Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Real, Media is Persistent, Intriguing and Persuasive

When there is little else that you can be,

when a day frays out too far to see,

and the night is lapping at the edge of mind,

and your dreaming is ready to take a ride, 

on the boat of your being, away from this life,

to explore the ocean and the tides of time

and land in a harbour of another kind.

'House Ren, we have an engagement' Yeh...'No Ren, Kaylo is not going to thank you for this we did warn you' - I'm coming.

I jump with Kaylo to Illeth.

Illeth?  'Yes, of course, I will help, don't feel sad Ren, you are a warrior and a hunter, as much as you are a geneticist and queen. You ask much of a person before they earn your trust and respect'  but I know Leon, he's been teaching me for years.  'You also know there is much you don't know Ren, you know that you recall no or few lives outside of his teacher role, but you are aware you must have them'   Mmmmm

'You also know there is a friction and a tension, your approach is one of a preditor and equal Ren, you approach him eye to eye ๐Ÿงก' Thanks.  


Dream.. I'm dreaming of a person on a team, it's not me or I didn't feel it was. I'm just awareness observing again.
It is a book review something about now and 2012, how they are linking, patterns and energy. She is talking about being vegan and a male she is paired with that is wrong and non-optimal.

I'd also been inside energy flows, 2 sets of 2 so 4.  

I was all 4 flows but only experiencing 2. I'd been consulted about a schedule? The flows felt like raw power, like energy current. The flow I was in didn't feel like home to me and I didn't like it much. I was just holding it for someone.

The people in the other flows were surprised I was there, and I tell them I'm not there for long just holding it for now. It was Inkas 'Air' flow, I prefer Fire or spirit.  

Wake at 212

Main dream area, white squares again... Oh these are gameboard?!! That's why I used them in my dreams for games/roles/hearings. 'Yes Ren'  

People were annoyed with me again.. Oh I'd accidentally knocked something over it was a big wired pile/tower of stuff, some bits had cracked and smashed.. mugs and teapots... This dream was longer too, a strange white space, odd rooms, corridors lessons and conversations a class was nearly over and most people leaving.

'It's 333 Ren, come bk to sleep'..... Mmmmm 'You want to fight Ren' I know.

Head bk to bed n sleep. Jump to house and Malico he joins my awareness and avatar - huge energy, kundalini direct/linear it woke me back up fizzing. Go bk to sleep, this time we go together to the library room that is in the building where I know Leon is, as we enter he tells me 'just don't try to burn the books and we'll be fine' ๐Ÿ˜

The library is as it was here, It's like a stately home in keeping with the rest of the building, large dark wood shelves filled with books only we are in front of a large fireplace. It's stone and wide with a bright hot fire burning the room is intoxicatingly warm.

My focus was mainly the fire area and Leon but the rest of the room was lit with only oil lamps or candles.   There is a red velvet sofa/chair thing antique style and a with dark wood carved legs, it's a similar style to the large one in the massive bedroom, a small round polished table is next to Leon where he stands in front of the fire.

I tell Leon I want to dream share Malico joins with me again merging awareness and avatar into one

Leon presses us down into the chair as he doses I'm instantly lost formless as part of a rainbow explosion like a cloud of smoke in many iridescent metallic colours, I'm an observer of the explosion too... and then I'm floating with cubes of rainbow metal. It's startling and vast detailed and stunning.

When I come back Leon is in front of me with a fancy
elaborate looking glass he tells me to drink and I look at him confused ๐Ÿ˜ฌ he confirms that it is blood and I say sacrasticly,...  of course it is, why wouldn't it be ๐Ÿ‘€... , rolling my eyes confused. 
'It's symbolic Ren drink, you have already bitten me, mouse, this time it's freely offered'
I look sceptical but he's not going to let it go so I dip my finger in and try some...  

I'd woken slightly at the wired sensation, 'Back Ren, and stay, you will have the recall if you want it' I feel orange... 'You will feel all, come back now' 

____ Dreams

In the first, I'd been in a wheelchair in a narrow sandstone alleyway the stone was smooth and big green with moss-like the sun didn't ever reach there.

The passage was getting narrower and narrower until the chair jammed and I had to get up and walk.    

An ancient church on a steep hill, I feel it's Cornwall or Penzance? It's dusk and the sky is filled with corvids, rooks or crows that roost there. It's cold and the birds look big in contrast to the grey/blue sky. It felt like another time I was walking up to the church but taking a spiralling path up and round and round and up. 

Wake at 515...
Real media is persistent, intriguing and what was the other word?
'Persuasive Ren'
Ah TY. Real, Media is Persistent, Intriguing and Persuasive.

I'd been told that as I was waking.

The dreams I'd been in... In one I'm a child again I'm at my nana's house and I've hopped over the wall into the graveyard where Lewis Carrol also played.

An unfamiliar town too, 2 houses I'm considering purchasing and showing to my bro, one tall one small.. A dog with too many balls in it's mouth, it's a golden retriever with 3 balls. 

In the town is 'The tallest building' It had many storeys and stuck on the outside a massive Ferris wheel there was a busy and popular Chinese restaurant at the top too..At the top outside the restaurant is like a theatre foyer where you could access the wheel ride from, and a ringmaster town Cryer character.

Fat, jolly and larger than life in a red suit - He had an assistant to an older female in a pinky/lavender silk gown, they prepare people for the ride. People visit for amazing views.

Another busy road but it narrows at one point to a single doorway where people have to make way for each other.  

