Friday, 6 November 2020

Moon & Lunacy

'Ren, your cool.... Earth's dreams... Sharing is fine with them who are like us'
  Not teaching then?   'You couldn't teach for shit...barrel of the gun Ren?'  How many bullets?  'We only need one'   lol fair game...  




'Seeee..... 👀  '


 Yup, OK ty. Point taken...   'And bullet'   


 Are we really Devas and Asuras come to sort our shit?  'What do you think Bitch?'   Errrr I'm running out of any other explanations.👀 'Then shut the fuck up?' 


'Share, Ren I said share.... Don't try and squirm out of it Worm 😏...... I let that go to prove a point, he's cool... Were not'   Ooo👀  'Please Ren, we are on Moon, behave'   I do behave 

'then behave here and I'll keep you in check... I can assure you no one else wants your shit' 


Assure or Asura? ... 'Let's see' I love you  'I know you do, that's annoying too and it doesn't get you any credit back' 

  as-sure 4 
tr.v. as•sured, as•sur•ing, as•sures 
1. To inform positively, as to remove doubt: assured us that the train would be on time. 
2. To cause to feel sure: a gesture that assured her of his devotion 
3. To give confidence to; reassure. 
4. To make certain; ensure: "Nothing in history assures the success of our civilization" 
(Herbed J Muller) 
5. To make safe or secure: We would rather forgo certain benefits in order to be assured 
against certain evils" (Alfred E Smith) 
6. Chiefly British To insure, as against loss.

Against certain evils... Hehehe 'Cackle Witch, this is your fall out again'  We must need a bit of fall out or you wouldn't have sent a muppet like me...  'You're stupid enough to go in'  


'There is a reason you're a Dyslexic Witch your spelling is as much of a liability as you... You know I'm serious'  I kinda do... Ok, I shut up and drink soop and think about my oop 😛 'ffs


You must have been a real shit to get to deal with me?   'You have no idea'  lol Boop?  'Just music and we will sort it once home'   


Haha the mix playing... We tie each other to planetary karma? My fall out is my balance too?


'Who has the perspective? Don't try to be smart Ren... Your dreaming this shit and can only make it worse if you don't listen'    'Don't get deflated either... You're not designed to be a pushover'  

'Better... Push at me... Harder... increase'  Oooo   'Down now feel?'   Mmmmm 

'Ok, keep flow down till I tell you otherwise and stay off media' 'Down' Feels like I'm trying to take a cosmic shit... 

'You are such a muppet'  Puppet?

We are stuck with each other now? 'No shit, you could cash out, kill yourself or try to go back to zombie land?'  ....😠..... 'Exactly.... So lets hold hands and walk the fine fucking line'   Sorry  

lol Ok. 💜


Am I actually going to listen?  'Your not the only not who can do that, seeds sown... Wild and just stupid'  👀 What can I do to balance? Like not this side?  'Hahah, I'll think of something'  

'Your a big space there Ren, for a little shit... Hold it and try not to bob in the pan to much'  Pahahaha💩

Better... Music, game and we will probably be fine. I let you do that to prove a point'  

Still feel crap


'Acid and Fire burn bitch... If they mean to or not... Your a toxic combo for people not insulated'  Ouch...  'Fits where you sits too, so please 💚' 


 'I'm you Ren, I'm as tough and relentless... Neither of us wants to back down until we've fucked it' 💜


 Magnetic.... 👀  'No shit'  

 'I couldn't have been more explicit  -I know. It's what you are, but you upped the game... You need to listen. I know how shit you are at listening.. ' .   'You know you fired the shot and took the bullet'...  Mmmmmm Ok, 'You're a state, we can't fix you awake.. Come bk soon'   TY.

'This is why people don't like you know'  Mirror? 

Yes... Oh.   'We don't ask much other than you to be you and not be too much us' 'I know what you want and I will but for me not you... You feel like shit and I'm not enjoying your emotions'  


 'Remorse bitch, goes with humility... You'd think so soon after Tower you'd not want this crap' IKR

'Normally you're shielded from this cause you're intentions impeccable.. And it was on this occasion to 'other'... 'We however explicitly told you not to fucking do that hrs earlier'


 I shot... Mirror hit  'Yup, follow it, it's a good lesson if painful, follow it feel it then come... This is the other reason I was in the floor btw.. Now follow that emotion and come'  


👀 last thing dream book says is don't get to 'impatient'.....  Impatient and Impulsive 


 'Yes.... You're an idiot... Aside from that ONE gun ONE bullet ONE Mirror....' Ouch.  

