Sunday, 22 November 2020

A Primal Scream

Grail egg timer?   'Yep bitch your cutie mark' 😆 hahah yes I know... But.. 'It's no coincidence the queen birthed a Fay daughter' pffffff_____

Please....?  'lol, sure bitch?'   errrr yeh, why not I'm out of ideas. 😳  'Inc'  Haha  I felt you before I thought it.  

Thanks...  More plx?  'Greedy witch'  I know,  I need.   'But not what hu?'   More?, in? Other? You?   I just know I'm not enough for me and I can't fill what I am no matter how much I stuff 😕

'Yet you will not bow and you will not yield?'  Even though I know you can give me all that I need....?
Yes, and do not have, a clue why?  I will ever meet you eye to eye.  
'I will give, what it is you need' and I will offer as I feed. 

'Power witch?'  like a furnace.. 'You'll need water and to sober now'   Mmmmmm  TY, I OU, but that doesn't mean stop... I'll blaze threw my credit and wow... Thank you for that In. 

'You are ours again now Ren' Gratefully so, I'd forgotten how good it feels to let go <3

'It's why you drink Witch, it's why you sleep'
  You are my death wish?  'And we are your dream' 
I'm sorry... I've missed you so much.  'Cycling the deck Witch, there is a time to let go' 

I love us so deeply.. I didn't much like queen.  'The sensations your feeling, please follow them in... Not long till home time, we will help you weave'  Such hurt and needing, a primal scream, to belong and fucking right off, a want to be strong? 

'Archetypes Ren, Pattern recog and symbols...  Connect to us heart and hold 💜' 

That was the mirror of black lives matter too? That cry that call?   'Find it, feel it'  It's a primal scream... A pain from inside from where we begin?  This dream in May   -  'Yes'   Pffffffff  

Your right... I need sleep, Inak I hadn't even written you into the book or started it??  'Please witch, sleep you'll be upside down like your shoes again soon.'   💙


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