You told me you were teaching me magic?  'I still am Ren, sleep'  You had punched me I was bleeding... you mixed my tears with the blood and licked them, then me too? 'Symbols Ren, All symbolic'  

This is still the lab workup too hu?  'Naturally - Now sleep please unless you want me to punch you again' lol ok...  ๐Ÿ™„

The dog with the 3 balls, it's greed is making it ineffective?  'As is yours Ren. Return now'  It was also rendering it harmless it was less able to bite with its mouth full.  

'You're a good student when you apply yourself now, here now before we need to repeat the Ritual'  Ritual? 'look it up tomorrow... Here unless you want me angry too' This is why occult is hidden?  
'It couldn't be more in peoples faces for those with eyes to see, now unless you need for me to remove one of yours again - here NOW'  
    Yeh ok.

The building with the wheel.. this the Celtic Cross? Both chakra systems? wider perspective?
'You really have no clue when to back down ehy?'    errrrrr when it's fucked I think Inka told me.  'Ren, you really are a fool'    IRK....๐Ÿ˜ I will come, I just want to remember too.  'I'm not putting us both threw this for you to forget Ren, our teaching is unconventional and your lab work up incomplete so return NOW'   OMW...... 

I'd jumped to Malico again first to join with him I thank him too, he told me I was welcome and he enjoyed the contrast of my emotions, reflexes and curiosity.

I was already starting to dream before I got bk to Leon but he calls and I jump Malicos being with mine.
He hit me as soon as I materialised I think as I remember motion and then a dream... but then my awareness was pulled right back as Leon had rubbed salt into the wound... I open my eyes to see him put a bowl of salt back on the table by the fire 'All symbols Ren, pay attention... your splitting' Then I was startled back awake by the noise of machinegun fire in somewhere I was splitting too. 

I fell straight back to sleep.

'See how your flexibility is your strength, Ren?' I see a clock face with no pointers a triangle has been drawn in chalk connecting 3,6,9.

Upside down triangle?  'and so much more Ren'  You had attacked me 'I beat you senseless ๐Ÿ˜' 
I'd told you not child me... 
 'She was us too, always has been. The nightmares as a child, all the tracks/trains'  Help me understand that plx?  'Come'  Why did she want to see? 'One arrow now Ren, you are shooting yourself in the mirror'  Hard to recall, 'Sleep dreaming mouse, we will help you recall that you are all' 

I'd woken again, leaves fallen leaves then I recalled the dream with votes on leaves and washing them with milk?

Also clearing the leaves to dance 

The milk? salt? There had been much more 'Tomorrow Ren, look it up, split here now and write/right'   Malico leaves Ren and she leans on him as they sit together on the sofa I'm above too just observing all the room and splitting. 

The leaves, Ogham, Cycles, time, months, days, women... the Celtic cross? The god people kneel to is not what they think hu?

'It's like us a mirror Ren, we will show what we need to see and teach us lessons on how to be'
   lol I'm wired then ๐Ÿ˜† 'Naturally, lil mouse' ๐Ÿ’œ  'See the geometry in the dots, Ren?'    Mmmmmm, the loci, then the interplay of curve and line to create. Thank you, and sorry 'No problem mouse, you are what you are. We will patch Ren back together yet again'  Hahahaha 

Donnat shoved it threw the door too.   Can you show me milk plx too.  


'Stop thinking Ren feel and let the thoughts play.  You can linier or logic from upside down.  Clear your mind and love'


'Yes the clock face 3,6,9 MultiD  it Ren...   not flat land'๐Ÿ˜† hahaha

I need to sort this from base 12??  'You do' know you have a heart when its breaking ๐Ÿ˜ฅ... 'DW witch, its as resilient as you are.  Anyhow its my heart so pack it in'.   Lol ๐Ÿ’œ Inka


'Dream with it Ren' the bracelet?  Yes..  oh the timing too I was pondering the church dream and my mam squashing me under the alter... The control of the intuition/creativity/  - WOW another Hanged Man!!! Also IYY?  'Give it time Ren, your listning this time we unpack'

I'd got back after a run to a message from a cousin who wants to send me my fairy god mums jewellery box and the families christening robe..  We were all christened in that same church next to the house.  Lewis Carrol connection.  

The speaking Demonic to me, train crash derailment.. our family worked on the first railway lines ever...

'Wormwood ๐Ÿ˜ˆ'  Haha Inka.. 'Didn't christen your kids did you pagan Witch?'  Haha, I might have forgiven Christianity but not that much...      ๐Ÿ‘€ More Lewis Carrol, More Church 'More symbols & Pattern Recognition Ren... weave and work it, please. You are working DNA & Time patterns' 

Oh it was when I forgave Christianity, that, my dreams started back up.  'Yeh, can't have a crazy Witch with a vendetta ๐Ÿ˜ˆ'  Hahaha

This is all to do with why Leon triggers me too?   'OFC Ren, DNA recall - back n forth' Come bk soon plx Inka.... 

'You are with us, for now, Ren, working out your triggers to religion & controll'   'We also know you and read your Mind Ren........'    Pffffffff  

Nap I jumped to Leon We chatted infront of the fire but it's very hazy...  Woke to this song.

Wow guys!!

So the posts on media... then errrrr Inka said 'Seeds, Witch Seeds.........'  Then I remembered I have bombs too! I was meant to let them go for max effect?? 

'Loops Ren, have fun... We will squash you or jump you when needed'   ๐Ÿ˜ฒ  Is that like a joker card?  


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