohhh, pffff TY 💜  'YW'

It's 616  'OFC'  I'm shell shocked 😆

Haha done at 919  of to Run!

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