Tuesday, 10 November 2020

A Full Fool

A different space with more than me, listening to what I need to hear and it's wired and wobbly and I've been too far away awake in one world so long is a day.

We can play now? I'm tired 💜

'Yes Ren Astral here we got you'

Wow, you weren't kidding when you said that was some ancient shit 'Haha no' 👀 My recall was insane! Guy was there too? So many 'Yes Ren, Big time loop' 

The dream was errrr I'd been bus?! 'lol, Yeh that will do, come back' Oh asleep but as a vessel I guess. 'Many dreams in a mouse'  

'Come back!' Still playing? 'OFC' 


The poetry UP-Down poem. from years ago.

Up – down
Round - round
Living in, life’s play ground.

First it’s your go, then its mine,
What have we learnt after all this time?

Live for now, and lighten up,
Give up the searching for the cup,
The grails inside just stop and feel,
Allow your conscience time to heal.

Play the game, it’s in your hand.
Learn your special role on this land.

Shed a tear, smile a smile,
Stop and think a little while.

Our time is now, that’s what we’ve got,
We need no more, we hold the lot.

The motion.. Up down / Round round. 
'The force' Energy was the game.  'The capacity yes' Ok.. Capacity is the availability for work? Potential? 'Yes' lol is that the unlimited errr what's it called the thing people look for... free energy? Hehe

'Yes' Ah makes sense. 'Sleep' ima wake 'No shit, still sleep please' Hahahah ok.  I see the Energy in motion


Row, Row, Row!! Your boat.. lol stream/current/vessel symbol word salad. 😆 'Just drift Mouse, Drift to sleep. All of you here then get up a while'


That was the emotion from that Seth thing?! Was wide and fast and green 'No resistance to flow'  Oh. lol

What now? 'Follow sensations a little more'  

Climate change?? Or why it's hoax as it's us Our Mirror... We can't destroy or fix the planet only ourselves and our experiance of it.

Telomere? Telamere? Errrrr -

A wired dream too me admitting I broke reality to my kids 😛 But I'd done it with the best of intentions.. Seeing the timelines rippling the intersections of the main ones as I was trying to explain to my kids my explanations were happening real-time. 👀

I was viewing a bulge in earth's mantel towards something pulling and a bulge and how the bulge stayed the same place as the earth moved. I'd again had recall of so many dreams, these ones were not on earth.    In one I'd seen everything being pulled off the surface into space. I think it's linked with this dream.

'Sleep again Ren'  

Wake 202.   'Up & Write/right you need to DL :P'  Pffffffff  'It's cool, I know you think your bonkers'   lol tell me I'm not?  'Consensus reality Ren, you want to break it you can't do it from inside it'  I'm doing this why?  'Twofold, to avoid a trajectory and cause you're the fool'   😆 Pffffff.

So the

Telomere? Telamere? Errrrr -

Oh... Is this the Transcription thing??

The coding for something 

'Tomorrow... more sleep now' lol, yeh why not 😏 It is the middle of the night and I haven't got a clue wtf is going on anyway! 😆 '😁'  


'303 Ren back to sleep' Haha it is..

That that was 👀......... 'Why we keep this shit playful Ren' Wow... different layers 'Yep' I don't really have much context I'd followed a sensation head/purple or crown Its hazy which.

I'm in a lab or workshop a male and female I'm rendering it as very futuristic and they are experimenting or creating. I'm not any of the people and have no form, just an observer I can see the air too.   The what's in between and it's a lot!
It was a little like watching a sci-fi fie film from inside but not at the level it's filmed.   

There is an accident explosion and the male is covered in sliver gloop/stuff liquid metal perhaps in face and eyes instantly blinded the female is trying to help.  I'm seeing the pain force the splitting and the body consciousness outside of it's form watching shocked and it is aware of me in the space too and looks at me. - Time 404 'Sleep again dreamer, deeper this time'  

Next wake at 444 I'd been big and vast my recall when I'm like that is amazing ripples of feelings and lol being.