How do I stop feeling horrible 'We are helping just come here'


 I went into the emotional pain and followed it, was like a regression.  'So Pay attention' 

Intense raw emotion. I was still a kid/also with my kids... they were teaching me spelling or trying to but all the letters kept getting jumbled like a bag of pick n mix- I was also in all the myths of pantheons.  

The roles/dramas play's archetypes the different roles, pain fall out lessons, battle, rejection.
You were there we were on the shore in my Grans dream space again where the ancient sites where the other day. One of us was always in the sea Emotion...and the other on dry land - we kept swapping.

'What was the message?' Deal with that ONE' I'd been splitting and back in the Tower interaction too you were livid again and I felt like shit.   


 'Getting remorse and humility yet???'  Yes.... 'Fucking hell Ren it's like' ... Mirrors, pattern and ripples... I could see it going back and forth Zak/Me 'Come bk' ....... 

'Yeh I know you're not going to like it, that's also the point'    Sheeesh.... 

'Now bitch, keeping me waiting is not going to improve my temper, your not the only volatile one'  OMW 




'See the world mirror Ren?'   Yup  'Same fine fucking line.... we are dancing on a knife-edge' Sanity so liquid they dare call it life Eros/Thanatos we told you this shit when you were 16...'


'Yes, you are right to jump to Illeth next, I can keep knocking you down all night if you need..... Just follow the emotion pain again... Stay in your heart and trust we are helping however horrible it is right now'...   We know you are sorry go to her now and keep following'  


'Energy change?'  Yes.. Had been with Illeth and followed the heartache again into a dream with all you guys. I was confused and you were all trying to help but we needed to stay in the role for now... God/Goddess and the mirror/moon illusion/shadow. There is a shit storm still incoming. The shadow roles fighting each other 'Not unusual for us'  We were all together promising to be as one but then back in the arenas in roles.  

We have all played all the roles and know and empathise with each other... Feel each other too. 


We'd been stuck in an arena. Young, the dream we had roller blades.. Waiting for something and had been given a location/target.... Others watching us head to the target ....they know our crap saying please don't make too much mess....    


 'Adrenalin and hunt at heart now?'   Yes 'OK all you have experienced so far tonight you can see was love?'  Yes painful but yes.  'You're a fucking idiot Ren but have demonstrated my point perfectly'   Ooof  

We are moon and illusion?   'Obviously - get up for a bit bake bread...' 



 Sleep again and I'd headed back for Inka and we joined and exploded 😛 It was magnetic 'Better than fighting?'  No shit... We were big flowing energy.


 Oh... The Boggart and the Blue people in the shaman dream that were parting for a contract.


 Also the insect/star wars type dream where a pair swapped serial numbers these were all ripples of the same pain!!! 😮   WoW 'Fuck Ren you're Dumb'   Hahaha 💜 'All Symbols remember bk to sleep!!'


I knew what I was supposed to be doing

How I can just follow the pain/hurt sensation... Threw the entanglement and then back to the heart.  Also a false awakening or a layer of reality ripple very close to this where I knew unity again but had all my recall... Lol I'd been woken on that level by a 'Radio Alarm Was my bed and room, cats too Star or a cat like her.

I recalled again how it's Me I need to keep fixing and finding the bits of... I put off the alarm in that dream and woke again! <3 Something about Trump/Biden too but Hazy.


Next up visual splitting to weave huge rainbows of light and rainbow dark smoke.


 Another me listening to Hypnotic Trance. 

😆 ... 'Hehe Ren we told you to 'Follow the excitement'  Oh... I'd started weaving rainbows after following an excitement in my heart! And you did... Tell me that.


 Bringing the love and magic back to the fairy road? 😏 'Trying Bitch, now back to zzzzzz'


 Wow! I don't recall the sensation I followed but it was to you guys 'Forehead' Oh..ok... it was light a laser... Focus. Oh, like the story of manifesting in the void - and when we co-create, Loci when he holds the points to create dimensions and weave threw... Then more light splitting and creating.

Wow 😲... just looked up the related dreams!! 'You know fine well who we are now, so listen plx 😛'


 'More sleep, follow any feeling or sensation'   Ok  


 Phahaha!!! That was insane!  'Close to 😆' 


 I'd been in many layers of dreams again splitting into them but in contact with the other, me's in the other layers... It was really fun!    


 Haha in the main dream I was out with a group half dressed I was missing any pants or trews. It was getting light again and I realised I should probably cover the bottom half of me as the top was covered. Male me was a local guy I know also a gamer, I had to get the guy to give me a lift back to find covering and I got fully dressed and left again.


