Thursday, 12 November 2020

Mystic Monkey's and Hot Dogs

I can't help it! 
'We know' The rest of the world meditates and I jump threw realities and archetypes like a bush baby on smack. 'Yeh Ren. See how the universe provides? Even for fuck wits like you?' Hahahah Yeh 💜

Oh Big woosh 22.22 on 11.11 'Come astral and we find a big woosh'  lol OMW.   Am I a trophy yet?  'No Ren, your still just irritating 💜 love you guys.  

Wow! 👀 Unexpected. I'm seeing watching a city being built/created the entities look reptilian possibly green oh... the thing I turned into here.  

The stones are already carved laying flat to be put int place it was like a modern building site with piles of bricks.  I knew it was something to do with Essenes or Etruscan will have to look that up tomorrow.   I'm looking down on the scene and site from about I knew I'd been there too.
Very, peaceful,  religious people, telepathic too non-human the preists were female.

Another Dream.  A room I'd reached.   It was square with many toilets along each wall where people were all taking a dump looking at each other 😆  I think Fay was there asking why everyone was pooping together! I didn't really have an answer.

Next up I wake myself up laughing again. 313

I'd been sitting at a round table with current friends and family.  I had arranged a party but my mother was there being all formal, wired and controlling, making the atmosphere tense and uncomfortable - not fun.

A group make the excuse they need to go get something just to get out of the tense vibe and my daughter wants to go to, but she's been told she must say no.    I'm watching her blush hard as the others ask if she wants to go with them as she wants to say yes.   My Dad is opposite me with his head down... I'm not happy she can't do as she pleases and my temper is rising fast.  

Then this voice almost robotic says 'DANGER IMMINENT!!'  and I shout 'Release valve' and I start to let off steam in a big woosh like a train... then I'm yelling 'VENTING- VENTING' and I'm hissing steam all over the place and everyone at the table including me start laughing hysterically!!  😂

Inka!!  'Told you it was more fun to dream it 😆'     Hahahah oh yeh last night?!?
When you told me to pack it in!  :P  This was the fail-safe/Line Stop?!?!    Oh, it's also the other way up version of this dream!!  

And this dream where I had a funnel on my head that I hadn't noticed before! 😛

Oh the same house this is that Irean reference from your Apocrypha of John page 'That you still haven't read' 😈 'Just dream now Ren, Weave tomorrow' 😏 The room with the toilets we had arrived there for something, the roads were very narrow for our vehicle we've had to go the last bit on foot.

Oh.. Irenaeus the flipside to  Gnostic stuff Oh... symbols and oneness? Is that what the dreams in her house are 😛

Instant Hot water? Train with many Boilers?

'Just dream Ren, Were having fun' lol ok.

Next up Belladonna, I'm seeing the flowers and berries and vines.... and this is another layer to LINE STOP. The pattern of fighting/killing that's been rippling back and forth from now. DNA?? Oh Yeh I asked you about that too.  

The spinners/Spider... 


Your right this is way more fun!!  

I'm in a sort of familiar house a female relative has died. I cousin comes to the door with one of them Champaign lids and an old 50p piece. They tell me it was their last Aunt and I invite her in. 

I think I'd wanted to share something I knew with her. The house seems to be mine and I take her to a large comfortable victorian sitting room that I know from other dreams.  

We try to talk but the resident ghost keeps turning on the TV and the volume up to max, I keep turning it off and it keeps putting it on again and cranking up the volume making conversation impossible...... 

I'm about to lose my shit again ;) When I'm reminded pressure value and that was the thing I'd wanted to tell her anyway :P I start to laugh and thank the ghost, then I let it lift us up float us round. <3 <3

I wasn't sure if the ghost was from our blood or each other?? It made total sense at the time ;)  

Then I recall the Ghost and how it's always been there. A poem from childhood.  