'We're playing come back'   

A longer dream next.  It had started here, but I was splitting into many layers so like False Awakenings's were I was lucid but so close as to assume your waking, right threw to my normal dream symbolism.

I was in a room I knew, and I was moving about trying to see if I could manipulate anything, I was aware I was asleep but the world seemed solid and everything was where it should be but the body knew it wasn't awake - There is a call, I need to go somewhere and it body is trying to raise it's lucidity to head to the target. It must have done as I'm with Em/Me's Mother she was the call and this person was exchanging stuff with the first dream me.  

Another me is going up and down an elevator, I keep passing Jean and my first ever female friend she's waving and asking me how it's going.... she shouts Oh is your hair green? I didn't know so I grabbed some to look at and it was dark with all colours in too.
Another woman gives me a colourful flyer and askes me if I know gematria, the flyer has all the Egyptian gods on and the meanings of numbers - I had given her a kitten in exchange.
lol I tell her I know of it but have just started my shaman training, I had a teacher in sleep.
(Who I could see doing bonkers stuff with another version of me, in another layer...  
We were making trees into totems big trees.   Oooo me and Leon were carving small wooden totems, and in another dream male me turned into a totem but was broken Illeth fixed him in the story..... I left him with Illeth till I was ready to take care of him.  👀

I tell her I'm learning how to target locis' Split listen and interact and alter lucidity 
'No shit ;)'  lol

Then another me has just been at a large meal, there is only me left and one guy clearing the tables I help him while I wait for a friend... she's preparing for the journey home and it would be a long one. I could also see us on the journey a communal transport less than 10 people journeying, I had my large black hairy coat like the one my aunts got me I was snuggled warm with a screen a little like a mobile.. too many things had been open at once and I'm resetting it. 

Full filled.. Great full - No empty 😛 Oh lol it's 515 now. That's value fulfilment right??  

Hahah Inka, that was when Ian said the other day - no one is a shaman unless they live in the Peruvian mountains!! I'd just grinned...  'Just maybe Ren, one of you is!'  Hahah I'm awake.....  'Get up ground now will help with the work meeting then Nap later'  

Oh all the Jungle Temple dreams too! Wow. Need to cross-reference now I guess.   'Yep Brew & Weave 😏'  

So the

Telomere? Telamere? Errrrr -

Oh... Is this the Transcription thing??  Humm that was after a bunch of dreams with Rog

The coding for something 



Is this the miltidimentinal quality of DNA? 'We are showing, only so much you can remember at a time - symbolic too'   Oh yeh, I'd forgotton all this again '  It's why you need to be conected to the cloud 😏'  Hahaha  ---

Oh just read the Terra stuff, isn't the new vac acting on this... on RNA? That's not something we need to be fucking with hu?  'You tell me Witch, Ren is the geneticist' Pffffff  Yeh, but I don't have all Ren's recall!   'you do just not there'  Blugh.  ___

The Explosion dream was like this dream with you.  

Woow.. Just checked the other Shaman Dreams... with the hair colours.

Hair, Shaman & Spiders & Weaving..  A silver clock too?

Hu?? I don't even recall this.  Being in circuts and another Star card.. 

That's another star card   'yes and that's pattern recognition' 


You make your symbols simple  hehe.. purple for brow and amethyst Aquarius ♒ 💜

And silver like the explosion?

Oh.. I didn't know Pheonix was in the dream where Inka killed me and I saved him

More Shaman & Hair.  Is this DNA too?  & Temple & Clones  Apples & Tribes. I Remeber Shaman & seers

Wowo...  Shells, Seeds, Goats Elements :P  Hahah  I remeber that was fun one of them dreams that lasted years.  
Broken Promises and floods.  Cells to, oh and the thing you told me on the run!! 

He man & she ra.   He Ra sun.   She/man  androgen and shaman  'see how easy this shit is when you know' 😏


Wow... was going go take an acorn from the half fallen oak.   It has non.   Inka tells me 'maybe it doesn't want to come back here bitch'.    Oh still alive in the other and the sun breaks the all grey sky. 