There are crazy rides in carts like draws on wheels that go up and down, people were pilling into them like rollercoasters I knew I was all the characters too.  


 In one layer I was on a bus no masks driving past a massive street rave with people dancing and smiling and I'd thought oh cool I must be dreaming on a timeline with fewer restrictions.


We played more games.

I watched an amazing play drama with 3 characters a young boy/girl and an old female they were all naked and as they told the story they morphed and changed threw thousandes of bodys all colours shapes and sizes.
There was a fallen carved wooden chair and a red car was the set/morphing in and out.  

The girl had been murdered but was alive and an older woman had come and told her she must blame the male. The woman was then crazy/raving/dreaming this was like a dance performance but the energy was the telling, In the tale the male was framed as a perpetrator but then at the end of the performance all can see he is the undertaker.  


 Then I was sitting with a bunch of people I'm bored and splitting into many other worlds...  I was with 2 men in prison they were in overalls and were annoyed with the lack of sharp objects to shave/eat.  

In another layer, I'm talking about hyperspace and how the void works but people don't understand that know cause I go there. 

Then I'm back with the splitting person who's started to wet herself everyone was staring at me and I just started laughing which made me pee more! 


I'm lucid and I'm well aware I'm dreaming male me was watching also laughing at me.

The others were just staring at me pissing myself laughing and I say to them 'Oh? This isn't a dream for you and the woman looks at me like I'm mental and tells me 'NO!' I understood but tell them to wait and I was explaining dreaming and splitting they thought me nuts so I decided I could change my flicker rate and shove my finger threw my hand... That woke me up here laughing.  


 GG Inak.. again!   'Parameters bitch don't mess with the other dreamers 😏'  Hahaha 


 Oh... You'd told me to follow a sensation at root and see what happened... Lol you shit!


'You're an idiot Ren, but we do love you 💜' 

Haha it's 616 'If your changing parameters in a game remember to listen in unless you want to join one of the future you's in prison, mental re'hab or Re'Ed 😏'  I'll try.    


Oh, I'd done a bunch of soul retrievals too 👀

4 or 5 guys, I knew them, recognised them... 'Yes Ren' 💓 wow busy!! They were Red Ray - 'Yep, crown next you're on the Celtic Chakra spiral remember? Female'     Oh wow. 



 'Effectively yes! You've done it before but you get bored and go back to forgetting... '   Oh, 2016, Yes you went listening to us then so you couldn't ground it! 

Oh!! Wow, yep the trembling...   'You're hearing now but still not listening 😈'  Hahaha 💜 I love you guys too... 'Play nice nutcase' 


I'd gone back to sleep again... Wow more stuff? 'Yes, still more to come that was a tone of stuff you bit me with this time'  

 The biting the hand that feeds you?!👀   --

Poison Fang,  & The cat.. And the Bird that pecked me 😲!!

'Awake now?!' Yep 'Get up and play nice'   


 Wow Inka, my bro the dino's the 2 owls in the workshop thingy 👀


 'Hahaha Ren, your not in Kansas anymore, NOW listen please?'      OK.. 😮  'Free will Ren, it's why you get pulled or squashed when your too lucid'  lol So I have to pretend to be 'normal'??  😆


 'You've been doing that  all your life just read the symbols and listen please, we are playing' 


 'You need to run and ground too' - Mary to my Uncle? 'Ripple'


 Wow.... I just read the card...    I think I prefered Tower, this was double whamy 😶 😬 'Yeh, more us more don't need to read it... you experiance it'

'Your tough Ren. Like we told you.. you're made for this shit'  ??? 

'You don't need to undersand, trust and ground it and have fun'   CPU's for our reality? 'Run, scoot....'


'Stick with music mental chewing gum for your shattered mind'😉 


Hahaha thanks.... 'Stop thinking for a bit'    Trying i ping from curiosity to confusion....


