Saturday, 28 November 2020

Inner Broadcast

'Just you Ren'  Recall?  'If you want it' pfff 'I'm you, Ren, I know exactly how to play you'  
Inka wasn't kidding when he said you could screw me up more than he can? :😝 
'We shall see Ren, I don't give my Trixter's game's away any more than I refuse to let my mouse play'  lol Where?   

'There on the stair Ren  Errrrrrrr   

'You're the one with clogs on dreaming mouse' Ripples and echos?  

'From your crazy mouse mind, dancing spirals threw out space and time'   

Why not what else should I do?

'I'm glad you asked Ren, I'm about to show you'  lol

'Come, Alone... I will give you all the recall you ask for.. I know how curious you are'   I know 😏

'Then sleep, I'd recommend intention but you have no need I can feel you Ren.... I'm the thing you need' Pffffffffffffff lol ok... 

'GL bitch, if it's any consolation we've all be there too' 😈
Haha Inka 💜 TY... Shouldn't I be trying to defuse your reality bomb? 
 'How is your reality Ren?' Hillarious tbh😆  'Ride it then witch, go game with a Lion'

Errrrrrrr 'At least you have the sense, now Ren, to wonder what you have done, The game has been long started and your chase has been won. Come claim your prize my relentless friend, we have a loop to close before we play again'    


I'd gone to sleep into other dreams hazy It was a bit till woke.   'I don't like to be kept waiting Ren, I'm just as capable of offering credit as Inka'  

I'd been dreaming people annoyed at me... as usual 🙄 This time it's a guy annoyed with me for not being a conductor.  I knew I was, and found them amusing and annoying. In the end, I agreed to let them stick me on errr it was like a thing you test a cat battery with but bigger. They were surprised at my voltage 😆 lol

There had been a badger too, black and white and fighty & fisty. 

'Come mouse, or I'll come to collect you'   OK, OMW now... 

I jump to Leon... it was the direction of the library and it felt like the library should be there but we are just an empty space. 

Featureless and dark, quiet, not void though. This was empty not full.

 I didn't bother to form an avatar I'm just my awareness but condensed rather than spread.

I wait... lol I knew he was there as he had greeted me psychically from the space and there was another awareness to a errr I want to say a DJ. 

I wait....

Leon tells me in a voice from everywhere and nowhere 'Some times Ren, it's not how fast you can fight but how long you can stay down for'  

Then I'm in the form of my dog!!... My senses change, I see differently and I can smell time the what is coming and the what had been.

There had been more out of range my now is BIG.

After a time the space fills with 'other' relics, symbols, people, entities, animals distractions rippling too.   

We are both in all, I am full and empty, I am big and small. I'm riffling threw awarenesses looking from many eyes - emotions fleeting, thoughts unformed. 

Leon... I need you. 'Ren, you are me'
Then I burn us up!!.... from deep within, a thousand flames in eyes begin and we burn together but still apart until all is melting and I follow my heart. 

-- Wow, a deep/grey pink purple.. like heather - drifting threw mind sleep stories, woven with dreams and bound with emotions.

Then the libary returned and I'm on the rug by the fire, I was grey Ren but her skin is a lavander perlecent grey now like the entitys from here, but purple not blue... and she has a tail again 😏.

So much info... all storeys all narratives I'm weaving threw every tale told every book written every story whispered. The Eternals?  'OFC Ren'  O.o  'You get it?'  For now 😵 'Good, come back again'  

The Wolf was me, the Dragon Inka the Lion you'We are all each other too, just rest you have a lot to filter now'   

The dissolving was death cards again, this is Art-Devil again? 'Yes, rest and sleep' 

'You're not afraid as you know you are us, you have much recall and have integrated in order'  

The bible is just another symbolic fairy story hu? 'OFC'  The game is life... 'Yes mouse'  Not looking forward to Tower...   'You have me to help this time Ren'   I know how helpful you guys are 😏💚 'Try not to fight it will be easier'  

Oh... So wow, That was Death again..  This hanged man again - 'We told you that' 

Last night was Art.. again. So we dreamed the deck pritty much since the last full moon! 'Yes, Mouse you have' OOOoo Halloween was full Moon and was the night after Tower. So if I dream Tower tonight I'm back on whatever it was the night after with Full Moon again...  😛

WTF!! I just looked more at the Lion card... the blood.. in the image 👀 That cup thing and the handfasting. 'We told you we are teaching you magic and to look up blood ritual' 😆

Yeah but I'm a lazy mouse too 😏   'You're Listning'  To the crazy voices in my mind & dreams 💜

'Lets face it Witch, we make a lot more sense than the news on your TY 😈' ... haha Truth 😆

I'd forgotton about this... 'Each time you dream you retain more Ren 😉'

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