Sunday, 1 November 2020


Leons Island with both him and Inka we had long exchanges... lol I'd joined with Inka a few times in dream wolds but he kept kicking me out when I spoke and tells me 'Shut up, parasites don't talk I do the possessing' 😁 Can I go into Leon? 'You can and will, your not ready yet'    

The not talking was the male/female thing the female flows feels.... I know we saw some amazing and incredible stuff but what is hazy.. Oh the symbols ripping threw the different layers the space ships is mind the trees body/earth.
Inka explained lots more to me while I was half asleep this morning. I wanted experience.. Oh is that when I walk or leave so many astral lessons.... 
'Or get kicked out and yes, different way of learning you want to learn threw play & action'  

Through their bond, Inka instinctively increases the intensity forcing her being inside the pain until she surrenders entirely into sensation. Objective achieved he jumps them both, her inside him flowing through his system like liquid fire. 

Form of ecstatic trance?? This is Mk ultra too? 'Yes' Ritual abuse, MK ultra initiations cause fragmentation and dissociation? 
'Yes though the process its self is entirely natural'
  I've experienced all?  'OFC, Ren there is nothing you haven't experienced in the earth arena either directly or threw your connection to the collective'  

Makes sense.... 'You'll forget again' That's the different layers???

'Yes' Depends where I'm at with my awareness. 'Yes' πŸ’œ

We do it from astral to go further less karma and fall out, some still learn the lessons they want here.

How many are here? 'One Ren always One' pfffffff The one in the many, the many in the one? 'Yup!!' 

Why do we use pain?  'Familiarity, fast and effective and we can reform instantly.. tantra, meditation, work too we just use violence'  lol  'Your pretty simple Ren as entities go'  Hahaha πŸ’œ

'You don't need the pain now, you enjoy it... you hunger for sensation and experience your impatient and love intensity'  ok The overseers??  'Yes, violence is acceptable to us though we don't permanently harm each other anymore in a heavily physical arena... we are masters at physical matter manipulation'    I don't feel very masterful... 'lol <3 Ren your just a bit of us'  

The violence is why we don't incarnate together?  'Yup, we would kill each other'  lol I believe you... 'You don't need to you remember'  lol some of them yeh. Oh my Dad and his Bro!! 'Yes hate each other'  lol That day watching them when I was tripping...  'Yes, incompatible energy like you felt yesterday, if one was female the sensation would be magnetic and intense but still destructive.'  

Oh the poems that we wrote years ago... Did I understand this then.. 'no channelled/inspired.. you knew as a kid till we hid me in the floor '

Oh the collective knowing... 

 All the knowledge that we’ll ever need’s already trapped inside,

 Trapped deep inside subconsciousness it’s for safety that it hides.


 Balance both your opposites your black and your white,

 Search for equilibrium, they were never made to fight.

 One grows too strong outweighs the other, battles fought inside out minds get projected to one another.


 By natures laws we live each day, though so often hidden in real life play.

 Release your creature let it be, drop your defences and set it free.


 The creative destructive power lies so deep within our soul

 Money greed and power will never make us whole,

 Acceptance of the thing you are and how you play your part, 

set free the guilt anxiety and open up your heart.


 What goes around shall come around, it’s the way that it must go, each and every person has there special gift to show.


You guys are my knowledge and I am fire and emotion... My friends that killed themselves and increasing..suicides, self-harm, abuse.. 

'Yes, we all know this inside threw the collective... the world is upside down teaching children to fit into broken systems... it breaks the kids instead'

I should not have drunk that wine late last night...  'Gun shot'  lol Can't take it bk.  

The 'We came to watch fall the systems we were instrumental in putting in place??? 'Yep, towers Ren' πŸ’œ Most people prefer not to be broken😏 ' lol a part of a process πŸ˜† 

Oh... the Oh... that's the ice spire above too πŸ‘€ lol the upside down and in service!  'Symbols!'

The re-ed station?  'Meby for once you knew what you need' lol!! Can you help me please?  Trying too Ren'   So many probable futures too!! 'Yeh project one of the less fucked up ones witch'  Hahaha 

The lockdowns hitting arts, music, drama, creatives... 'Yep Ren, pressure cooker Orwells boot is going to land hard... Some of you are still dancing' 

Why do they go along with it?   'Hahah Ren, you know better than most the shit that comes with non conforming!'  Heheh I guess... Re'Ed stations....  'You push to extremes of experience'   The idiot that can't keep her hand out of the fire 😏  Why do some people forget more than others?  'We pick our own lessons and tools'  Hummmmm? 

Oh, the parameters thing... but we can change the rules in game 'If your stupid enough to want to from that perspective'   Hahah I'm stupid enough to do most things.. We don't though, that's what we do in sleep, we zoom out...    'Most do, you do both'   πŸ˜†


My memorys are so fragmented - 'It's cause your trying to fit them into you there'   The body stasis farms.. they are symbolic for womb, rebirth, forgetting, dreaming your ingame?    'Yes'  

Ahhh, when we expriance directly we know... also you can teach people any old shit, unless they expriance it they don't know it's true they just have to belive you or not!!   'πŸ’œ'    Cool

The forgetting helps us to experiance in game as we are not hampered by the recall of the thousands of times we fucked up badly!! ' 'Yes, untill your capable of loving and forgiving yourself'  Ohhhh!! πŸ‘€  Then we can remeber more!  'Yep you're able to forgive your self so you get to remember and yet still stupid enough to keep fucking up'  πŸ˜†   ... IMPulsive, anyway I'm playing.  


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