'Ok then, just don't project the screwed up futures Ren, I know what you are thinking '😉


Fair point... 'move hug a tree just get out of head into heart'

'Put your self bk in Re'ed if you need to your probably safer in isolation;)'   Hahaha 💜💙💜


'The soul retrievals one was a biker.. accident, another law enforcement.. drunk driver too?  I recognised them as brothers...   the heart has a mind to Ren. Stay put in it where you are you will recall more' 

What do I want?   'Your asking me?'   Yeh cause I really don't have a clue anymore 🙃 💜


Birds all over looking at me a corvid, then Hawk then another corvid not moving as I run past reach the Gibbet & Celtic cross again 


'Better?'  Ty.  'What you want hasn't changed you're perspective has... trust your heart and instincts'

Why do I forget over and over??? 'Different layers weaving, ADHD mind non-linear you see patterns and connections and are dragging data from many probable places it doesn't lay down memories the same.  It's why you're supposed to be connected to your totality all humans are'   Oh when I do the sorting and compressing...   'Heart Ren, your head will pop' lol 

Oh... So Ren has the recall and I'm trying to stuff her into this me?  'Archetype party in your head... you stuffing us all in Vessel'   😵  'Hahah Symbols Dreamer'

The weaponised serpent is Emotion?  The energy in motion?  'Ren, You were barley asleep 'Yes, but leave this for when your asleep plx.'  You showed me some thing else?

'No you followed the threads to them...   leave it for now'   OK, I go walk 😏

Ty they should have left witch's well enough alone to start with they have an Interesting failed safe and self regulation 🤣😈


The Celtic spiral...   the trajectory...   the memories in 2 half's like walnuts..    DNA,  planet's, movement threw space.   Loci, the energy experience lays memories into the grid?  


How do the geometrics work together?   'Though fuckers like us who balance...'   lol really??...   'Want to argue or just let me show you?'   Latter... 'You took to long to answer bitch'   ;)  Hehe... at least I'm asking the right mind 🤣😈


'Dance, play and come home sober.... if you want to know  :P'  ... lol


Ooooo the ADHD brain  we don't remember as we are non temporal we slip and slide the time lines riding the intersections future and past rippling in probabilities from now...   so the memory is of energetic entanglement rendered differently from perspective within our errrrrr I see it but I duno wtf to call it.   


'Haha  Ren...   yeh your mind juggles concepts mainly unformed '   Oh the CPU for our reality as we rendering it real time from agreed parameters and current speed/trajectory and attachments via the  branch processes? ?   'I told you its easier to show you... Wait'  :P


Wtf is up with my curiosity too?   Lol  😆 most people Don't even want to consider the big questions let alone pull apart their reality and being?? 


'Keep asking the voice in your head these questions rather than your GP or friends and your probably fine' 🤣🤣


Haha   😆  ffs :p   'This is why I shouldn't drink anything hu?   I'm sure the fall out is probably good for growth or value fulfilment or some shit'


'You get why logic dose not like this?'  Kinda...  is this the Box's thing... order!! 


Chaos..  only its not that chaotic?  ...  'Ren you have no idea ......  we will show you.'  


Oh the fractal stuff!!!   'Yeah... '  Ah  hahaha 😆  infinity...   'Yes 😍...Less of the intelligent in your current mind space '😆💜


'Your teachers at school hated you cause you wanted to know why math worked not how to do it' 🤣  lol. 


'See why someone like you comes in the way you do'... yeh.    Liability 😏


'You are dangerous enough with half a brain'  Phahaha🤣


I miss crew and idiots like me...   'I know Ren... but we are tangled in time and reality we are in your reflections there same as we are in other layers'   I'm starting to see that Yeh O.o


'Yep admitting shit like that even to your self is powerful that's why you feel the cosmic fur ball at yellow'   Oh. 


Haha..   the track 😳😳😳  bullet in gun again.    'Yep, warning ⚠️  if you want to brake consensus reality you need to break from it'  


'All humans do it all the time but ignorance is bliss so the say'   😆  curiosity


'Alice, Dorothy, Neo..  all art Zeitgeist symbols and ripples'


You knew last night the gun thing the one bullet.  ... 'OFC we literally showed you the night before how we are not in time... And You too Ren.   you are weaving this shit with me - never anyone's victim but your own'  IKR that's why it sux's 😏


Why?   'To know yourself.. .   I did tell you to sleep or move' 


I need to write then read it to help remember... 



'Your head is a receiver' ... Oh I'm on the cloud?  'Currently with an unlimited data plan'  Heheh


Is it friction between polarity's that causes energy?   'look it up you don't need to reinvent the wheel every time you want something'   But that's what creators do?  'That was friction' Hahah 

It's all in words not pictures... 'Yes, that's why we show you!' 

Oh is this the capacity stuff?   'Just got for another walk Ren??  You know this shit inside out upside down and in reverse...  you just never fucking remember!'     Yeh... Ok.  

Oh.... Like you told me.  'We could tell you the secret of existence and you still forget your own name?'  Yeh that..   Well at least some stuff sticks.. 'That's why we show you....  scoot again' 

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