Monday, 23 November 2020

Pattern Recognition

Wake at 11pm, I'd been dreaming in my the main dream area. 

By the cemetery on the way to the infant school, on the floor, a card, a being from space, the fool of the deck is laying on its face - as they pick me up and look at me they see only a reflection and never what I be.

'Ren?' I'm listening, 'Good, don't dream to deep, you need to remember' ok, I do a bit... 'It's cool it's early, go find Kaylo and dream with him for now, we find you soon' 

Next errrr a space ship? 'Kind off 😏' Was the square in the circle and the circle in the square and a triangle too, made of lines it's 3 dimensional and a dot I'm part of it?
'Yes, Ren your the same... small or big, your perspective is what changes, not where you fit'


A dream to I'd been given a role in it, a narrator?? Or I was looking after someone or something... watching people like cards, a night sky, roles and games, a cosmic play. Also, I had to look after a staff room, or take gifts there. I was in a strange shop, it was tricky to access all the rooms I was buying gifts to leave in the staff room, lollypops πŸ˜› and cake. 

I could see in my recall 2 vast underground networks/ routs to the same destination both big. 

Also I'm so hot... I feel like I'm on fireπŸ”₯ 2 Stars, but both the same, weaving threw space, playing a game. 'Sleep Ren, it won't make sense right away - ask and dream, follow any sensation any pain'  

Nearly 202... 'You don't want to recall that?' Not yet, thank you, I come now, thank you. We had swapped, Leon was to dream with Kaylo and me with Inka, we were all still at the roundhouse where I'd jumped at the start of the night. It wasn't raining now and Kaylo and Leon were outside. 


Wake again, 222. 

Very long detailed dream. I'm on the harbour wall, looking down into the sea the water is beautiful and clear, deep for swimming but it's filled with trash and many floating ppe masks.

I recall I'd been in another dream too or was in another just outside or inside this one. In the other dream, I'm in a game 2 souls in one form.
I was watching them from above they were learning how to cooperate and It was pretty... game/cartoon film like.. greyscale and smokey, the souls were like ethereal birds.

The pair had been angry at each other that one avatar was dead and they had to share the other, they needed to co-operate to continue.

Then I'm back on the cliff looking down again, but pondering the other dream as I recall it, I knew it was the 2 stars too.
I see Scribble our Tomcat swimming, but then he tangles in a mask and is drowning and I jump off the cliff shouting, people have noticed and a guy is already wading out to help

I slid down the rest of the cliff and into what is now a large crowd I push threw telling them it's my cat and he is handed over shoulders to me.  

Somehow he's also on IV fluids as I take him he is dead, I shake the water from his lungs and start CPR and he comes back looking at me briefly but dies again this time in my arms.  I bring him back a second time and he dies yet again..... I weep holding him as the tide goes out  standing amid the masks and trash.  
I remove the fluids and take his cold wet body to the marram grass at the harbour cliff wall and lay him there while I clear some of the masks that have been left by the tide,
crying as I do so.

As I'm cleaning the shore a cat-like scribble but smaller and brown appears beside him the same round yellow/orange owl-like eyes. It starts licking and grooming his wet salty fur. It cleans him as I clean the sand. Then it lays on him and he comes back alive. I wait and I watch till I'm sure he's back and then I go and join them.  

Scribble needs heat, he's cold from being dead and I lay with him on my chest to warm him the other cat keeps licking. I take them both to a vet I know.  (The street to the school where I was flying low looking for something last week) Guess this is still the lab work up hu? 😏  'Yes Ren'

I enter and go straight threw the back It's wired and modern, grey and white corridors and lab-like, the second cat has turned to a small white dog as I hold it, but back to a cat as it is with Scribble. The vet is Juila she talks to me and not the cat, she tells me I should have done CPR and tried to bring him back a second time, but we are where we're at and we stand and puzzle the other cat.  It's a cat with Scribble but a dog with me but it's saving his life so we just let it be.

'Up and right/wright a bit Ren, have a brew'  Ok, that was sad πŸ’š

Took me a while to sleep again when I wake it's 515. Vague.. 

'You recalled that time' Errr oh, lol yeh I just asked 😏 'Mmmm, you did' Hahah  

Oh, puzzles, male me was jack again, schools lessons game's looking and putting bits together again.. Pinecones patterns coming from 'Potential' and goo.. like black bubbly goo? 'That, makes you' Hahaha 'Dream more' 

Feel wired, 'Full, you collected lots of stuff,, running will help' Pffffff 'We with you too Ren, lots to process' So many other dreams too 'Same feels'.

My recall is hazy just snatches of them, a refectory/staff kitchen for a massive store or supermarket it was open 24hrs and the staff were tired, some sleeping at tables security, serving staff all relaxing in the basement area before going back on shift.

I'd been with them then I'm walking threw a night market, stalls and wares and baskets and then making my way threw a lol was like a massive Christmas party in a hotel, a big meal many tables but again I'm moving threw it people know me and I get passed a drink in a fancy glass, it's like a dessert too with icecream or ice in.

I left there too and I head threw there onto a road, it was errrr like an underpass/subway but organic, like a high hedgerow but no plants just living tube.. In the tunnel, there are hybrid beings a badger/troll thing with a spear and others they guard certain sections of the pass.

Jack was male me, he was in a small light grey round cave, he called me back travellers collected there and moved the road in small groups I go in to and we wait for a few more to move together.

In another dream I'd been at a big rave/party it was again all dark/warehouse-style.. a hotel too where the partygoers could rest/sleep.

We had met to dance and share stories, it was fun and funny we had laughed a lot... oh there were police and politicians too and others, the roles had swapped at the last moment again?  'They usually do' Hehehe, they were sharing too.  I was among the few left most had gone now.


The water, downing..   baptism?  The John Aspostle? beloved stuff & The Fool books/Farseer books?   Is the pushing the ego into the fire the baptism of fire?  


'Symbols and pattern recog work them out witch😏' lol 


The PPE...water e motion, ppe = fear lack of flow?...   weaponised e motion  /  bombs.  Fear stops flow till explodes in our out?? 


'Play with concepts jester, run and juggle them in your fractured mind' 😈  lol

OOo, last time I had a dream with Julia it was about proteins on a virus and seeing time.  
Also all the Nov 2016 dreams seem to fit too...  Is this trajectory?  Do we pass threw similar loops/space/experiances? 

'Find when you understood Astrology'  Here... Oh, this is what Inka took me back to to add into the story, only I whent back as Ren, to watch the sceen from the Alien perspective.. but she had Kaylo's eyes.   'Sleep'  Now?   'When else?'  errrrr lol  hang on. 

Back, 'Things make more sense?'  No but they don't need too 'Good Witch'  πŸ˜†

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