Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Dream on Mouse

What's with root?   'Moon change and we going to stretch you' Hahaha 😆


'I know your not keen to integrate Leon'.... He triggers me....   'which is exactly why you need 



'When I tell you he is more us that is what I mean' 


Extreme balance 🤣 'you said it' 


His .....'was last night ok witch?'  Yes....  


You fought with him the other night?  

'Yeah Ren, we took you in the story and in your dreams' why did you push my awarness out for for the fight?   

 'More us' Errrrrrr

Hahaha was going to ask who thought duality was a good idea 💡 but that would be us too right?  



Inka even Ren is pissed off at Leon....  


'And you are both learning why. Big triggers big understanding.... don't worry he's capable of fucking you both up, way more than I can' 🤣😬


Lol well, I guess that's ok then.   


'should cook like a good witch' 🙄 'DW Ren... you will get a push back' 🤣 'likely more than you bargain for but its why we team' 



Will it be fun though?  ' Hahaha Ren, 

for you or 'other'   haha 😄 ok point taken 'and likely a fill of bullets b4 we r done'   great 😳



Shameless?  ' You pop threw ego's like a kid in a candy store'.  Lol😆 OK.  



How long till I'm upside down again?  ' Current trajectory b4 the full moon'


Oh.. 👌   'for who?'  

....ouch am I that toxic?   


'You are us... let's try to minimise fall out while we play?'   🤔 'failsafe bitch I can squash you'

Which is I want to try challenging you for fun.  'And why your gaming with Leon now' 


Oh... the love I offer is the same nets that bind me?   


'Not quite witch, you, know how to let go'   


Life in reverse 'yes for some' 


Trying to survive threw obligations is no life...   'Which is why you let her go, Witch, its why you let everything go regardless of how much you love it'  

I am symbolically dreaming now the rejection of Mama, Earth, Home,Body.. but also structure growth?   

I rejected emotional guilt like I reject control....    


'And physical control..'...I split and spread.....  'female flows.. you will fill a container and overflow or... blow it up'   

I want Leon now....  'I know, predator 😈'  Guilty as charged this is why I bit him and he pisses Ren off? 


 'No gods no masters Witch.... Just you and you're mirrors'

Inak, Thank you. 
 'YW Witch, what I said holds'  I know I trust. 

'Don't listen though'  Not if I don't want to.  'Good😈' lol 😆

'Re'read what I told you Ren, MORE US. He's no fucking angel either there is a reason why I fought with him for you' 👀  'It's cool Witch, you can handle yourself and both of us are a storm'  Mmmmm

'Treat him like you treat me, no gods no masters' TY.


WOW! 'I know Ren, your dancing a planet' 

lol we were big!! 'All Ren' 

It was 222, so so big.. 'You too'  👀 'lol, come Illeth is here we need all of us. Bk Ren and bring all of you we need to be inside each other for this for the next bit'

We did an end of year show?   'You were a big storm Ren'  The middle way? We were off-world as controllers? I don't understand?

'We will show more'   It's was like a school a play, end of year performance. A storm to sing it's amazing but it can blow a world away...... The others come together to play, Do we sing our storm or cancel our play? Loci is us too, we were all there.

The pain in my shoulder blade?  'Follow now'

I woke it was still there, it's very tangled.   'Keep following it and going into it Ren'  It took me back to where you all tried to help when I was confused the moon card we had roles and a target and others were hoping we didn't make to much mess.

Beelzebub again, a forest, something had been stopping my power recharge and I'd done it to help, stuff could flow again after but it broke other stuff. We were sitting at a muddy puddle shouting.  

The pain I'm feeling connects me to Loci...   'Yes Ren 💜 come here to us soon'  

A dream of a fairground, all the rides are full and about to start, I've been on them all and but I'm expected to take a seat they all start together. I wanted to go on an empty dark carrousel type thing but I think it wasn't running and I was directed to a few empty seats on what was like a strange shuggy boat thing.  

Main dream area before I'm born looks like the time peiod is 40's 50 but the estate is there even though it wouldn't have been built. The people are in homemade clothes and outside of their homes.

When I wake again the pain had moved from shoulder to back of heart space - it feels like I'm being stabbed in the back.  'Follow Ren 💜'  

A shop, I'd been working there serving and restocking, the door was locked and it's dark out.. I was just killing time tidying as I was waiting on Zak he was finishing watching something. 

On Waking I know that these dreams and the pain are connected to the dreams I've had with Beelzebub??
A very old dream of Leon collecting me watching the crazy white Ren, The wired thing when I was taken to Solomons Temple and told a regicide was having long-lasting ripples in my space-time experience. Also, pain is the lungs, the black freeze-dried lungs from the other dream with Beelzebub. So there is some link with Solomon and Beelzebub? 
 'Yes Ren, to weave today <3'   Ok. The pain is a cell memory?  'The recall in DNA'  this is tired to the multidimensional aspect of DNA?  'Yes, all symbols too.. weave decode and patterns we follow the pain again in sleep' 


2 Dreams of Beelzibub  - Both with Holly too, the Winter King/Oak summer. 

First long one with a portal... The lung pain inside was linked to this one
Then this one...  With Sa & Ra too.  

Ah so it's creative again?  Dark/female..  


So I'm doing this over again with 'More us'  lol 

That Apocropha of John.. that fits too?? 

Had a nap... 'Wake up mouse' I wana dream  'You Are'  I'd been back With Loci here

Then the Solomon Temple.  -  Wow... so the other links you showed me were also linked to Malta and the Knights Templar  these are big loops?!   The thing in the sea is also the weponised E motion..  One feeling one thinking?  from the moon card? 

Holly..    Not making sense today..  'I know Ren, chill and feel' :P 

The Mary thing.. from other day and then I log on this morning to see this... Winter Solstice again.  

Oh this is where I learn about the off-world controll With the family split stuff....  - So is this where the parameters are set for the earth game?  'We showing as fast as we can Ren 😏' 

Also admittance by vax.. and the dream where we were chatting about crashing the world economy?

So from 2017...

All baby's beach... beach is oh the fine line?  balance emotion/mental.  wow the other dreams in the night are us being first players on the next level!!  'You bitch'   And burning stuff??

The birthday thing....   Mine is Imbolc Oh the time I was born both sun and moon in Aquarius?   'You don't want it to make sense Ren, but you can't argue that is doesn't'  lol thanks ;)   'Just don't rock your vessle to much 😆'     Oh my place of birth... was also mirror long/lat   -  Haha thanks... track playing I've never herd. Dream on little dreamer!  ......    'Symbols - pattern recog'  Vid also trust and dive!

Bloody Hell Inka!!  'IKR Witch <3'

The wormwood and screwfix...   is  and

This really is a dream hu??   I/HE    Em/ME  

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITER  ????  Errrrr WTF   https://www.iter.org/    EM squared? :P  The Emotion E motion weaponised emotion??

'Just dream it mouse..  your still on pattern recog'

Nop, on wtf tbh. 

Oh the cube from last night :)



Don't think I like these cards much... To rigid ......   Oh is this what I'm seeing in Leon that is anoying me?  '😏 Dream mouse, just sober up so you recall'  lol  Wall?  'Mirror, another one you will glare at for a bit' 

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