A day away from what was me sliding lines that few can see.
Wondering what we are meant to be and how I'm not I but we?
Crawling under and in-between
the thing I think, that I can see.
Climbing down inside a feel , and
falling off while leaping in.
Like a wind that blows me far away. I scatter apart what's me to play.
A call that beckons the tide to shore, I'm hunting the bits to feel whole once more.
Inka, Leon? 'Ren?' Blugh... 'You need something?' Yes but I duno what. I'd like to play. 'You're always home Ren, never alone' Island? 'Yep Come'
Wake at 23.23 I'd been with you guys? 'You still are, Jump bk', Carrion Crow? 'They eat carcass' Ren' lol doesn't everything 😏 '💜 Just checking'
I'd had a strangely vivid dream of, my neighbour, Donnat posting me a bag of salt threw the letter box.
I'd been at Hindhead too, oh the crow, corvid in a tree there being in or watching one... I know you're showing me telomeres and replication 'symbolically' err ok
Was the 2 faction thing again, this time we are firmly in the middle, Oh soul retrievals too, I was sleeping in a dark place with a dragon, I could be the dragon too. Josh and Dad outside the main house... me too?
The soul retrievals there was a sorting too, I knew were to take each.
Had been hearings too and samples taken from the accused and the accusing. .
A street, the home owners had suddenly taken back the care of it.
Layers again, like the onion or a planet. Like when I have dreams with the layerd sky but I'm observing the construct from outside.
The heart was the middle way. The mind layers above like atmosphere and inside more layers too, I could move between all from outer to inner. I prefer the middle and inner close to Mid, it's peaceful.
Wake 313 Symbols.. elements -/+ Male/Female Planets, Energy, Colours, Vibration and speed... Duno what my mind is up to feel like it's just sorting compressing and defragging.
Trying to understand where intuitive knowing comes from?? Blugh...Back to sleep..I'd jumped to the hunter room next were Inka is and we dream share.
'You good Ren?' Eerrrrrr that was wired but hazy, I want recall plx. 'OFC' lol Wow I'd been something soild thrown hard at something else and then I explode or shatterd like crystal dust or rain flowing and spreading. Is this like when I exploded? Or watched a building explode?
Sleep again
WTF dreams...
Symbols first a Lynx & Linux -- The Leon Cat and an operating system? 👀
Alos Onyx and Onex A Sillicate for Onyx
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Something about Parasites to, Oooo do to the parasites come from the Carrion?
Oh yeh a dream!
I'd been looking for something it had started main dream area heading from where the roundhouse & community centre is now is up towards the infant school I was flying oh yeh the other street I checked has the same name as my Bro. ??
Some people in a car got annoyed with me for flying too low and making them stop but I was low to the ground as I was looking for something. Next up I'm in a service pit under a train track the rails above me it's dark and damp and there isn't for me to squeeze under the gap to get back to the surface Leon appears laughing at me! Telling me 'I can't believe you solved ?? and got stuck here! Come and find me in the library when you work out how to get out' I try to reply and when I open my mouth I realise something is holding my jaws together inside, I put my fingers into my mouth and realise there is a sort of worm thing burrowing into my upper and lower jaw.
Leon laughs again and vanishes. (Oh, the lab work up! That Michael asked me to do on the samples from Leon) 'You bit him mouse 😏' Hehehe😜
I'd realised it was pointless trying to go up so had made my way sideways until I found a errrr it reminded me of a grotty school bathroom with cracked mirror and tiles. I was pulling worms from my clear tubbey ones and washing them down the sink, I remember thinking I should keep some to study but I figured I likely had more anyway. I was also in the Library with Leon at some point too. It's huge with lots of old leather-bound books. I can't recall if that was before or after though or what we talked about.
Another dream was, here again, there was cat pee all over and I was cleaning up... I recall stuff making a mess faster than I could clean it.
'Sleep again fast Ren'
One/Game all now 1/0 game is on. game is One.
Another me, A pile of books, dusty.. again I'm looking for something then people start telling me about a dream they had, first one then more and more. The same dream each person thinks it's in their country (hehehe) They are coming together to talk about it. They were asking me what it means... I'm asking them to share and wonder.
Oh... Dream weaving?? 😮
I also had 2 sausage dogs (Oh Hot dogs) Dachshunds. The female one was bonkers, well unhinged. She'd just been handed into my care, I'd trained the Male and someone thought that we could help the female, male me was with me. The setting was familiar from other dreams, it's Autumn there too and the quiet road we are on is covered with fallen leaves it's a little like a flipped version of here I guess. The female is of lead and running all over the road, between us we manage to get her and the other dog of the road and into some woodland where they can play without making to much mess or hurting themselves and we were wondering what to do next.
