Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Wobbly Bubbles and Big Stars

'You're in-game to make ripples Ren, just not big ones.. bugs tread light' Parasites silent right? 'I wish' lol Can we play? 'You know we can' Recall plx 'set intention and come...' 

Woke bang on 414

knew I'd been dreaming but don't recall the first part of the night 'I do, shouldn't drink Whisky before sleeping... duno what you might get up to 😈' lol shhhhh 'Remind me to show you sometime' Haha

You greeted me I'd asked you Inka? you replyed 'Witch... Incoming stay put' lol 'We can only shift so much of your fall out Ren'  I know, sorry..  'Malico will go with you.. just shhhhh'  ok 😏

Next bit was hazy... my writing is wired too and recall odd... I'd split a lot was in several places at once... one of me was in a guy in a prison. 

I ended up in a large white hall too it had a wired staging above, I'm splitting inside here while there... one me is inside a foyer area where a girl is in trouble. I'm also in another woman in the room too. The bleakest one was with 5 people waiting for exccution.. was old style with nooses standing on a board that would drop. I was in the air around them formless awareness observing and taking in all the energy and emotions.

Leon had collected me from there and we went back to the roundhouse were we sat by the fire, there were 2 fires now both lit... I was holding the corners and we were carving totems as we linked telepathically exchanging understanding. Inka arrived back to sleep in the house.. I joined inside him into his being.    

I'd experienced a pulling apart... separating of a star into lol like sperm shapes yin-yang flow.......and then I was watching a star shine one sperm shape.... swimming an ocean of nothing and into an ova that was a planet where they fuse spinning like a yin-yang... the longing to go back to the whole that 'I am'.

TY...  'You don't deserve it'   Stay with me.... 'You don't deserve that either'   lol I need it...   'Your stupid!'  I know 😜 


On your  track....Fallen oak half, I'm finding my way around.... 
 'which half 'fell' this time witch 🧙‍♀️  😈'

Oh  me.. I'm in game!!  'Hahaha learning!' 😏 not a bad place to land though💜


If your my twin half of me what is Leon? 'More us 😉  ripples and echo's'


At that second my Dad called👀


That timing was insane 😳  ..  😈...   'Symbolic rendering of your reality.'  We call it life 🌍 'You can call it what the hell you like your still dreaming it'   Hahaha ffs 😆 Again tune timing!!!  'Having fun?' 

Think about Ren and Leon in the story... oh he wanted......😲   'Same as you' 🙄my responsibility... 'always unless you're teaming'   Oooo lol.. We go together wow....  Again track timing....


'Get where the story is going now?'   Lol yeah...   not how it's getting there, 'Its ok bitch we know' of course you do🤪


Lol the grumpy sun.. 'Mirror..  you kept shitting on our doorstep witch'  🤣🤣


Haha grotbags gg again... fucking golden!!!!!  😆😆

Were on Star now???   'OFC'   🌟  So was that your Tower when I went with you?    'Yep'  Wow...  I still want to know what you did  'You know you just don't want to remember yet'  O.o Great....   ' You get board fast Ren' 


What's with the thing at yellow?  'Energy build up when your plugged in you need to write or move to ground it'   Oh creativity...  'Yep so write fast then Zzzzz'     ??  'We jump you'  Ah ok.  The thing at the back of my shoulders where your fly landed??  'lol, wait and see'   

Oh.... the sholders thing was on the grumpy Sun thing too!!  Oh, and in the other dream where I took responsability for my brother again...   Inka?   Don't just laugh ffs!  '😆'   'You DID!!'  Phahahaha  I forgot I'd woken up laughing!!  

lol... wtf are you trying to do to me?  'You asked me to stay today 😈!!' 

Grumpy Sun from 2012

Oh... The tingly sholder thingy, also Star  'Prehaps 😏 💙'  😆

'Shut up and lay back down b4 you puke' Lol ok

TY now chests on fire... 'I know Witch, try and sleep if you can we need to jump you again'   
You've done this before... Just doing it more consciously today.

TY...  How come that was at heart?   'Why do you think?'   I duno ...Oh, my lungs don't burn now?   'YW, now fuck off and cook witch'  😆  lol    How???   'Zzzzzzzzzz.... Don't ask stupid questions dreamer' 

... Fuck,  'Lowered your barriers further Witch, and we both love Whisky'  Hahaha Woooo   lol, behave and we will be fine.   Bliss 💜   'Hahaha' 

Hehehehehe  how do you do that???   'We do Witch, when you let your intention free flow reality responds'    Speechless   'Nice as the female should be'   Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr  

'Sort the space Ren, we are big...   Play or create - careful on Media, we didn't come to teach/preach'  Oops...   'O.o'  Can you 'I am'   lol


'Ware media'...   It's a Photo 'It's a trajectory' Ooo your smart   👿   Hahaha 💚


I could/should... OFC...  Just remember how scary I am though witch😏 Hahah 

The dreamer who dreams you?   'Good Question Witch, the kind I like'    So?...  'You know how this shit works Ren, no spoon feeding you ask we play'   OFC


Vessel, Grail, cups... Wow our reality really is Symbolic? 
I can keep hitting you over the head with it if you like?'  Hahaha   Sure, why not 😁  It's kind of fun tbh.. 'You know this is why you drive Kaylo, Me, Ian fucking bonkers Ren'   nod...

