Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Foolish Mice Play Time Games

Inka, you sure your not trying to get me burnt?  'Hah, Ren.. You're indestructible'  Yeh.. but?  'Spirit needs to come together Ren, even wild cards with wild seeds, wired clues, that some can read'

I'm feeling odd... 'You are odd 😈' Haha 'You dream and share different to many' I'm a karma dump?  'And a dreaming lazy lump, come here, easier to show'

Ok, 'Me first then Kaylo & Leon'  They are so sleepy..  'Midwinter Witch, they are safe in your earth space'  Haha TY for killing me night last night..

'YW, you taste ok'   😆 Mayan & Inka times? Others too... 'Symbols, patterns, we nourish and become, now, you come here'  ok. 

I jumped to the roundhouse... Inka was sitting on a log outside smoking.. distant staring into the fire, I sat beside him on the ground, I could see stuff it was about the mind? errr What did you show?  'You were reading me Ren'  Was about Leon... come bk, dream.

Wake around 1ish Long dream, it had started in a strange large white round room. I'd drawn 4 thin white curtains around making an inner square.. there are 3-4 people inside all looking/seeing something. They were familiar but not sure who. First I'd watched the British PM but he's a kid small on them plastic school chairs, someone/something else was talking to him... not happy with him about something... then we slept in the curtained space into another dream.

It's errr game like I suppose... a book had been written and objective reached and I'd been told not to start the prequel or sequel yet but to dream around the space a little more. So I did.... I think this is where I'm dreaming in the deck... between the Universe and Fool cards.

The dream setting is strangely fantastical, it's winter and I'm with a group... oh there was errrr like a travelling caravan group we were to go farm to farm. They set off fast and I was already lagging behind but I was listening to the other guide/voice that I could hear so I knew I'd be fine to catch up.

I get to the first farm it's dark and cold and the crop has mainly failed... I'd been warned this would be the case at most farms. We were resting there before moving on again in daylight. The voice I could hear was getting nearer and the others could dream with it now but it was so close that I could feel it too. I was with 4/5 other females and I woke and the entity was there physically for me but out of visual flicker rate can feel it solid though and in my mind, I know a form it takes and that it's a friend.  

The others want to see hear it, they can't yet... but it can share dreams with them 

'Sleep again Ren then up for a bit, wake your mind'  

Next dream had been errrr dream-sharing planets.. Oh, the Zodiac and Archetypes. Leon/Sol/Sun seeing the balance and the shape the planets make from the earth sky perspective is the same as the singularity??  'We'll show get up now and come sleep again before 3plx'  OK.  


Up for an hr or so then bk in bed for 3... DL meditate, for a bit.. fizzy💜

Had fallen asleep after and wound up with Inka who jumped me bk to the hunter room again where Leon & Kaylo are still dreaming.

I wake and all I have is the last image of a big white round jug pouring a stream of cream.... was bright like the Moon. What was the dream?  'You forgot to merge awareness with Kaylo, if you want recall, take an ego Ren'

Why is Illeth in the house atm? 'Ren, join with Kaylo and dream please Witch'  Ok.. Next wake I'd been dreaming a massive white horse, running the sky.. riding it or am it. Oh this the Jug.. Horse, Moon? Is this the old female 'Elen of the ways' The reindeer goddess, before Santa & Spotty Todestools.
'We told you Santa back'  You did yeh... This was the female version, the woman pulling the moon?   'Yes, sleep more' 

I hear the Jokerman... 'Milk white steed?'  'Tomorrow bitch, dream b4 dawn'  Akhenaten? 'Tomorrow' Fools rush in where angels fear to tread? - 'Yes' 

Is this also the eclipse this winter.., With the conjunction too? and what is root of word conjunction? This is the Male/Female meet in the sky? God & Illusion/shadow?   'Dream mouse... symbol play tomorrow'   

lol Next up Dumbo the film?? 😆 - The mouse, Matriarchs, Elephants... not forget? Guys?  'Ren?'  Kaylo? 'Yes, come back here please. Stay and dream please'   OK.

👀 - That was this dream!  Me with the Monkey & Elephant totems, remember the magic?!

The White Goddess? Also Sliver Birch! 😲

Next I'm holding a bird/dove... I felt like I was either holding it for a vet to check, or checking it myself as I was about to release it.

I was checking it's feathers and was going to kiss it's head but then I remembered flat/fly's parasites 😁 Hahah 
 'Bit late for that now Ren... Find the disused track/line dream with dragons please'   ok

'Sleep again please' OMW, at lease I know you don't want to burn me Kaylo 😆 
'Hehe, 😏 you sure Ren?'   Mmmmm   'I might not want to hurt you, doesn't mean I don't enjoy you getting a kicking or roasted when you deserve it'  😆 Haha that seems to be a fair amount of the time judging by my dreams 😛

'Shouldn't be so IMPulsive and IMPatient then...' lol, that's what intuition is! 'Good job you bounce back fast then' 😂 'Come here & dream would you' Yeh ok...

Next dream.... The mother? Earth? Matrix is the earth dream? The illusion of life?

But the Archetypes are the system Logos mind, Leon Sun, Fixed thought constructs to use... Oh, Structured thought vs free association?  Pattern Recognition is spotting the bleedthrews??

'Back again mouse' Mmmmmm I'd asked Leon to dream share for a longer dream.

