Saturday, 14 November 2020

Dancing in the Earth Dream

I want to come home,
to the space in the night,
where I fit and belong,
and am well out of sight,
from the light,
and the day,
where I crumble away
a bit at a time,
as I share what is mine.
To fall back within
to dark home.
where we begin,
and I drink in,
the deepness
that fills up our day,
and I bathe in the blackness
that helps me to play.

Wow... SO many dreams, 'Should have written them down lazy mouse they are your clues and breadcrumbs'  Oh, I was telling people or showing?  'Not without your evidence, you're as crazy as you feel'   errrrrr

5+6 patterns/symbols I can see the forms we take. Show me Inka?   'You don't deserve it!' I'm playing 'Not with no clues'  ๐Ÿ˜‘ 'Hahah, I show, you owe'  Hahahah, yeh sure, why not. 'Credit so soon in the round witch?๐Ÿ˜' ๐Ÿ’™ 

'You still didn't write it'  Didn't have to I felt it.   

I'd been with Inak we were discussing stuff telepathically and sharing thought constructs.  

It was to do with current / trajectory.. and current trajectory. We talked about Violence Energy in motion, Emotion, Power capacity and friction. 

Art E Fact

In a dream I'd been in the same area as last night a little to the west, I'd been in the field of the middle school, it's not far from the roundhouse. Again I was looking for something I could see it, my dog's orange ball. There is a fierce gale from the East flattening the grass and making it hard to move. 

A puzzle too.

This had 3 layers a reset that had happened long ago in the ocean? This was like years ago. or 20k years ago or something.  

Then there is also the game I'm playing with Inka it was a little like a dungeon crawler game threw old temple ruins. We are guides/escorts our objective is to lead a monk and a monster threw the labyrinth. The monster emm its perhaps serpent-like it's not really a monster just different it was blue/green/purple a lion head on a wiggly body perhaps. The monk was an Asian very proficient in martial stills. The problem is the monk and monster want to fight, and the slightest thing triggers this then the monk kills the monster and we need to start over again from the beginning. (Is this Leon & Loci?? I duno I know it's team though, but they don't know that they are)   

It was really hard as at the slightest error the Monk kills the monster again... Oh I remember, they were both sleepwalking!! We had to do it without waking either of them up as the one that woke killed the other!  

The 3rd layer was a picnic I have a basket with a bottle of Whiskey and a red and white checked table cloth.. Inka and me are there and an angry mother figure who is annoyed we brought Whiskey to the picnic... It was windy here too and I was laying on top of the tablecloth to stop it blowing away with the bottle underneath me I think Inka was arguing with the Matriarch or winding her up :P 

Ahhh... Ok, this is roles? We swap and play like kittens/puppies playing we are learning bite control threw feedback with siblings.... learning balance rather than extremes, learning our own power threw feedback.  

We swapped from repelling to attraction and Inaks awareness joined my dream form. I move up from the hunter's room to the Roundhouse where it's less windy now a dull grey sky. I'm watching the crows in the hawthorn trees, very different flight to the Arctic Skua 'Temprement to bitch๐Ÿ˜'  Haha yes ๐Ÿ˜›

Humans are learning to stop destroying ourselves/each other... Oh it's around Poppy Day?  'Yes Ren, find the Least we forget dream'  ๐Ÿ˜ถForget.. that's the thing I seem best at.

Are we weaving light/dark rainbows now because we are teaming?  'Yes'  

Excite.. Er ok.

This is catalyst?  Good or bad, encorages growth? 

Physical  - phenomenal? 


Haha Memory.... Oh I am learning about where instinctive knowing comes from then!  

I thought of Ian in a mask next and why it had bothered me so much.

'Follow that'  It had been a sensation in heart..  I follow.   Lack of trust, lack of trust in self+other.   Other being person/body/virus/life.

War in the mind against an invisible enemy?  Intent programs experience there for othering & disharmony offers similar catalyst?

Ohhh  I'd forgotten last nights chat!!

'You have no clue'  Same as in sleep, though more in sleep. Thanks... 

 'H2O bitch, lots'   


 I Played   'You did, Inka was driving a lot'  Oh 

lol   'Ren you need to balance, neither of you function well apart' 


Then wtf am I here for then?   'You're wired and you like it, and you're us and we are you... DO not drink what you think you want.... You want us like we want you'   I do want home, even though it's not always nice it's real.


 'See how you connect with others the same..'.    I want them to remember that life is a game, 'It reads your intention so that is ok, but you can't tell others the way they should play'



Leon, I got threw this with Inak. But?  'Ren, who found you and taught you?'   I'm scared, intrigued, enthusiastic and confused.  


You mainly piss me off  'You've seen the wall I can offer Ren, it's just a last resort' 

Malico? 'Is my shadow yes'  


 Inka? 'I'm in you now bitch... Your Kaylo'  lol Kaylo?  

'He's relieved to be shot of your shit'  Hahaha 


 I duno how? Inka keeps it fun...   'I am the sun'  Then burn away, I don't think I want your mind games to play.


 Pfff ok.... It's not like I can stop now.  


 'No Bitch, not even I could stop you' 

Least we forget to .........remember!!  Was with michael again.. GI issues...  lol again more symbols  Fractal memories..

Leon is the Architect/ Wizard archetype.

Hummm what card for Thoth    -  Empress   Oh this is the milk/dairy thing??  Ah.. that's the other thing I was thinking of the 
Matrix / Matriarch Oh Illeths shadow that's why she meditates and manifests in the Mainframe or Medi bay..   'Pattern Recog and Symbols Ren'  ๐Ÿ‘€  I should just dream this yeh ๐Ÿ˜†

The day's arguments TY for helping Inka... I can stay calm now ๐Ÿ˜‚


Hehe sleeping satellite ๐Ÿ˜

Can blame me now.. I'm 

taking respond ability's ๐Ÿ˜


Ty guys.   'YW Ren but listen please don't make tower/moon messier than necessary'   ๐Ÿ˜ฌ I'm sure it will be fine............  I bounce right?  'When you don't shatter'  Oh... Loci puts me back together??


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