WTF!!!!!   Track list again....   All the things I never say fall out of my brain and I forget them.... I forget them  👀  why I write shit...    'You literally just wanted to keep doing this'   Intention....   'No shit!!'  Instant manifestation   O.o  'Yes, faster when your vib is high 'Flicker rate'   Oh that's how psychedelic's work too  'Mmmmm... Now fuck off and cook'   Mind pop....   'As requested, scoot'

Hahaha  Was about to leave and next track ... I keep setting fires, and I'm surprised I'm on fire   'All fucking day Ren, you no know I can keep this up'  Till I puke?  'Or we jump you... Just listen'   OK sorry 😄  I love you guys too.  'Yep, parasite' 

Kids got onto Names, not intentional but reminded me of the Vessle and boat...

Andrea/Andrew/Adam.. Strong and manly  Androgyne?  Duno where the Andromeda fits yet.


Shell symbology... https://mythsymbolsandplay.typepad.com/my-blog/2016/06/shell-symbolism-.html


Along the coastlines of the world, a great variety of shells can be found. Seashells are made by the animals 
that live inside them and all shells grow steadily outward. Shells are among the most remarkable designs 
found in nature. Examples are the chambered nautilus, the sundial shell, and the triton shell. Shells are 
usually perceived as feminine; a synbol of birth, good fortune, and resurrection. Bivalved mullusks 
represent the womb and fertility. 
shell: life protector, in Tibetan Buddhism, symbolizes hearing; one of the eight emblems of good luck in 
Chinese Buddhism 
conch shell: in Buddhism, symbolizes the voice of Buddha; deity summoner, emblem of Aphrodite, Saint 
Michael, Saint Sebald, and Triton; Vishnu's trumpet used to awaken follovvers from ignorance; Navajo 
Indian jewel of the sea 
cowrie shell 
cowrie shell: may be one of the first yonic symbols, its name derived from Kauri, a pre-Vedic Indian 
goddess; represents rebirth and the female Gate of Life; used throughout the Middle East, Egypt, the South 
Pacific, and the Mediterranean as a charm for healing, fertility, magical power, or good luck; Romans call the 
cowrie the matriculus, meaning little matrix or little "Omb; among the Greeks, the word kteis meant vulva, a 
cowrie shell, a scallop, or a comb (an attribute of mermaids and sirens); Gypsy women valued the cowrie, 
amulet, as a focus of their feminine powers 
worn as an


scallop shell: symbol of light; couch of sea deities; in Christianity, represents salvation; used to sprinkle 
baptismal waters, also worn by Christians to indicate completion of a pilgrimage to the shrine of Saint James 
in Spain, originally the shrine of the Goddess Bridgette, the Celtic version of Aphrodite; the scallop shell is 
associated "ith the goddess Venus "born of the sea" as she was carried to shore on a scallop shell; scallop 
shells are a symbol of the Hindu version of Aphrodite, the goddess Lakshmi "born from the churning of the 
ocean", consort ofVishnu and mother Kama, represented beauty and good fortune 
fan coral 
coral: the ocean's Tree of Life; throughout the Mediterranean, red coral necklaces for children were valued 
as magical; red coral also symbolizes life giving feminine blood; powdered red coral was used to increase 
fertility, coral was used as an apotropic (to avert evil) in rituals; in China, called shang-hu, emblem of 
pearl: pearl symbolism is closely associated with the shell and represents moonlight, purity, tears, wealth, 
the power of the waters, and wisdom; believed to be the result of lightning penetrating the oyster, and as 
such, regarded as the union of fire and water; Moslems use the pearl to symbolize paradise, believing the 
blessed lived in pearls; called tama, the third eye of Buddha and Siva, the symbol of spiritual enlightenment 
and transcendent wisdom; in the east, divine essence which controls the tides; the flaming pearl is the union 
of fire and water believed to be the pearl of perfection.

Oh the pearl dream...   'Yep Bitch, push here remember what we tell you - talk to me I will answer and should be the trajectory'  TY...  
'TY for fucking listening ;)'
  Hahah the night is young 😏

'And were not done'
  lol   OK... I go look.


What the actual fuck 👀.... 'Going to behave now?'  Mmmmm   'Stay Bitch we let you run wild last night but back to pack now'  💜  lol   grrrrrrr   'Good Bitch'    Credit mate?...   'You still owe me'  Hahahah  we'll see😏 No gods, no masters 💜  'Just balance Ren and I know the score'   Hahahah 

Shadow doesn't purr, 'Not for you....He keeps his cards close to his chest'   😆  


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