Main dream area, I'd been at Iranius' Irean's house  -  This is the sames as Akhenaten   One god other than oneness?

Anyhoo her house again her and lots of my Mams sisters were there and alive. Sheila was deing in the dream and the others were helping and making her passing easier.
Oh, before that had been a longer bit on Seers and time jumpers.

Ah, they had been talking about the 'proof' when someone spots you or you bring back they were calling them Memes 'Look up the meaning of that today please Ren'

A meme is a virally transmitted image embellished with text, usually sharing pointed commentary on cultural symbols, social ideas, or current events

Also the kids, younger Gens were going to be good at this.. Way better than the older generations. This would make it known about. Oh? So not so open to abuse?   Time hopping for the perfect crime?  'Yes Ren'

In the dream I was talking to my daughter, telling her she needed to learn and belive as regardless of what she was told, it was real and people do it! 

'Yes Ren, they do, don't they?'   Haha Leon.. The people in my dream who were doing it were outside the main dream area on the beach...   'Like the crashing the world Economy dream Ren?'   

Errrrr Oh, Yehhhhh...just like that yes Leon 😳 lol I'd woken you and asked for a longer dream..
.'Then as usual Ren, you get what you ask for'  Haha, yep TY 😆

'Get up and weave now please mouse'    It's 0550 👀  'Yes Ren, much to do and weave' 

Ok... I'll get up in a Mo, I'll just see Inka first.  
'I'm sure you will Ren'     Oh, if Inka is my shadow/twin/mirror dose that make him Saturn? 'Time' / Aquarius? Or is that Uranus 😜 'Juvenile' 😆 Oh, both planets?  

'Get up Bitch
' lol Inka 'I'm going to bug you all day anyway so just get your curious mouse mind out of bed'     Hahah, ok I'm awake now anyway.

Oh... I just looked up Uranus & Saturn.

'Go out and ground Ren, don't pop your Mind yet... We told you last week you needed to learn some Astrology next'  OK...  

I should have stuck with fiction....   'and we told you there's no such thing'


Blugh....I'm fool again...   'You're always a fool bitch, hopping the archetypes 😏' 



'Great... you understand Leon more now.'   Yes, lol I guess, but it's wired from a waking perspective... How did I start dreaming and storying this without understanding any of it?  'Cause you're us too'  Pffffff 


So the Rog, red hair, giants Elohim?   'Heading for a cliff bitch?' Hahaha yeah I'm pretty sure I will fly or at least bounce 😅 🤪 '💚, we can always scrape you up again if not' 



That's the same as the one eye too.. That's the Odin, eye in each world but also the Giants from the Uranus mythology, and the time-hopping dream?   ----  Oh.. The time game, my Medicine?👀


If a errrr  'frog turned into a tree then split its self into you and me would you still hunt inside for the answers that we hide. ' Ty.. yes that!  

'You have worked this out a bit Ren, find it and recap... OK. 

 Sorry shit memory.   'That's cause time is now and you keep screwing with it'  ... not just me!! Lol  'Yeah... Ren One?'   Hahaha its ok... I'm getting pretty good at shooting myself now


Hummmm the Venus dream from years back. Jupiter was in that was that another conjunction bleed threw?  

Find it Ren... check the skies... One at the start of the month.  Oh the others were from Jupiter in that dream???


Oh also the veil you told me its not meant to be so effective....we are supposed to recall more? That would stop earth being such a game board?    'There is plenty of gamers to play Ren'  😆  Wow... I'd forgotton all that again. 


 'Feel Ren, your strength isn't thinking' lol 

Geeeee, thanks!!'  


Actually That was better. TY.

The snake 🐍 thats our dna recall? The multidimensionality aspect?? That's the serpent it rises times we need intuition?


The 42-month cycles? Like the Bible stuff yday??

Is that like the Saturn return that people have at 30ish Oh Halfway between 30/60 is 45ish.  

Is that the midlife Crist-is? Where they need to balance the Male/Female shadow aspect? Is that to do with Leo/Sun Archetype?


So...  Saturn is Capricorn that's why I needed to work with Leon to understand your language? As that's the System Logos - WTF is Michel my symbol for then? 


Guys, Inka?... don't just fucking laugh!!

The Star wars Ref?  The twins, the fact In my book I called Ren's Ego.. Kaylo  then find...

The Dryad/Dyad... Tree Split... Oh The Ren killing his Dad in the Starwars stuff is also Saturn & Uranus!!    ....  It's this crap that makes me anoyed with Leon?  Hall of Mirrors,  Echo chamber? 

'We are helping Witch...  just stop sqashing your nose running at your reflections' 
I even put that in my book!!  👀
'We did and I told you, we are writing it and showing you, please Ren... Chill, you're asleep... this is your dream... sit down and let us show you in dream'   Hmmmm ok... This is the no such thing as fiction? 😕  'Yes, all dreaming/symbols/narative... stop thinking now please?'    😣

Sorry....  'You will be bitch, we all will be, if you don't keep playful ok? 😏  Mmmmm   Sorry💜

Space....'They are in yours yes, cause you are big... And right now intolerant'   lol  2 ADHD style boys in confined space for....  'Mirrors?' 

Oh you could squash me a little make me more resilient?  'Yep, inc.. And yw'    Haha... TY, that helps.

'Bug's life Ren?'  Haha  -  I prefer being a flea


Errrrr  - 
'Linestop Ren, we process that tonight lil mouse'

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