In another dream our local MP was there this was very real too, he was being questioned by people and put on the spot, he's not very comfortable about it I'm observing him and the crowd.
I recall at one point saying to male me 'Blugh!, I feel I might at some point regret agreeing to take on this!' and we laugh 😛
So much more to unpack but it's the morning I needed to get up. Oh there had been another dream before the other two I was with possibly Micahel again duno though it was male! We were trying to look at a hybrid mouse cat (lol Inka and me? pfff) Anyhoo It's freaking out about being heled so I'm restraining it and talking to it till it chills out enough for us to look at it eventually it relaxes in my hands and we can look at it.... lol then I shove it under the ear flap of the male who has soft ears like a spaniel? Also at some point, I'd been told ( 'Crow - Corvidae, don't epi-demic' )
Guys?!?!? 'We're playing Ren 😏' 👀 No shit!
lol daughter has just walked in singing Hot-Dog, Hot-Dog, Hot-Dog over and over and over.... and now getting Josh to sing it. 👀 I asked her why and she has no idea.....
'lol Ren, it's cool, Symbols remeber... Intention and Symbols, we are here. Run and play, Reality might be a bit wobbly for you 💚'
Am I finding out why Leon drives Ren crazy??? 'Let's see 😏' Hahahah
So Leon as Lynx asleep... Lab work up
A Dream mouse jumping to bite Leon ... Hummmm
You were serious right 😛
'Go Ren, Ren.. Get out your head if you don't want it to pop allready'
I know you warned me 'Dosen't usually stop you' lol :)
So After the 12 Jan... was when I met Rog, Didn't know it was him yet, cause I hadn't started the story.
30 June. The beacon! And the Euphoria and Leon!! Where I stuffed up, and later I was the beacon too 👀 Yeh... I need to run 👀
Is that the ship?? From...
Wow just logged into Facebook and the first post is about seeing crows 'Scoot Ren, don't pop today yet'
Wtf am I? 'A vessel dreamer, now row merrily and gently and don't rock the boat at the moment' 🤣
I was here last night 🌙 I remember the pony's.... 'you're life is your dream you can jump that too ' Pfffff
Michael like El Elohim- are these the archetypes/architecture for the system logos? '😏'
Oooo ok. I'll keep my program running 🏃♂️ then 🤣
Run stop 1221
Oh... that's the date on the thingy that's Solstice too 🤯 'Haha Ren, we did warn you it's wobbly'
'Also told you your pretty Basic!!' Yep... I know...
'Your cat's are telling you to nap.' Hehe
Yeh, maybe they are...I'm not sleepy.
'Doesn't matter, shut up lay down anyway' 🙄
'What was that mudra' Find it, you won't find the way we showed you the use it though. Errrr Gyan mudra is as close as I can find but that ones not the same and doesn't interlock, this incorporates Knowledge interlocking, elements and it's a seal too?
Why the arm position. 'You know this, you've been to enough astral classes' .... Yeh but I don't remember! :P - 'You remembered enough to use it ;)' Blug!!!
What happens between 21st and my bday at Imbolc 'Winter' lol yeh thanks Leon... I prefer Inka's rudeness tbh
So 21st is Earth celebration and 'Rebirth'
as sun longer days. Imbolc Is air rising Awakening of the new year.
Ooo the Ancient apple tree next door, I can take cuttings when they cut it down, regrow give to them to the neighbours and plant locally too... 💚
TY... 'Trust yourself Witch, if nothing else you know how to spread and grow wild ' Heya Inka ;) 'We told you you'd know what to do'
The Apples!! 😏 In the summer I had that thing when I was laying under it and I went into the apple then the blossom, bud, tree, hundreds of seasons and back into a sapling I think I split into a bee and possibility's
Hahah I just read someone met their guides in flowing robes Inka, you'd suit a frock 😆 'I'm not your guide witch I'm your pushback..... and I'd prolly look better than some of the twisted forms you render me in bitch 😈' Hahah
You make a cute bat/cat😂
Wow... Nice weave Inka 'YW, Bitch... now lets play nice the clues are there for them lucid enough to see' I still haven't a clue what is going on??
'It's where you're at Ren.. at least this round your listening and looking'

Mate... It's metaphysical diarrhoea, I could spray this shit all day, I AM just waiting for the others and hope they will play

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