Poetry a way of talking when no one whats to hear, it's the lonely persons answer to an understanding ear... It's a way of getting rid of all the stuff that's in my head and putting it on paper so it is there instead! :P 'The answers always came back Ren, they just took longer' lol yep more poetry lol it took me a while ;)   'Yeh, no shit!!'   This is like the Holy ghost? 'Hahaha I suppose, though we're not that holy' Hahah no a bit more Holly ;) 'Prickly' Hehehe <3 

I'm awake again... 'lol, yup go right/write' 

Ah just read the Apocryphon thingy so it's another narrative another pantheon!  How dose that fit with the pool.... Oh is that the baptisim of water then fire?? 

Also that thing with the Lion Head and snake body that someone posted on the say we did Sun!

This makes so much more sense when dreaming.  Hehe track playing 'I've got to know who I am this time, guess it's only a matter of time'  Not much looking forward to tower or moon 😛 'Won't stop you though'

Oh that's why symbols?  History differs on the perspective you are rendering the source code from?  Hence patterns/symbols!  'That was what you were feeling at yellow - before you had that thought'😲 Wow. 

Why yellow 'Cause it's empowering 😈'  Hahaha

That second was the other part.  That's why I feel sick when I have to much incoming 😆 lol  and when I need to write it down to ground it or Run.


'And remember'


The metal foundry the dwarf I asked to marry me.    Me being fire elemental.  
and the tower and mine dream.
 'Pattern recog re-read'.  The shaman wolf mask too?     I used wolf as a kid too... 'no shit Ren your a long standing bitch' Hahaha   that is cause we went to show child me! 🤪 
I'm well into crazy land!    Oh like future me helps me now.   'Yes'

Wow... this was the room I was in last night!!    Also with Inak and 50ps!! A Matriarch and 50p's.  Ohhhhhhh 👀 'Keep playin Witch, you have most of the cards'


I was christened in the church where Lewis Carol played.. 'and dreamed'   I want to


'Just let your mind juggle concepts stay in heart'


Lol I Emma's thinking about Holly, then fays friend Holly then I thought I should go dl at a Holly tree and realised I just spoke to my friend Holly also walking the dog 🐕



I always assumed this is what paranoid delusion is....... if you chuck in fear  😱

'You're to foolish to be scared' 🤣


Big yellow 💛


Chinese zodiac our zodiac planets numbers pantheon they are all archetypal.   Architecture for this system?



'Down bitch, you made your point and made it well without biting.'    Lol  May be I'm finally learning the aggression.. 'No you just installed your fail safe'  Hahaha >.<   In the form of a massive extra ego?  'Perhaps ;)'  Hahahaah 'At least I AM smart enough to get away with it'  Am I ;)

Ware media too, your a big bitch atm... A big burny bitch so careful as we will cop the fall out ;)

'Good balance
'  Oh sent at 11.11 O.o   'Yep, your not a fool anymore so we need to tread lightly'  Hahaha 


Oh is the trophy a grail!   'What will pop first, the editor or today's brain?'   Haha probably One in the Same 😆 


Do we really want a Gate fuck with our RNA. I'm not in, but each to their own 😉   'You're learning Ren'   Re'membering 😈

Wow... Reading the Myth one on Tellos!!     'Eye in 2 worlds Witch' 

Is this the stolen creation from the futuer timelines?   👀

'Hang in there Monkey -  We are teaching as fast as your learning'  

lol  next card?   OOOO it has a monkey!!   'Read it if you can'   To dyslexic, my eyes scatter 😮  I read bits of the other pages, they just hit certain words.   'Pattern Recog'   

Is this why a spider has many eyes?   One in many worlds they are weaving? 

Ok the card... the card.... 

Still can't read it... been awake to long.  'DW mouse, you will dream it' ?? Is this the 'Ankh? Why yes Ren it is, not that you will read it'  lol  I might... 'to lazy and you know you know it... dream and we show you' 

Pffff yeh, so many layers of same shit...   symbols and pattern recog it is 😆   💜

Ok... scanned for patterns...  Balance, same as Chronos?? This is spelling??!!!  The root of words, the deeper code. '😏 you're plugged in bug'  Hahaha 😆  I need to kip and get out of linearity    'Chucking boundaries at you Ren, your a big wobbly bubble avoid sharp shit for now'  Hahah

Gates separate. Webs weave,
We dance a line in the human mind.
In one half a matrix in the heart a home.
Use them together and we're never alone. 

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