Friday, 27 November 2020

What do I see?

Why was so much yellow?  'Power Ren you were embodying and receiving us'  Not crown?   'Celtic for you pagan witch ;)'  Ah...  'Yeh, you feel it shoulders and back too' 'Fuck off then Ren, your energy body is on fire atm'

Haha I feel it.  

Errrrr guys?  'Symbols Ren, write them and back'  I'd jumped and joined awareness with Kalyo again made my astral body tremble and shake again a little like yesterday nap when it was down one side but this was all over. It didn't wake me back up. Malico leads us to the library and back, I'd asked him to, as I wanted to flee, Hunt Inka and run wild but I'd promised. My conflict was causing me to split so was mainly outside of Rens form as they head back... at first, Ren was different, meek and small, confused she asks why?  'That was Kaylos humility'   Oh πŸ‘€ Leon cuts both their palms and Malico does a handfasting of sorts so the blood mingle the surprise and pain in the hand made me join Ren again trying to find out what was going on... blood was dripping onto the rug too.... 

I don't recall anything after that other than I'd been dreaming?? 'Sleep again Ren' The dreams had all been sensation only? 'Yes, now please' 

-- lol

Wake again a MASSIVE ship & game.. I'd started the game on a raft on rapids as I'd gone further I'd been pulled to a huge ship 'vessel πŸ˜†' I was having to help pilot it and I'm shit... lol really freaking bad, I can't get my head around the fact it turns the wrong way. 

Others are helping, 3 of us are in charge of the movement. We manage to get it out of the harbour then threw strange channels then we had to take it across the land too, there is an achievement for not sqwashing people which we only just manage.

At the other end, we were of our big ship but another was following..., someone else had managed to squash a Mr whippy and his icecream van and the kids were sad.  

At the other end is parasites, I'd just managed to get one of me out of me. It's like a black hairy tubey catapilla worm on each end is a bit a little like a seahorse and it's looking for a new host.

I knew how sticky and tricky it is, it also pulls in 2 when you try and get it off so it multiplies exponentially if you're not careful. We are trying to get it off and have I flicked both halves on the floor where it's wiggling about looking for body heat.  

Both bits are heading for me and I'm trying to avoid both bits while everyone else (Loci, Kaylo & Leon and more) is laughing at me getting increasingly freaked out. lol Guys!!

'πŸ’š Ren you're an idiot' 😁 Before that there had been a dream of talking/speaking channelling or something and people asking me if I know... why not share... It was to do with free will, humility and not being an asshole πŸ˜› We had musical instruments too, lol I had a tiny violin one normal one electric. 

Midnight... 'dream more mouse' lol Leon, I don't think I like your dreams much 'Tough Shit Ren, you like sleeping and this is your lab work up πŸ˜‰' Great......

Trak ID... I've allwasy know there was a diffrent way of life'

'Now Ren, come back'  

Wow.. that was a totally different type of dream I was in a sort of errr hell realm but it's a pen and ink drawing style like being inside a bit of art! Symbols in the image too making it, it was beautiful and twisted in it's own way... as I walk threw the black ink landscape I notice a small cave with a crack of light or actually, the cave is barred by light like errrr like fluorescent tube lighting or lasers it's the only source of light and I go to have a look, I peer down into the crack and there are shaped like humanoid shapes but, featureless and white smooth I rip the drawing paper of the world making the gap larger and there are hundreds of these white featureless human blob shapes below, I break the bars made of light and then wake.   

'Bk again Ren'  

The last dream was long, a bus journey we were arriving back at my main dream area on a strange modern bus - we had lost a friend along the way Em so mirror me. I remember wondering if we needed to go back for her as I was clearing our stuff out of the transport the others were waiting for me on the kerb. I was also asking the transport organiser if they would be available for late-night trips too, coming back the next morning Oh and I'd been at Irean's again and talking to robots about a quiz. 


'You're dreaming too deep now Ren, Up Lazy mouse and do stuff for a while'.. It was around 3.30 am not long after my bro called messaged and we had a long hr long chat as I make bread.. Back to sleep for a bit at 05.50 


I'd jumped to Inka first we chatted and smoked for a bit then jumped together bk to the house I go in and him off again, Malico let me in and we went bk to the library were Leon is still there, he was reading and I just lay on the sofa leaning on his leg staring into the fire my awareness scattered all over - I must have tried to join his awareness as I'd woken up as he'd pushed me back into my form telling me 'I'd not do that Ren, alone or uninvited, little mice can get lost in big spaces'  Hmmmm?

I was confused waking as I felt like I'd been away for hrs.. It's still dark?    'Like you Ren, with a fire inside waiting to merge the dawn of all'

Hu??  'Rest more while you can... I know you went to find Inka'   Mmmmmm 'I can tell by how relaxed you are Ren, your flowing and soft not pushing for a wall or a fight'  Mmmm I'm good :)   'Now that, little mouse, is wide open to interpretation'  lolπŸ’œ

Just had a friend phone me today to say thank you... I'd come to help her with something in astral last night, she'd known it was me as I'd approached as a bright blue streaking light.

We had a chat over the earth and I'd been telling her she had to lighten up and start playing! She'd said to me do you take the form of a small errr small dark-haired pirate type??? - I burst out laughing as yeh, that's me.. usually really dirty too mot people find me fairly offensiveπŸ˜† My hair & eyes change depending on what level I'm on.. 

2 of the people I randomly connected with this summer now see me regularly in astral too, we have a soul connection linked to Andromeda πŸ˜›

Inak... I miss you.  'We know that Ren, but you are still weaving back your Odin within'

I'd rather dance in the dark with Puck.  'Then fairy queen you are out of luck'  

'If Big rings we dance then wide webs we must weave'

'Threw the world tree of time we get what we need'

Semitic gods & Matrix AI? 😏

'We are dancing world's Ren with only one eye' 

Gates and portals? 'History and time' 

You are casting big nets mouse both afar and inside, 

'Dreaming like a planet longing for its star playing in the memories of what we think we are'


'Ren lets get down to the crux of it - look that up.. What is it you want? Mindlessness? Violence? Or both? Cause we can provide either, both or neither'   


Wow, what a menuπŸ˜†

'There is a reason you're being played with by big cat's little mouse'  


 Mmmm  'Intrigued?'  Yeh, 

'You know you have free will, and you play these games at your own cost' 

Of course πŸ˜›

'Then we understand your full consent and eagerness.... I'd recommend not arriving in astral mindless as we will play you either way then, crazy mouse.'  


 Oooo Wonder what I let myself in for this time😜  

Just looked up crux... ooofff. 


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