Monday, 9 November 2020

Burning Birds and Symbolic Mogs

How does the Bro thing work? 'You have the same parents'  lol yeh thanks...  but the wired connections, symbols and sycs? 'Your dreaming Ren' I can see that but the flowers in the attic book you reminded me, but the owls, dinos/violence the split in the mind the cow (Herd matrix mind) with the fuse getting shorter??

'DW Witch, your working on it 😏'  lol I'm sure I am, but I duno, how what why?   'We do - set intention n come'  

Had bounced about for a bit then wake at 2323 had been sitting by the fire outside the roundhouse sky grey and still, Inka was smoking his pipe quietly and sitting I was deeply content and calm staring into the fire. Other dreams to or things I was seeing in the fire...It was just scrolling images like on a phone.    

Oh this was in other dreams thelucid cat bites one, and the scrolling before the candle with 2 flames only one can ever go out at a time. 

Is the biting thing weaponised e-motion??  

Can we play?  'Bring Kaylo will help your recall'  Re'Ed?  'Yup'   - I'd found Kaylo in an isopod and he jumped to the Hub with me where we dream share.  

Woke with a heart start. Dream dust was amazing... like a curtain or network of scrolling rippling letters like liquid golden light, it was also like the fractal nested data but flatter breathing in and out rather than branching. DL too, the crystal shower thing body fizzy 💜

The dream was of a lamp, it kept flickering. I'd tightend the bulb (Oh the dream the other day?) Anyhoo that didn't work someone told me they had split something in the plug so I'd taken apart the plug it was damp and the fuse out. (Oh fuse again ) I woke as I'd opened it and left it to dry.. I knew there were more layers to this dream but they are hazy. Time is 101

'You should have written that down'  lol errr It didn't make sense. Oh, something about one light not enough for the room now? That's why I was fixing the second lamp... Then a message about an off-world entity?  'It was a message for an off-world entity Ren'  Errrr ok, lol  'Please pay attention Ren' Ok, will try Leon.  'Get H2O your dehydrated and were busy'  Errrrr pffff ok.  

The dream dust symbols were similar to that stuff the other night?  'Yes but DW for now'   


When I'd got bk to the hut Kaylo still there and Inka asleep smoking, Nills and Koa were there too I'd suggested we all dream share so we did. 

'Unix, line stop, spin this, grandad had fallen over?'  Errr, Leon???
A dream to I'm at Shirlys but I'm in her fire :P looking out! The stage was set.

Oh, the fallen Goddess and the stage stuff we pulled from her house in astral? What did you say about Grandad Fell?   'Mirrors and Symbols Ren come back' 

Next time I'd gone back I joined awareness with Kaylo a Grey cat-like star but with white paws colour point... standing on something. Oh, shadow! She's was like shadow markings in reverse. Mirror. Errr OK, Pheonix to?

'Look up the colour point symbology'  Oh he was Birman monks??

(Hum... oh Star also in the Lost boys, that track- This is the fuse short between the 2 halves of the split-brain chaos/order?)

'We are deep in symbols 💙 '  His names... Saracen and then Ian changed his name to Pheonix when he came to us after accident.  'Check Names & dream when you were last with him' had forgotton that. 👀

Birman - Errrrr ok.. This is wired but pffff in for a penny in for a pound.

Then we changed his name to Pheonix. -- Also Sun. Errrrr and I was in the fire, Hummm other dreams of in the fire or bing fire. Oh it's a fire that helped me in other dreams - This is where I'm an elemental in dreams... and that Fire serpent on Shadow kittens face.  More Fire and Pheonix... more SUN card!

OK... I try sleep hopefully snoring has stopped. It's nearly 4am

Get up and clean litter trays, that was a lot of cat shit.. 'In every way 😆' Hahaha

Had woken again after a very lucid dream.

The start is hazier I had a ticket for a prize but I needed to get into somewhere to claim it. I couldn't afford the entry fee and I'd been trying different ways of getting when it didn't work jumping bk and trying over. 

I'd tried many ways then remembered it was to do with bluffing it?! Looking confident enough not to get challenged. Like intention, I guess but slightly less impeccable '😈' Reminds me now when I was a kid and couldn't afford public transport but got away with it if you act like it's what you're supposed to be doing.  

