Thursday, 19 November 2020

Symbols of Love

'Not done yet witch, we washed your shit. Kaylo into you, you into me we are going to find Loci to see what we be'  I'd jumped to the roundhouse, feet in mud Kaylo met me I apologise we hugged and took me into the water, I lay the burn shivering, letting the water flow around me. Kaylo and Inka there too.. A red blanket and fire and we all joined awareness. A keyboard but the keys are all pictorial symbols that I know.

Wow! Dream dust 'Pretty?' No shitty, 😍 Amazing depth weaving like coloured light and patterns but so fine too and organised.


Wake at 202. Wow, I was 'In service, not done write and come back' ok

I was with Michel again, we had done surgery hazy but the vets and theatre is unfamiliar, The IV catheters strange and wired, I'd had to ask where they were as the packets were so strange and the colour coding different from what I'm used to the size I needed was coded pink, but I don't recall what we were doing surgery on. 

 (Not sure if it was the Leon cat) I was done for the day and had gone off to party.. this was also long, we dance, took pills, I'd gone back the following day to clean up the theatre (The surgery had been out of hrs and I'd just left instruments soaking as it was time to dance) 

When I get back Micael is there he's been on a massive bender and won't let me in another person too. I ask them to pass me stuff out to start with and they do I start to clear up. They feel crap and want to talk so after a while let me in they say to me 'No-one there hu?' I tell them it depends where you're looking. They listen and look and we sit leaning on one another on a swing. I tell him out mind is a matrix a hall of mirrors, but our heart is a home, when we use them together we are never alone, he cries I hold him.

'Sleep Witch'  

Next I'd been with everyone, all inside each other as a group felt like a big tunnel of being, warm and flowing. 'Up and right/Write a bit Ren' 

I'd got up at 4, still feels hazy I was emotionally raw, everything was still dreamlike. Was up for 40mins then head to sleep.  

Wake confused. 'Don't think just feel'   

A dream, I'd been at a strange school/show festival. It started with a square space.. I was in a production/show also helping to choreograph it. Behind me was a hospital too we had planted to some people to elicit reactions and the reactions were being monitored to adjust the program/care - people were starting to notice the 'plants' 

I move to another side of the square shape, there are makeup's lip balms nail polish with different colours and smells, I like the purple but it smelt of lavender and I'd wanted it to smell like grape.  

I could move threw the middle of the cube too but most people were round the outside.   

I move threw back to where I'd started with the production and they tell me 'you don't recall' I shake my head and they tell me I can move now and I know I head to a tent I know I have.  

It's on the other side of the cube and it's outdoors it's been raining heavily and the tent is strange, part canvas white, also dark blue and yellow heavy like old tent with plastic panels too it's been raining hard and the fabric is soaking and the tent damp inside, I'm opening it hoping I can dry the fabric a little so it doesn't get mildew.  

When I look outside my tent is pitched next to land that is washing and crumbling away, below is a rift, like salt flats or pools.. white chalk cliffs with pools of very blue water a thin silver metal wire has been put around the edge at ankle height.  

Then Em is with me and the tent has changed into the blue sky blue VW camper we used to have, it's still part tent and it's hanging half on of the cliff, I know it's going to fall and I float up out of it watching it fall into the rift male me is watching and he lights a match and chucks it down after the VW that lands upside down, I know the flue will catch and the bus explode so Em/ME & male me move away from the edge waiting for the pop and after we go back to watch the rest of the van on fire. 

Then I remembered before the dream I'd been cold like Ice, even though I had tones of blankets I'd jumped to the others we were huge all inside each other joined and merged awareness and emotion flowing and sharing. 'You feel?' Ok I guess.

'You squashed us Ren, Like I did to you yesterday.. it's healing'  

The hot/Cold? 'Ice & Fire' - The Camper Van? 'It was the flame to ignite'

Lovers to Chariot? The show? Strange square? lessons that's hazy? 'Symbols - Square, the elements were on each side square' They were? 'You started on mind/sword/air.' . Oh disks was bottom? 'Yes' Errrr, the rain, water cups... and then the fire exploding and burning? 

The 2 cards both have red cloaks that was the wired red blanket. 


'Dosn't have to make sense atm Ren, just keep dreaming and trusting 💜'   I see the patterns repeating and the stuff weaving The bits I keep going to find. 

--- Could you show me the tree of life in 3d again plx?   'Yes, Ren'   TY.   We are on chariot now?  I'm just quietly confused😉


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