Saturday, 21 November 2020

Dancing the Long Way Home

'Scamper free my mouse queen,💜'  Oh!!  Lol.   See Ren, the games we weave.   I do The hunter who rides a mouse! 

Hahaha 'To wake up her crew'   So which one is you? 

What do you think Ren? Which role may I play?

'I have no clue, I sleep and I game'

I'm sure I'll find out though, I don't intend to stop. 

'As you find us all timelines we hop'   Hahaha

Or loop?   'If you clear our poop'

Clean up crew? Every wider circles   looking at you?

Fixing the mistakes we love to do.   

I'm fighty and I'm biitey and I'm looking for your wall, I can't find a mirror in my illusion of all.

'You know where your heading Witch?' To Leon I assume?  'He won't play nicely if you are leaving him no room.'

I know his wall and yet I don't want to sit. My drive is to find a target to hit. The hunt at my heart is pointing at him and I pull back on my doubt and go flying in'  'GL Bitch 😏 - We will scrap you up I'm sure'  lol TY Inka & guys.  'NP crazy Witch, now fly my pretty or not and do not stop'   Hahaha


Wake at 313 'You're still playing even when you think your not Ren'  lol I suppose 😏

I'd been dreaming of a house the tenancy is up and we are moving on I was with Rachel and Rob. People wanted our free car pass for the area we are in as we didn't use it...but I'm explaining it won't be valid as we are moving on. We then recall we had paid an extra month by direct debit that we hadn't cancelled yet and I give them the pass telling them it will last a month.  

It was tied to my London dreams but we had moved out of the large shared house and had been living the 3 of us sharing again in an unfamiliar tower block.   

We didn't have a new destination and the others had decided we could go back to Mortimer road as they had spare rooms.
I wasn't keen on going back, but I didn't have any better ideas and very limited credit so I was travelling with them, the road is thick with mist I'm not sure the oncoming traffic can see us but we walk on the road anyway.

There is a celebration meal for a woman, a black pan, white rice and a black bean dall has been cooked and in the pan, it is sitting as a beautiful food Yin/Yang there is a card too a greetings card it is black with black writing, it's from the female's parents about 'Perfect Timing'  


Dreams of a big massive school it's very modern and everything is new. More of them wood and metal benches, the 'class' is layed out more like a large waiting room.
Dom is male me and we meet there and have sex while the lecture is going on, we don't care that people can see us. (Oh is this tied to the bus thing years ago?)👀 Anyhool as we finish we part ways to each side of the room and open box's. In the box's we have gifts they are like Toblerone shapes, little pyramids but they are rainbow each triangle a different colour the boxes are pink with a rainbow on too.

We don't just give one to each person we give them a handful so they can share with the people around them most people share and leave at the end there is a few people left looking at me, they want one.

I had some left but instead, I open another box and hand them some folded pitta wrap things I'd made myself wrapped in film. They look at me and my offering taking it begrudgingly - I tell them it's a cheese wrap they look unimpressed like they would just bin it and I remember being quietly amused thinking that was our lunch I gave you.  

In another dream I'm to help with repairing the roof of a very tall stone building, it's amazing stonework old sandstone and a guy is with me helping with a scaffold, a river flows past in the sky and I'm on a bridge in it with another female. The male wants me to help with the scaffold too so I know how to move it myself, it's so high I'm overcoming my vertigo so I can join him. Rachel is the other female I'm standing with her waiting to stop trembling so I can move onto the metal bar.  

Next I'm back in the school setting, we are heading out over another bridge this one feels high up like a walkway over a non-exsistance motorway. 

I'm with Dom again and we are surprised at the credits we got for the last round (This was the dream with the sex)
We had been predicted a negative mark but it had been positive and we'd gained extra credit for the achievement over the expected amount?? The rainbow Toblerone's were a wave of re'mebering.

Next I'd jumped I'm seeing ripples and deep magenta fabric or fur, it's dense like velvet soft and dark and then me Rach and Rob are back at Mortimer Rd.

It's 3 stories in the dream with another layer above what was there before. The rooms are all different colours and the others have picked one. I want to share but realise I need a space of my own so I pick one of the higher ones the others are moving in there stuff but I didn't have anything so I was going to use what was there. Dom was in the house too and he had new DJ equipment I was pleased I'd be able to hear the music from my room ...tune of the free?? 'We are fighting the good fight Ren, on every level' HU????

Rachel there too and Mel Oh this is more of the El??   'Yes Ren, dream more.. I'd jumped to Leon and Inka for the last dream'  

When I wake next more dreams in one I was in a woodland in autumn and I'd cleared a circle in the damp fallen leaves on the ground, my feet are bare and the earth is bare warm brown damp, I've used a stick to scratch a summoning circle in the earth there and I will dance there threw the night to come. 

