Thursday, 5 November 2020

Creative Evolution

A little bug all curly and round sleeping and dreaming under the ground.
Lost in the web of the places in the time.  Listens with bug senses for the ripples that rhyme.
Hops when it’s warm to the pull of a brother,  then crawling inside them till they are one another.

‘Idiot Bitch, set intention and come’ 

First wake still early pre midnight….. ‘All night to play

I’d been with you guys first ….’Just checking that the rest of you agrees with what YOU agreed too‘ Haha I do?   OFC’  💜

The dream - tricky vibe journeying (Trains in the dark) Was set in the night version of local dream space but there are way more tracks and connections there now.  I was with Marie again (Middle me) We were meeting and escorting people on the journeys (trains) Marie had a small group that had bonded well they were sharing sweets and had left for the station I was aware of being both me and her mainly me though.

I was meeting my group at intersections It was 3 males all slightly passive aggressive with eachother.    They had been game devs/makers very god at what they did but had been superseded and were in employment instead to give talks, teach what they knew.   The 3 were competitive and a little bitter and I was hearing them and learning as I met and journeyed with them.

Then with you guys was a BIG weaving?? ‘Yes’  I recall more journeys lots of people with masks that needed to BREATH something about sheets/layers fabric too.

‘Come bk’ 

WOW… the star card!

I’m experiencing it energetically and symbolically  …I’d been looking for you – you’d been waiting for me….. I could see/feel be….. our groups energy symbolically. 

 💚 was incredible I could see where were going and where we had been no hang ups OR hang downs 😆

‘Haha Ren, exchange flowing’  Energy/info   It’s 0110 😛

Can I come?  ‘Yep little bug come here’ 

Jump in and expand perception O.o  Mmmmmmm    ‘You get to watch the earth dream like it dreams in you’  ‘See?’   Sort of 💜 ‘Symbols and perspectives. Felt ok?’   Amazing!

Oh, a dream too…  Errrrr   the virus/distancing I was standing on a shoreline sunny breezy in the marram grass children playing in a flower meadow behind me.   There was an interview of sorts.. but it was a sharing of perspectives  - They wanted certain people to talk with the children open conversations and sharing.   The conversations would be used to gain perspectives.  I’d been asked to be one of the people that shared conversation/perspective with the kids.

Another dream main dream area, I've taken coloured chalk and on the street drawn the tree of life I’ve printed off coloured tarot images too and left them in places to be found 😋  …. A long exchange with someone mentally to errrr showing?? ‘You were helping to weave them a dream’   WOW!

lol, I was also cleaning in corners… this was very literally cleaning and washing floors ‘Symbols 😉  Elements!!   Also a huge shelf unit, old wood.  There are lots of bottles/jars I was again mentally sharing ‘bases’   I forget the words.. I understood lots though it was about the suspension of the active ingredient.   Oil/Wax/Water acid alkaline – optimal carriers.    I could go into stuff and see the molecular structures.

People using balm/Wax as a barrier around nose/nostrils for something?   DO people do this for hay fever?  Anyhow that. 

What’s the box?  From last night?  Loci said we’d been in a box?  Oh!! Lol the big metal cube? The would you be surprised if I told you it was you???? 😲  Hu??  Inka?  ‘💜 your learning Ren – keep dreaming’ 

Bug in a box? 


Wake again at 303   ‘How do you like being a bug now?’  

WOW SHIT!!!  ‘Could you see how you were rendering that experience real time?’  Yes… but I don’t know how?

‘Perspective, you were split but connected in the different layers’  It was?? Lol  errrr Info, Data exchange  energy and warmth and then imagery overlay… waking me can’t??    ‘Not YET parasite 😉    

I’m REALLY awake :P  ‘Get up for a bit enjoy the night and the quiet… Mind popped?’   lol   yep  ‘Creative evolution’

414  heading bk to Zzzzzz  Oh you told me years back we can’t fit new children into old box’s…  lol ‘Or bugs, for long’

Sleep again.

I’d been like white nerves, mycelium lightning connecting and journeying I was the network connecting… current threw me -  travelling but the journeys are all made at once fast as a lightning flash on/off.

It’s 505  ‘Write/right trust then come close the loop’  hu? I don’t understand, ‘Hahaha You’re still learning’.  😏

I jump back to find Inka he’s in the hunters room and we have forms.  Then it was wired as I could feel a sensation at orange centre, threw green then blue….there and in my body here splitting.. growing until consumed fizzling then the charge threw the white network from before…Hazy dreams then back again in reverse??    😵

Then on waking my whole body felt like it was glowing and tingling and fizzing so much it woke me discombobulated. 

Then I recalled what I’d been doing I’d been jumping into memories and dreams… so so real then firming and manifesting around me more and more solid till I’m there lucid with the smells and feels as if I’m there…   So real.  ‘All time NOW Ren’   Wow… so I’M  connecting with THAT/THERE!! Wow… Dose ME feel ME?  

The one I recall best was a 4 year old me, it was in a small bridal shop was a bridesmaid dress fitting and I’d been sitting on a red narrow staircase with a thick red carpet tuning out the noise of talking and the smells of fabric the plastic coverings on the clothes.  ‘Go back and ask’ 

 It’s shit like that that got you nailed in the floor for so long isn’t it?   😂

‘Maybe, at least you’re keeping up😉  lol  then loads more recalls FUCK Inka it was so bright and WOW!! 

