Saturday, 7 November 2020

Sunny Onions

'We need you home, Witch......''   I want to come home.   'Brew and you're dehydrated'

'The dawn is coming Ren we stay where we are and try not to get caught with our pants down'... lol your a punny pucker  'Smarter than your dumb ass... You're going to need Leon, Loci and the others again soon' 

Much more moon?  'Not painful'  Follow your emotions again but jump towards the others - OK.

Wide wide again... All mixed huge, we balance... I was waiting and finding and in. Holding and filling permissions and contrast.. amazing energy I could see it like smoke mixing.

Wake just gone 1.. 

I wake.. check time I thought it was late! (Meaning morning) 'Hehe, No Dear, still early' Oooo Illeth 💜 'Yes, we are all playing 💗'

Ah it's just the moon making it light... Heheh Other dreams were hazier birds feeding and gardens.

'It's early Bitch' Heya Inakyour here too 'Come?' I'm in where too? 'Your call'


I wake laughing. Phahahaha.... Seriously!! Was a mouse in a windmill with clogs on!! The song is playing!! ... A mouse lived in a windmill.  

'Noisey Dream Mice can dance big echos...'  Heheh ripples, waves.  'Yep Ren, keep hunting Kaylo then come as one'  Oh, deeper symbols.. Hamlett's mill?? 😲 Windmill, Earth..'Sleep Witch, we can play symbols later 😏' 

GG yet again!! 👀 especially with what I was just thinking.

How lucky WE AM/I AM


WTF Inka?? 'I'm good at this Ren!'   No shit!!  

I don't recall the dream so much as the energy..

We were weaving again, massive rainbows of light and dark rainbow coloured smoke and then we stopped you told me something about knowing the score and then you said 'I told you Ren, you don't belong here shut up and let me play' While showing me the Grumpy Sun & Yew are Accused ..... you showed me that again from wide perspective 👀  'Mmmmmm'

The 2 Suns too, and the 2 moons! 😲 'Yes, understand your curiosity Adept'  Errrrrrrr lol! We are dreaming the Archetypes so fast! I don't even know what you showed me.  'The Sun disk Ren, the one that the bug has!'  The moon card?   

Oh is it Sun next?  'Still don't believe me?' lol not a pushover remember 😛  'No but you're a pain in the ass whatever way up you are!'  Hahaha 💜

Oh, you also told me we can chill where ever we are happy, we just need to keep holding the intent too..

'You KNOW unity, you know all your curiosity is growth/hunger & value fulfilment you want knowledge, experiance and growth' 

👀 Leon told me I don't have to play... lol, but I really do!! 😁💜


I'd woken hazy and dreamy and was told, 'Your heads in the cloud...unlimited data plan'

'You fucking asked?' Yeh lol... I wasn't expecting a reply :P  'Why not? Why ask then?' ?? Duno curiosity!!   Haha 😆

The reply was 'Heart has 4 chambers what you put in stays??'   Leon? 'Yes Ren'  lol you know I prefer Inkas games to your Riddles 'Yes Ren, We do' 

What was I dreaming... Oh!

Strange world... looking for something we were wondering what was up with our heads there, brains were wired. (Hahaha) The half a person not access to proper thinking??

Can you show me please? Oh!! This is what's up with the Herd!! The girl with the cows, who wasn't supposed to tell people??!! I took responsibility for her before Inka stopped me going alone

The black & white cows from all the dreams.. 👀   Is milk the flipside to Loosh??  '😈' Blood? 'Wait and see we are still playing!'

My head feels strange.  'Two little parasites one big, one small looking at each other in the illusion of all? '   Oh I can come inside Leon now?  'Yup'  


Ooooo the 4 chambers heart I see it visually the infinity sign2 together making loops... this is the ring round the tree of life the elements.. directions!!

The herd (Cows) (branches) is the mind matrix.. black and white split brain duality.
Confusing as we are all CUP's rendering reality from the underlying source code via our own parameters. 