Oh and the other! I'd been going to be executed publicly! People are heading to watch, excited.  A trial of sorts too, religious in nature. .

An arena the same soft earth and tiered seats cut into it.  Nothing is growing just the soft earth like it has been freshly dug. The executioner is in the round centre waiting for me, the seats in front empty and the crowd at my back, I'm naked.   I was disturbingly brazen, I pleaded guilty to their charge (I think the murder of another woman).

The executioner wanted to pray for me and I told him no! He asked me again telepathically to in Lattin and showed me symbols as well. I still said no I needed no 'Intercesion'  and that I welcomed my fate.

It was wired as I could see other times I'd been executed,I wasn't afraid to go home. 

Inka took me back to one here. I was also aware of home, life reviews/world reviews/system reviews. I would live with myself or not based on my intentions and motivations, not my actions.  

It was linked to the Above & Below dream and also how I liked to dance the long way home. The word you had to keep telling me...  'Intercession'  Yes, I wanted non. '  sovereign '- my own respond/ability that's the Hermit card?  'Mmmm'   Ok :) 

They were all afraid of me... I was outside of myself and outside of time experiencing their emotions and also aware of my destination.  

 GG guys 😀   That was Adjutment - Hermit.   My tragectory being my will, and that is to re'member.

I still want to understand when awake the El, Elohim..  Stuff?  'You will Ren, you can't dream this much faster 😏'  Haha

Still hunting...

Wow.. I was looking for the above/below dream........ and found the missing dream were the bugs asked for help bloody hell!! It was also from the 21st NOV, I was an owl taking pictures of Cat tracks? Leon, big and small 👀   'See why you need a searchable diary for your shit memory'  I remebered the dream, not the owl or others or cat....   'Hehe, dreamy mouse😆'   I guess it was 2014or15.

Anyway from Nov 2011.

Nov 20th

Owls dream, calling I make a golden owl totem, A black cat swaps to a stiletto shoe and there is a gathering of church people. 

Nov 21 11 2011
Owl again, Smoky owl, taking images of cat tracks both large and small.

Wed 23rd Nov 2011


I make a water sprite to protect someone.. I'd collected frost, clouds and sea and mixed it with love it was fractal and shimmering.  There is a tall dark teacher who has lost his confidence.  3 wolves to take outside, glowing misty flames of blue and purple.   

A house, I'd woken to find people outside a digger too.  I'm asking what is going on but no one will tell me and more and more people are arriving, there is excitement and one guy tells me Nephilim gate to the underworld below the house and garden.

I'd gone out into the house garden and the soil is moving lots of bugs, snakes, lizards and frogs are coming to the surface and I can talk to them, I kneel to listen and they want me to do a ritual to make people leave them in peace.   I can welcome genuine people, the bugs and beetles help me to form a ring and the spell things a red snake/lizard guides me and I finish the ritual. 


The other dream I was thinking of was 2016

28th May, 16.

Numbers, patterns dots like a code morse code.  Then a Big Dream

Rabbi dream, a young Holy man I'm walking with him talking at a party/festival.  He is teaching me, I ask him to tell me about God, but I'm a little apprehensive. 
He asks if I'm sure and I tell him yes.  He talks quietly but tells me about a series of dreams, 52 or 42 He also confirms my thinking of dark and light tells me to pray or meditate and then goes of to play football.    I start meditating, it's a festival and people just assume I'm on drugs.  I root down and go up and meet Above.  Amazing, powerful, loving, tears I'm sorry I've been away so long but it's forgiven there is only perfection, I needed to find my own way back. 
Body was very tingly and I sit in the love. Then big discharge flames and smoke come out of the centre of my palms. 
I come out of meditation but can still hear the voices, Divine energy meets earth energy it smelt like burning but my hands are fine just warm and pink, I'd gone to find the Rabbi again and am on a glass spiral stair some people below tell me oh you're above us and I come down to walk together with them.... wake very suddenly surprised at how real it had been.   I was tingly all over especially heart and shoulders.   I'd gone back to sleep again but hadn't been able to find the Rabbi, but I do find the same temple, It's red with beautiful paintings on it.   Sanscrit writing too and the flower of life, They only had the festival on special days and now it was just a road again.  The name balala Baaal.

Oh!  That's the Baal, Anat, Solomon stuff again!?  Same storys/Archetypes over and over. 👀

'Crazy Witch and your Crazy Rituals 😆'   Pffffff 😜

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