We were playing stupid games….  ‘Yes’  HOW?   Cause there isn’t time Ren not there’  Waking me is very confused….

‘That’s why were doing it, keep you out of trouble today’  Hahaha

The adult boggarts/Imps they joined at the tail to make a star??  ‘Hahah, yes..’  Just read that so that was another ripple/ star?  'OFC'

Hearts tangled in Time…  the Kali recalls?  ‘The symbolic rendering of realities’ 

Ohh  I can follow and emotion back  to it’s energetic creation!  O.o ‘Yes’ SHIT!!   That’s why we were telling you to go into feelings & sensations’  Wowzers…

What do I do to help?  ‘Trust your intent & love.  Fix you and be the best you, you can be… you didn’t come to teach/preach – just play and mirror’    💜   ‘Trust others are exactly where they need to be and see them healing’

That was wired and very fast… ‘You understand?’ Yes, canine reflexes 😉  The subtle fast body language tells pluss very fast instinct, higher flicker rate.  They avoid violence reading the situation real time instinct.   Good bitch’  Grrrrrrrr They still use aggression though 😉   ‘lol as I said Ren you learn fucking fast given the right medium’

Cause we already know… ‘We do’

Wow… can feel it…..The emotions go from a centre threw the entangled memory/experience and then back into heart!!  ‘Heart is the connection to the void framework where we manifest experience isn’t it’   Oh, so the initial energy is love?? 💚

What’s the squiggly symbols writing ‘DW about that for now’  Almost dawn ‘will help with boundaries today’  TY  You’ll stay? I like being possessed 😆  ‘We never minded having parasites either..  Oh lol the snake thing, were I was wondering if we were born with it??  <3 WOW

I forgave parasites years ago.. ‘Yes, you were wondering why they triggered you’  lol all the dreams pulling them from me for people to study!! The snake inside too....

lol the Tick with a Sun on my tummy??   Find it 😉    My Brain is fried..   ‘Yep we got you, let us think for a bit’

Hahahah  who needs a diary 😉  ‘You always knew this shit was being taken from within Ren’   lol  Yeh ‘Don’t get to IMPatient though 😈’   


Oh  so the Boggart dream…   The emotions can lead us to any entangled event past/future even if we remeber it or not!!!  Nod  Oh…  so the balance/Karma is that when we are no longer triggered in a game world we wrap up and stop experience there? 

Is that the errrrr samsara or something?  Look it up
lol  Web!  Insects, Trees, Frogs 😏   ]

Haha that last bit about Maya... The dream where I met Maya she had a lovely garden and I wanted to go in and play but my bro didn't...    Hahahah 😆😆

2010? I was seeing an overview of ancient sights and shown that they each had a piece missing, but there was great excitement as they coming back soon.

Then I met a lady called Maya, a mum who had lots of young children, she wanted to share a big house with me.

But my brother was scared it was a cult..... he wanted to defend against it and brought guards and soldiers to her house.

I met her husband there who was an old tribal man with a lip disk, and he just told me just 'to love' ;D

Ohhhh lol from 2010 too

Oct 15 2010

Last night I was in a huge oak tree. I was crawling from the outer most branches in to the trunk, then back out again.
In my way were lots of webs, thick spider webs... they didn't bother me but they made the gowing tough. I was doing something to do with acorns, and food. taking them to and fro.

It was similar to the up and down with food from a garden.

I feel they represent the journy my shuttle makes to my higerself/sorce and back to me again.

2nd dream was at first, watching someone in 3rd person. She was young and had lost her family.... she was alone, but full of love.
She had a brother and partner she adored and lots of guides.
Later on in the dream I joined the person so it was me.
I was at a party the intensity of light kept changing so I could fade in and out. I was told it's not time yet and had to stay at the party.
I could see people scared, but couldn't see what they were afraid off. It was like it was on a diffrent frequency to me.
If I lowered myself I could see outlines of fighting.

So, if I knew and know this...what are we up too??   'Should have listend years ago and Ren.... you'er finding out exactly what your up too 😂  '  I did try and kept getting told not time!!
Oh, the contract and agreements?  GM's  'Perhaps'  ffs...   😆   Humility?? 'That too 😈... Go Dharma Witch, we can play later'  Oh   I wanted to go again??? 
'We can show you Ren, it's way easier than you trying to work it out, at least this time your teaming & Listning' 😆 

Oh,  Just looked at the Moon card... the Beatle Scrab thingy.. The BUG!  ...

lol you told me yesterday...

'You can see why your anoying right?'   We are dreaming threw the deck fast!

lol  So the Moon card... Oh the witch Training...  I was taken for after the void game....   Then there was the dog/Anubis teacher in astral the day after!!   

Oooo The deck of cards that my Bro nicked for my Birth-day when we were kids.  👀

'Witch/Bitch/Ren/Parasite 😆  I've told you I know the Score'   Oh, Karma, Balance, Credits and score music/tracks!!   Pfffff   I'm done.  'You wish 😏' 

Hahah  Ok.... I only meant for about 2mins till I start wondering how the fuck this works .....  lol you told me then we were writing a book.    This shit has been going back years...   Ren.. on the Re-Ed station is future me who stays competative?  'The games still on dreamer'   😏

Please tell me Moons going to be easier than Tower 😆... 'Probably if you remeber to play nicely'

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