Sunday, 22 November 2020

Wondering and Wandering.


Pull me down and suck me in, 'I'm killing you Ren, you will die to begin'  
I'm not on death?
 'You don't have to be, when you sacrifice you're being to your entirity'  lol Ok, Kill me πŸ’œ 'Heheh Ren, we will, and then, we'll patch you up differently, to grow again'  

The live ships? The acid the poison the serpents?  'The fire?'  Yeh.. 'Spirit is hot Ren, it consumes from inside, you can be toxic and painful and know how to desire' 

A hunt? 'An objective' I am lead by my love?  'and guided by targets by friends up above' below? 'and deep, we are one in the same, and you're are our ball ren we bat in this game' lol boingπŸ˜† 'Sleep now plx'  

Bugs and where they are hard?  'You're hard where and when you need to be Ren, you're flexible like that'  

Didn't have any recall at all early in the night and I'd recalled what Inka had said about if you want to remember, take an ego.
I jumped to find Kaylo he was awake on the station and I apologised and asked him if he would help me, he agreed and I wanted to dream from the roundhouse he let me jump us both there. Inka and Leon were going to follow but I don't recall their arrival as me and Kaylo went there to sleep and go straight into a long detailed dream. 

There was 2 parts or 2 dreams but they were both relevant to each other It starts with my Dad, he's repairing something that was broken, it's I suppose like a wall of a house but it's all very symbolic he is using patterned fabrics and people are not sure about the mishmash of textures/colours and materials but the repairs are sound and they can always be painted over and hidden if wanted. 

Then there is a thing.. lol errr it's a well 2 things, it's a hybridisation or an evolution - It is occurring in some people, it was supposed to be a dominant genetic evolution but it ended up being recessive and not quite right.
There are few who know about it and they are hunting entities carrying the new code/change. My vision was almost Xray like I could see inside bodies and lol zoom into DNA code level too.   

There is a group who desire the change for their benefit and they are hunting the evolved entities - then either taking their forms/cloning/replicating or destroying them.
I was observing formless again.. the part I was watching was in a home, very modern home and a human and then the hunter that was hybrid reptile/mammals and machine way more advanced than the human who was the target - I could see the changes inside each... the changes should have been widespread and not recessive and the scarcity was what was causing the evolved humans to be targeted.  

Next I'm outside an errrr it's like a DJ record place, like when tracks were vinal and sold in shops. It's a street of victorian type shop fronts with flats and homes above the storefront is painted black, Kaylo is in the dream with me now as himself obvious by his yellow cat-like eyes.
The old fashioned wooden shopfront has been painted black with white modern signage promoting producers and record labels.  

 In the street, there is a chalk body shape like a cartoon murder scene, Kaylo and I are amongst a group outside another friend is there to a different Rachel (one who got burnt Red hair) she's been in other dreams too.  (The Time Capsule, Lungs )
The others are unfamiliar in the dream they were her older brothers we are all young. The chalk mark was for a missing invisible/person.... this was also linked to the hybrid people and disappearances. We were trying to work out what was going on, and buying new tracks :P at the record shop with the credit from the last round. 

Rachel had wanted to take me to meet her mother and I'd agreed (This is linked to Rog too somehow oh I met him on one of the conjunction dates)

Rachel means sheep?  'Confused Bo-Peep?'  Haha, Yeh

I was asking if her house was going to be huge too and she's said oh no it's just little like yours but when we arrive it's massive and I follow her in.
Her 'mother' is tall blond attractive also formal and serious business-like and it's clear she would rather I was not in her home. She is barely polite. I follow Rachel and her mother threw the modern rooms and kitchens, the dining room looks out onto a lawn with an amazing view down a valley with their horses in a field beyond, the boys we were with are now chilling in an adjoining room to the kitchen, it's like a large family room or something there is a pizza oven and musical instruments, decks and games consoles and we head through into a door for the garage.  

