Dreams in dreams, I'd gone to find Malico and asked if he would come with me to Leon and Kaylo and dream share with me.. He told me I was inviting him into my space and I agreed and so he agreed too.
We jump to first the roundhouse where he looks around suitable unimpressed in the way that Kaylo dose at my smelly field 😜
He likes the Hunters room more, I woke the others and asked if we could all dream share and they agreed.
First another a football game! The sides are not fair and we are losing but trying... it felt like I was playing against pro's and was crap again 😆 but undeterred and it was fun. Another friend had just popped up and I'd asked him if he would play too.
I was also writing up someone else's dreams for them... it felt like Alexander? Or someone younger I could see what they had been dreaming.
'Come now Ren?' Mmmmm 'I'd like you to myself a while' Errrr? lol ok where. 'House' sure, you jump us or me... 'I'll meet you there'
I jump back and Malico meets me instantly I was in the room where Illeth had been but alone 'Good Ren, it's time for dinner and I'd rather have you at my table than on the menu' Errrrrrrr lol.. sure 😲 when I wake next I was aware he had also given me at the table or I'd been holding a folded blue heavy fabric like the sky with all the stars and planets on it. I knowen it from other dreams. 'Find them tomorrow'
Fabric Sky/Star.. Can't find others atm.
This one from just after the summer solstice 2019 - Haha a Star filled church & Stable 😛
The dream War 2016.. with a symbiotic baby that Illeth took us back to for the story. Organic vs AI.
Next dream/astral bit was freaking intense!
I'm in a similar version of here a bedroom like ours in bed, Ian there too only I thought he'd walked in and spread that blue fabric from Malico's house on the bed, I felt it fall touching my face and had pushed it off surprised as it had woken me there, I'd turned to Ian to ask him what he was doing but he was asleep. It was very similar to our room but he had a greyed out quest giver ❕ above his head! I'd woken him up laughing but he didn't know anything about the ❕ So we had both gone back to sleep.
The next time I wake it's the same similar but slightly off version of our room..... we both wake at the same time, me and Ian both jump... Me from the very real sensation of someone tickling the middle of my tummy! right in the centre. I looked at Ian who looked confused and I asked him, was someone just ticking you? he nodded and then I woke up again in my bed! My tummy feels so wired, that was so real! 'I know' lol, what's that supposed to mean! 'Come, then wake and write/right'
I nod off again I'm not asleep long when I wake with the phrase 'I am Bain/bane'
Oh is that when you guys told me the other day I was playing Death Archetype?
I'd been pondering Neil Gaiman and how is books are so real to me.. someone told me he is also woken by ticking - you told me, Sandman.... I'd also been in my main dream area too outside again.
It's just gone 2ish.. One of the kids on one side house is crying. I can get up? 'Yes, Ren.. get up for a little you're manifesting stuff again' lol, errrrr, Ok..
I come down to a message from Ame! WOW.. 'The Architects DJ Ren?' This is something from the past few dreams too.
😲 Mind pop!
Her message was.... Track I posted the other day.. The 3 tracks she shared. RAM Clockwork Orange
Shadow Chronicles.. The Matrix!
Then I look up and the Sandman has a character Morphious too!! This dream from May with one of the crew in too.
'Come and dream again Ren' lol, leme tidy kitchen then OMW 👀
Lay awake for a bit around 3, then slept to wake at 4.
I'd been playing in the woods, leaping threw mind, memories like branches running threw time....
I forget before.
Oh yeh, I'd jumped back the meal was done the room empty but for us. You asked if you could take me threw the portal again... It's the one that goes back to the Knights Templar blood ritual that we revisited too.
I'd agreed, you were morphing/black changing/strange... I'd remembered the pink of the portal and the pink symbols around the outside and I asked about the pink toy in the penguin dream.
'Back to sleep Ren please'
More woods dreams, I'm back in that dream... where I became a lake. The penguin
I understand now...
I'd stayed with the water, emotion till it had no place left to go but the ocean of all. The mind called me back to show me how to be. In the woods again, I'd gone to play... I'd tricked you to follow???
I don't recall this bit well 'Sleep again Ren, we still play before your day'
The tribe from the penguin dream too 'Just come back'
Drowning in a sea of emotion? The baptisms with Inak? The storm after the last election, where I was suddenly married to Trump?
Oh.... Trump getting a football job this time?
The white cardigan in the woods but I was happy neckid?
'Keep dreaming Ren, more bits incoming 💜' Oh, I recall more of the portal when you took me back you'd asked how far my love could go???
How deep is love? The Kraken, and the pink candle from Sunday (The pink dragon/Angel too?) 'Yes Ren' Oh, when you told Ren about being formless...
Trump.. he's an archetype to a Trump card? 'Symbols and pattern re-cog.. try and sleep again' Ok, everywhere I try is noisy tonight 😏
The UK dream, the rave starting and access to the tracklist... Oh that was the same night as picking a presidents traits?
'Yes Ren, the Architects DJ' lol... 'It's why you know what's coming' Timelines, track ID 😛.... It doesn't help me much! I go with the flow... 'We know 💚 '
I sleep again, as I come back I'm awake and my dream dust is incredible it's a black sky with grey clouds so clear and perfect in the centre of the grey clouds riding in the sky is a small white folded paper boat drifting further away into the swirling dark portal in the middle.
So the black twisty thing you turned into Malico... before we went back threw the pink portal... you were err sticky and gloopy.
Inka was like deep purple/black electric smoke, you were like Tar 'Ancient shit Ren'
Oh, like the loosh.. the Dryad of a Tar field the ancient forest wildness?
Oh.. A tester needed to recall the future in that dream & An architect and worn down virus protein?? All in the LOOSH night! 2016Dec
Malico.. you were the same as the thing I saw nailed to the cross in a broken church at the end of last month with the smashed up pipe organs.... ?? 'Yes, Ren.. your god is a DJ 😏' lol Pan pipes!! I wondered what was up with the church pipe thing!!
The other pipes...Same time when I was learning about our Sol Logos!
Tonight, God is a DJ?... was that faithless too? ' It was 💜'
I'd got to the last dream via a sensation, I took you to your fractured harlequin self.
Oh, when you said 'I'd rather you're at the table than on the menu'
That was because of the re-entry into the blood ritual.. first soul fragment you found... that we took you back to, with your consent. 😲 wow!
'Find the links Ren, the game is still on.... you just bagged another team member for your side!' Hahah I'm nuts, the missing DJ, from before we go and access the vault?? 'Of course Ren' 👀 lol ok.
Oh... It was also the DJ in the space where I was learning about Leon! After that he told me about the eternals.. Is that the same as the Sandman's Endless?? 'Symbols Ren' 😏
So your linked to the Archetype Jupiter? Ah 12 year cycles like the Chinese Zodiac?
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