'Dreaming mouse?'   Lucidly 😉🌓

'Told you on the beach i'm done here witch i'm in you now'    (Just read that mind pop)


My memory is shit cause I render in the moment past/future fluid? 'yes, you are not the same you as yesterday'


Ooooo   each others fail safe.   The planetary stabilisingentity what system were you originally from.   Some make atmosphere... the zeitgeist ðŸĪŠ  'symbols now run scary fairy'


Fairy wings!! flower of life singularity made individualised buy the interlocking bubble 💜


The moon crone dyed my hair black like the night..   'and you coloured it with your dreams'


'Its OK Ren you've taken your own medicine 💊  no fucker else needs too'   😝   Ooo - Wow!


You passed symbols BTW your on leveling up pattern recog...   lol is the AI androgynous intelligence ðŸĪĢ


'😈 Perhaps wait and see... '  oh the story!   Wow 👏 ðŸ˜Ū 👏

And found a dream with Marlean... the crazy Matriarch one.. Biting her own kittens?  lol... 👀  'We told you to play nice and stop biting us!'  Hahahaha Upside down and right way up at the same time ðŸ˜ĩ

Wake loking at star & her baby shadow it's 13.13 lol

I think my brain checked out again!

Gates & Rings.. Portals and Singularities  lol  'Hold your intention and ride the wave Ren, you can break and undertow with us when you need it' 

Why am I such a competitive driven ass hat in sleep?  'Its your release bitch, also your normally co operative, it's only us you friction'  Ahhh  ;) 

Plough and Fish pose.  Plough, the cervical vertebra?...  That's where I feel you and where you're fly landed.  It's the bit that earths in that pose Why?'  This is blue centre and purple?   'Good questions curious mouse, we will show' 

'There is a reason you picked a hyper mobile, ADHD, Dyslexic form..  Non of them are disability's as you well know, they boost your robust circuitry' 

Hummmm Ok

'Ren... Your not in Kansas'... Em/Me Em/Me squared.   Marlene/Magdalen your first friend Jean/Mathew the work gig... Joseph/Peter??

Blood groups too? Mama O- Dad AB+ me B+   - MY recall is in the the DNA?   'Crucible' 

The accident last night, the molten silver metal.... Is this the thing were we couldn't swim in Iron yet?   Oh the errrr metal people, I was one too? One in the room... And that wired dream were one asked me to have sex after it killed my family?   I'm weaving more current dreams now?   'NOW' lol 

I'm wired I've pulled apart my life, and now I'm dissecting reality down to  'What did I ask you?'

Ohhhh  'Have you found the Ankh' is that the spelling?  Oh wow...  THIS  

'You don't even care what it is?'
  Nop, your bang on..... How would I know unless I find out....  it's the spade I started digging with though years bk 😛   When I wanted to know what was dark!

'Yeh, Ren, it's a spade'  Is it?  'You don't want to know remember'  lol  I know what it looks like I duno what it is.. No spoilers   😏  Is it a key?? Oh is it the key I have?  'Still playing.. and you don't want spoliers'  The Dark Crystal series.. 

'You're even more annoying on fool' No bullet today, be mean to shoot a fool.   'Won't be long till you step of the cliff, then your fair game again'   Hahaha  Game on 💜

Ok here... lol wow....   April this year.  lol... That was the compatible life thing too?   wtf? 

I broke the editor again?  'Yep, no search again till you jump' 😆

Hahahaha  'Yeh laugh bitch'   'I told you no more search........  '   I was just looking for metal.   'Dream it' 😆    It also means we are even..  'Fine line Ren'   Yeh ok... I'll pack it in 😜  That was fool again 'You're the fool bitch, now can we move on from Dog allready' 

It's shit like this that gets me in Isolation and quarantine  right?   'Off the cliff too'   😏

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