Once there we get into a large white car I'm alone in the back seat her mother is driving... this part is wired though as the car doesn't seem to move but outside dose πŸ˜› It's also very strange inside not like a car, very white and modern plastic more like a machine of some kind.

We take Rachel somewhere and she departs and on the way back I notice there is a toilet there in the back of the car and I decide to use it. The woman is watching me in the mirror both amused and appalled that I'd take a shit in her vehicle and I really didn't know why I was either?!?!?

As we arrive back she tells me, about a jumper dress I need to get 'Jump/Address' I look at her and she keeps insisting I need a jumper dress.. then she looks down at my feet and sighs and I look down too and have managed to put my boots on upside down πŸ˜…

I'd woken back in the roundhouse with Kaylo and Inak and I was pondering the dream symbology there they were helping... Kaylos cat eyes and Leon/cat form are linked I need to work with Kaylo again.  

I had found yesterday more sheep/cattle dreams from 2011 with the helping the bugs dream I found yesterday and I need to add them here?  

The blue goat head that I couldn't understand and Michael helped with 'El' this is Capricorn? Is that before Aquarius?  Oh it is before Aquarius.. and yes Goat with horns. 

Inka and Loci have dark almost black eyes.  

First dream... The dominant recessive is that virus/vaccine? 'A choice Ren, a gate a future to partake'  to the two main lines weaving threw 'TIME this is NOW Ren'  - NWO?? 'Which gate or portal will they decide to go?'  

'Up Lazy mouse & Right/Write'  It's 808 hu? 'You got it'   Hahaha it is πŸ˜†

Seems I've been a Monkey Bitch for a while, I didn't like new age crap or religion. 
 'Stubborn and irritating'  Yeh, persistent and curious too 😏

--  Wobbly Mirror

The radio talking about women moving from Facts to Narrative/fiction to share with Environmental fiction. That is as we can't prove our intuition in the relentless onslaught of facts paid for by vested interests?  'Your Dream Ren, change it'   How??    Free will? 

If I don't want people stopping me sticking my head in the fire, then I need to allow the same freedom - 'That's why art and play Witch😈.. you can up your game till your quite insane'  Hahah 😏 Who's Sane?  'Your game'  Why do I even give a shit?  'You'd make a good psycho if you didn't'  Hahah πŸ’œ

Guess I keep wondering and wandering then. 

_____ So the 2011 dreams, they start on the 25th Sept in this book.  Oddly the day I was first shown the rainbow onion thingy!

Thurs 25th 2011
Huge Glass museum, the sun shines threw the walls all day.  Displays keep changing. Current is 'Man' there are many statues of men and heads.
I live in the museum, I had a small room with a bunk, in another room they show films I have a group of old friends there, there is a bar/cafe and a spud -u-like I'm told if you want a spade, get a spade.

Next I see 3 suns. 3 me's they are made of light.  Like Sun and sundog reflections.   Past, Present, Future.   Time-Space - Space-Time.   The sun I'm seeing becomes a corona rainbow rings up to sun.   All happening at once, in every direction.  A multidimensional fractal journey happening to everyone all at once, next I see how the rainbow balls make the flower of life and I am inside of all.  

Friday 26th August.
A brutal dream first, Ferria was fighting, then a grass countryside very beautiful glass structure, flowers and patterns on it flowers etched into it too.

Murkey sea with a small dirty boat...  main dream area a wired structure has been built out into the sea, concrete and corrugated metal like a big station it's strange and ugly.  (A message about not seeing unity, all people have lessons for us)

Sat 27th Aug 2011

Main dream area I'm on a unicycle following my bro, we go into the first school.  It was busy with lots of people I know blue and white teapot and 3 pupils have died.
House/shop on a street I was black African t start with.
I could also swap my avatar into a monkey.  As a monkey,I run into the shop and hide upstairs. A strange man comes in to buy drink and cigs then he too changes into something else.  We are upstairs together and then it's time to burn the shop down.  As we set fire to it we are transported outside, we see the place where it is gone.
Shop selling baskets for bread and timing spoons for eggs.