Anyhoo I was in and I have the ticket for the prize the place is like a coastal town seaside resort, I go into a gift store I think were the claim probably was but notice stuck to a cupboard is a love letter my friend had written to her lover. The writing is in sliver and neet but I recognise her style and current signature and I think wow If I write to her will she see it? I'm gaining lucidity quickly now but the dream is stable and holds and I find a pen but when I get to the letter it's vanished.  

I find another scrap of paper and go to write my name the pen is bent and I put it on the paper then I remember that I can't remember my name!

Very lucid at this point and I know it's not my name, and I know it's not Ren (That means given game 😛.. 'Also the name of your 1st Dog Bitch 😆'  and I know that my actual name is the name that Fire showed me was burnt into my skin in the same liquid golden language in the back threw separation dream. Lucidity high I'd asked to be taken somewhere else but remained put, so guessed this was the place I should be.  

I know I can't recall my real name so I put the pen down leave my bag and the ticket and go to look around instead. My lucidity is at that hyper-real state now where it's more real than life. I go out of the shop and the wind is strong blowing my hair, I think about flying but the direction I feel I should walk in is into the wind. Outside is a strange and unfamiliar coastal seaside town.. It may be the same one from my last lucid dream (Where the cat bit me 😛) 

There are lots of gulls and birds enjoying flying and sitting around watching me. I decide flying into the wind will be hard work so instead, I flip upside down and part hover part walk on my hands. As I walk past some people they comment 'There she goes, which wobbles my lucidity enough to turn the right way up and keep walking'. I head down a harbour hill and across a small sandy sheltered beach there is a cave there too and lots of other people.  

I head into hotel/restaurant It smells of spilt drinks and smoke and cooking from the kitchen and I head threw the front bar into a back lounge where there is a woman on her knees looking upset a man with her, I ask her if she's ok and the Man glares at me with a 'NOYB' look but the woman smiles up at me and tells me it's the build-up of scar tissue it itches and I knew she meant her vag (From to many kids/abuse) On waking ralised this is the eye irritation I followed into the dream space!

When I'd come down to write the first half of the night my big golden-eyed black and white Tom cat (Shadows Dad) had been trying to fit on my lap 💜 he's too big! Anyhoo his fur had made my eyes itch like crazy.. making it hard to sleep and was told 'Follow that' eventually the tickling moved to just a sensation at my left eye I followed that sensation into a dream.  

Anyway as I watch the couple changes and the woman now has different hair, she stands and the male leaves to use a bathroom I look her in the eyes and ask her 'How are you doing?' She 'sees' me and says 'I don't know'. I nod and smile and ask if they know where the back door is, they don't so I keep looking moving threw other doors.  

I come to a strange one dark glass mirror is curved slightly and very heavy.. It's hard to push as it pushes back I have no reflection in it and I lean into it and push it enough to pass threw.

Beyond a breakfast room with a sea view is laid out ready for the next morning, but I head left threw another big old wooden door. It's like an old bedroom wood-panelled a bit creepy in a hammer horror kind of way. I'm standing in the doorway when 2 small black things notice me animal like one comes running towards me I can feel the floor trembling as it runs lol It reminded me a little of that old stupid critters film. I'm thinking what the heck is that as it runs past me out of the door as I watch it run off I get that familiar feeling of 'returning' only this time it's like I'm being lifted and pulled backwards like someone is taking me back 'You're welcome btw 😈 ' lol pffff, TY.

I land back in bed very awake as I'd been so lucid there anyway and my body is still rushing like it was last time I was lucid and 
'Tried to slide into hell?'  Curiosity 😉  'Killed the cat Ren'  Oh.... lol What about the Bitch? ' Time will tell 😏 ' Hahaha 

Symbol overload 😆

So is this the Lab work-up on the sleeping Lion/Leon... Oh, Leons is stasis on the Re-Ed station in my story.. 👀  'No shit?' 😆 Us killing Each other in the eye over and over?  'Yep, it's why most of us are blind' 

Oh... So the Pheonix & the short fuse on the mind matrix..

Oh.. So the book and the 2 flames, the 2 halves of the human brain!  Attic Mind  'Or half a brain in your case 😏' FU 😆   Ah the yin-yang we light our fire... one grows strong outweighs the other...   This what you meant by energy?  

We make it.   E motion.  The energy in motion but we weaponise it against one another?

More Cat's and Lions... This and this bleedthrew intersection again.  'Yes 😉'

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