 'OFC which you have few at the moment 😏 Coming?'  Yep.

What's that? (Can't read Leons reply here) lol Leon, come on its hard to recall here... So I get shown kids storybooks!! 😆 Ass hats 😛
'It worked 😏'

The very hungry caterpillar I'm inside the story pictures flicking threw the book! Seriously!!  

This was the numbers 1/2/3/4 ect points vectors and the hunger for growth... Next up is an infants board Book...Apple a worm and the hole that gets bigger and bigger on each page!! 

Hahaha Oh, the onion... the ripples every time we integrate into a larger aspect we get bigger. 

Next image processing the Celtic cross is also the tree of life the elements are on the top not around the trunk! The direction elements.  

I knew about the lives I'd had with the Monks on Holy Island, Illuminated manuscripts and the Celtic art. The Celtic Chakra spiral female and the eastern chakra system male. The balance info in the illuminations/art.

(I need to watch that Seacret of Kells film today with this head-on 😍) Oh.. that's why I was born there!
The Holy Island to the Devil's punchbowl!! Wow, guys, we play long symbolic games...
 'Bitch, you have no idea'   Hahaha Your not kidding about dreaming our lives... '👿'
Hehe.. I do trust, it's just mind-boggling to the human head... also I keep forgetting it when awake again!!

So Need to do both insides?? Oh it depends where we are in the cycle... 

I can see how the grail the singularity fit into the flower of life and how each of our aspects work together 6 interlocking chalices/grails. 

I realise I have to join being with Inka -/+ to go into Leon... lol Russian dolls Kaylo balances this me here... Ren balances Inka.. Haha!! :P Then We go into Leon who is balanced with Illeth I think O.o  

This was.   All the flows and feels multidimensional energy all directions... this is how we jump and move?  'Yes' The singularity.

When I wake I'd had a dream 😛'Obviously' 

I was with the Vet Michale, We had been operating and doing surgery on a big cat. Like a very large Abyssinian but larger than a domesticated cat, it was still anesthetised I was taking it to the crate to sit with it in recovery.  

The surgery was long and it had been on fluids as I was moving him, it started to pee so I propped it over my shoulder while it peed and peed! (Balance! lol, this is the flood too right?) Michale was helping by holding the fresh fluid bag. It finished peeing and we got to the recovery crate I put the heat on and I got in with it sitting waiting for the anaesthetic to wear off (Oh this is the dream a few nights ago when we had to wait for a father to wake up... WTF?) 'Symbols/Ripples Ren.. are we still having fun?'   ;)

Michale comes in again with some pots with samples from inside the cat in that he wants me to do the lab work up on!  'Still playing!'  Oh ok.. It was Michael I worked with 2017 to understand you?? 'It was 😈'  Bloody hell 😆

'I can't believe you just checked Ren!!! ' lol 'I will kick you for that'  Hahah I'm sure you will 😆  'Of course it's SUN you muppet 💜 that could not have been more obvious' 

There was also another dream I was clearing a room/space for Fay/Daughter... She was having a party/celebration.  

Oh Let the Lion lay down with the Wolf and the??  'Find it...'     😲

The Lions gate portal??  'We have all day to play symbold Ren..if you don't want to fry out go for a walk in the SUN and ground'  Good plan..

Just looked up the Lions Portal....   Is Sun linked to Hanged man then?  'Look it up 😆' 


Mind pop again is that why all the nusery rhyme and kids books? The butterfly wings. and the book
'Told you Ren, were good at this shit'

Haha  Oh.... the Inner Children.., the what was in your head as a kid!  The Teddys   ...   My actual bro dressing up as a Dino to play. 😲  'Unlimited data plan bitch😆'   Need a memory upgrade cause mine is frazzled!! 

This is the deck my Bro stole for my Birthday when I was 18 😳  We were skint, I distracted the shop owner so he could nab it from under the counter!  I wanted it cause I liked the piccys, I didn't bother to learn anything about it.  'You like to learn the fun way Ren, playing' 😆

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