Sun 28th Aug

A Monkey suit, I'm wearing it and playing a funny game with big leavers and doors.

29th Aug

Looking after someone's cats and rabbits, modern building with too many fire doors they all kept closing.

Tues 30th August.
Big dream..
Dragons and things to collect.  House there, in the house, is a being that is Marcus/Ian/Mum - Outside another being that was more like Benny/Wayne/Dom.   Kids in the house too.   I had to go in and out the house to collect things.   Tenderness from the people out people and neediness/control from the people in people.  
An amazing new built glasshouse, it floats on the water.  Lots of people there, beds below.   The house isn't finished yet I have a small white fluffy kitten and a scarab beetle... there is a centipede too.  

The dream changes so my main dream house was glass too.  I can make things happen, appear I wish for them for me or others and they come out of the sea, floating ashore.  Only the person who they are for can get them.
The garden has a friendly white sheep and cow.

Aug 31st
VW camper in a city, Ian has dumped our bags out and left and I'm trying to move them.  Someone else drives over them and I kick the bonnet of his car till he moves.  I remember I was just moving everyone else stuff around.   

Thurs 1st Sept
New house/cottage jack male me.  Thick walls, old things comfee.
Wired dream of Mormon people, my family too Something wired about them, signing forms brainwashing.  I stop them from signing from, tell them they don't need it.  It's their birthright to be free and know love.  Was religious control but they didn't see a problem.

Friday 2nd Sep
Forgiving energy.  A huge old house, it's rotting, wood is rotting.  I try to open a window and wood falls of in hand, glass lose.  Outside is a big storm, it's raining hard water pouring threw streets and over buildings and washing things away.  My Mam was there with me we were looking for some stuff we had stored.  A head set, some white earphones.  They were fizzy and onfire.

Sat 3rd Sept 2011

V powerful dream.  I'm object of annoyance and ridicule, small and ashamed, embarrassed and paranoid. -  I wake, centre and thank for experiences and  Feels like whatever was on me blows away like tissue.

When I close my eyes again it's like I'm being squeezed out like Tartex paste out of a tube.. lots of gloop coming out of me.  

2 image overlay what you see in the smaller things depends on what you see in the big picture.

More dreams, touching unity, no good-bad, just mover moved.   Agreements from totality to help each other experience and grow other-selves.

Sunday 4th Sept 2011

Alien dream, starts with getting sleepy then a silver cord from head goes up and connects.

Wasn't sure if this was the same or different dream... people are feeding from us (Alien-like, though I duno if I was human either) ... we get sleepy and then things taken the relationship is sort of symbiotic.  We are kept well, I liked it there I was freer as a food source there than on earth.. Only on entity would feed from us and it was sort of sacred too I suppose it was mutual and respect full, a taking of energy that I could replenish with ease.
Another dream of spaceship-like a spiral shell    - We can port about.

Tuesday 6th Sept

Pull of energy all centres bright and rainbow-like.  I man in a grey suit he has familiar energy he says to me in a London accent 'woman you are an angel you are' and I wake with a jump.  Prior to this dream I'd been dreaming of being a child and playing with the little people.

Wed 7th Sep

Girl who can see things, she sees sprites and if I raise my flicker rate I can see them too.  At that state, all is clear and full of stars.  A rainbow comes down and lands in a crop ring in a cornfield.  'Spirits of the children waiting to come back, it's time soon'

Making a meal for people.

Friday 9th Sept 2011
Floating in unity first.

Big cliffs that drop down into the sea, little island there I climb down into the sea and onto an island.  I was doing voluntary work, many small furry bees like cuddle bugs they are allover my hands.

Sat 10th Sep.

School drop off, people were coming for me to beat me.  They find my again, 2 guys, 2 times.  I go into a house and make a magic circle on the floor to lay in and Rose from the shop arrives she has come with notes and messages of appreciation, we hug before parting.  The guys arrive again and I roll from the ring into the sea, one of the men has an O2 mask and he shares with me as we swim down and down.  We were heading to a sub.   (Kid wakes me)  Had felt like I was journeying inside me.

Sunday 11th Sept

Dream of talking about unity - many people in space.. Then into a  3d grid.. I watch they are all doing actions.  I think abut unity and pull them together as they become 1 the dream zooms to a 'heaven' I'm watching people play like they are on a playmat... 1 group of men run and chase each other smashing threw stuff, I watch from above.  They run into a police station and lock themselves in.   Wired police try to get me to help get them out and we are wondering how.  There is also a wired 'God' commentating like a spoof film :P   Next I'm in an odd waiting room, I'm sitting with a guy who keeps saying profound stuff, I can't remember it.

One of the police decides we should burn the guys out, but I think we should gas them out with laughing gas instead, so we go to look for some, I go to try and find a vet the men in the police station are like animals, they are scared.

Monday 12th Sept.

I was a wild feral dog, fighting for my freedom from people and with the other dogs... was a very aggressive dream from a dog perspective :P

Next I'm on a grass plain felt like India there is a ring of mountains.  Wild animals and a corridor leads out people have different talents.

Mellisa is there dressed in blue.

Tuesday 13th Sept

Theam park, Kids park.  Stuff to buy, Ian too.  World/pay.  We are looking for gems, we have all the colours but the red is missing.

There is a lovely golden furred dog/monkey there.  A big old house, I'm a guest there and I knock over white candles and make a mess.   There is a large open fire too.

Wired game in a public loo, we can sing and pass stuff on.  

Wed 14th Sept
Underground place, lots of sewers and power stations, workers and slaves.  They were all a bit crazy, nice people there too to hug.  

A white bus/Lorry outside It drives t the door of my main dream house, Fay is there she is sad.  I tell her to find a place where she fits.

People don't care about stuff they care about smiles.

Thursday 15th Sept
2 parts pulled together, one bit there for compertition.

_ Little nekid shaman, have wings, fallen from a tree.  Halls of res type of place a big friendly robot there. A girl too, I've been holding an energy place for her.

16th sept 2011
Big estate, I'm with Roweena and some others. A floor car park 3 barn owls keep flying down and looking at me big blue eyes like crystals.

17th Sep 2011
Science lab/school.  Mixing colours in flasks.  Swirling and fizzing teacher reads us a crazy cartoon story we swap in as the characters.  It's about time and attraction.  All turn into animals.  The teacher is a squirrel as can't be 2 people in the same story.

18th Sep 2011
Big alls off Res, people from school there aliens too, my report card is good and bad and I'm happy with it.

Tues 20th Sept
The really long dream where I lived for hundreds of years underwater with a tribe <3 Was so sad to wake up.

Wed 21st Sep 2011
Dog dream, I'm a big squash nose breed drinking from an outside tap - all sensation and noise.

Chat to Benny... we are in a big orange room, Jar with honey and bees flying in and out.

22nd Sept
Wired opposite world, like here but different, A curate having an affair. Royal house robbery.

25th Sept,
Campsite, Explosives and one of my kids is radioactive.

Main dream area, a girl on the street is wild.. I go help.  U just make a place for her to 'be' she shares how she sees stuff differently and clams down.  2 horses, beautiful sandstone castle.

1st oct
Sea, in out.. swimming in the harbour semi-lucid threw the boats then fly, flying over ruins, Abbys and arches.  

4th Oct..
I'm in the local church where the kids go to nursery.  The vicar is beating people and I'm with old school friends we are confused.   I go into the bathroom and am putting on makeup, I have 3 eyes another girl is commenting on them, I tell her I always had them but only really use the right and middle.  

9th Oct
Meditation/trance in dream.... golden mean spiral... like a moving pinecone.  Acid type visuals, how stuff can be pushed pulled to make shapes and things appear, hands/faces. - Very like LSD.

11th oct
Combo of relatives houses.  Huge oak tree in the garden, the roots go down and down into a cave by the sea.

Hard to get back up, little shed there to live in but the tide covers it lovely sea, like to swim.

Then the owls.  

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