Monday, 7 December 2020

A Mad Bitch or a Scape Goat?

I want to play..'We know you do, our little pet mouse who likes to chew' lol 'Worried Ren?' No, Curious as to what you are up to then 'Come see then'

Leon is still very sleepy.. Inka asks if I'll come with him for something as fire inside. I changed to fire and join his awareness and I'd been dreaming but someone woke me banging a door... The dream had been angular.

Next wake at 11.11 I'd had a few dreams I was still with Inka in the first I/we were Male, not sure about the others it was a wired flying game challenge and we were trying to get threw a narrow gap but kept getting zapped by lasers and having to roll back and re-try.... felt like a wired modern trash recycler I think we were trying to get in rather than out.

Another dream was also very modern, strange mazes like being inside a futuristic vid game on metal platforms connected by lifts and bridges. I'd missed a clue/collection from somewhere and I couldn't tell my next objective without it so was having to double back and check what I had missed.

All my teeth crumbling, they are cat's teeth not human at the time though I'd not realised they were unusual.

A flyer/mail for a company I was promoting... I'd been on ferries travelling and port hubs had agreed to take the product. The male/mail layout was nice, blue text with yellow/red/blue logo perhaps train or kite tail something connected. 

-- Odd sensations and asked  'Are you crazy for trying or crazy for not?' 

Try to sleep again.. Ian snoring... everything is brittle and angular and tinnitus off the scale. Irritable so told to move downstairs and sleep there so I do. Quite but cold. Inka's on a mission... Violent and 'You wanted to fight Bitch, we warned you'  oh, yeh... fair nuff 😛 'Just come here then wake for a bit, you'll sleep better here'  


I'd gone back, was to dream share with Leon but he's still deeply out of it.
I'd wanted better recall and Loci's kicking around still so he joins my awareness so it's sharper and brighter and fizzy. Inka had joined us too some time after.  

Dreams were of a female Lion / Lyra .... Like that wired beauty + beast thing the other day, oh the cat teeth too? Lots of people suddenly saying they are Lyran?? Why? 'Good question Ren' an activation? Group something? Moving threw something?  'Get up for a bit & write' I'm cold...

There had been another dream too a wired astral version of here I'd written a long letter to Monkey it was my friend but I guess totem/guide too. One side was a drawing art, many colours and the other an apology/confession or something that I should have been more open about what I cared for.

The space I was in had heavy fire doors... too heavy there was a big wrote iron rooster that propped open the door, Heavy painted with Red and Gold. Ian was there too half asleep looking at me, he was asking me if I was not afraid of religions & Judgment.. I was confused by his question and told him no. He was telling me he was prepared, I told him it was doing him no favours.  

'It's 404, Ren... Come bk to bed'   Oh, so it is... good plan. 


Go back to sleep. Leon is still unconscious and I was thinking about the cat teeth then remember Kaylo's cat eyes and realise I need to go find him I want to jump Leon down below ground into the hunter's room first and Inka commented 'You do care then?'
I think I'd just looked at him confused and moved Leon underground before jumping to Kaylo who is still With Illeth in the house hub.

He's still kinda annoyed with me but agrees to come dream share with Leon and we jump back to Leon.. I ask if I can use his awareness for recall and he agrees... as I'm merging I hear this wired familiar female robotic voice say 'Santa came back'... It startled me so much it woke me up as it reminded me of the one from the 'Extracting consciousness now' dream that was so freaking real also 2016.

I'd gone back to sleep and woke a while later. Kaylo? 'Yes' my recall is shit can you help? 'Perhaps, if you ask nicely' My perspective was really wide but I just couldn't process anything. 'Come back to sleep again' Ok.

Wake again I'd been hearing an unfamiliar voice say 'This is borderline war now gentlemen'  

We'd come to earth but we were used to feeling each other's emotions and intentions as we'd shut this down and lost it' we'd gone mad/bad nuts.  

In another dream I'd been having a long conversation on skype.. it was a wired version and I'd ended up contacting someone I'd not meant to an old acquaintance and I'd talked... they assumed I must be nuts but the more we talked the more they realised I was quite sane and our world was bonkers.

In the same building, there is a milk/coffee spill.. almost a flood the milk and coffee running in a brown and white river mixing.. I follow it to a hole and look in where I see something moving. It's a freaky looking cartoon dog, black and white with swivel eyes and crumpled nose it's running back and forth.  'BTW Ren -> That was you-bitch!' ...... Kaylo!! 😒/😂  '💚 still love you Ren, come here Idiot'  I'd been called bell belle... oh that's the same one in the yellow dress that's now a mix of beast and gold lion thing..

I'd also been watching a Asian performance, dance, gymnastics thing... 2 groups of 2 women with 1 man, hoops and jumps and flowing.  

'Here, stay and recall'  

Next recall.... 

'Knowing unity is a prerequisite?' Necessity... 'Good, So use it!'    Oh... lol, the dog's nose was crumpled cause it kept running at walls?? 'Haha, we do keep telling you you're an idiot Ren' 😆

The fabric bucket, the female at yellow... that was higher self me coming to work with waking me!!

'Yes you came and taught yourself symbols, then pattern recog' So why am I running at walls???

'Your higher self is borderless Ren, It knows it's all and everything. As you bring it here you long for connection of others like you... but you push them away as they don't see you as them.   You run at us in astral to remind yourself you are real'  Oh........😵 😲

The black gold shoes on my soul now? Loci/Inka & You & Leon 'Yes'.... Malico 'More us'.
In the dream my pink shoes had been concreted into an extension? I was waiting on the female to be ready?? 'Yes, You can recall more as you have lived experienced most of this now... keep re'reading to recall and weave'  

I'm still confused... 'And irritable' lol yeh a bit .  'Idiot' Haha 'Dream more before you get up, and talk to us.... do NOT go looking for a wall outside today please Ren'   

-- I'd been dreaming, you were showing me fabric again, the bucket again? Space/time time/space? 'Yep...' 

I'd asked you why I was on earth? I didn't want to be a kid, adults hated me, on constant self destruct.... the reply was 'Line Stop' Leon told me that?!?

Was that before or after my Inka 'Fail-safe?' Yes, the Deadline? 'Mmmmmm' Please can I go see Inka now b4 morning?  'lol, Yes Ren, you're angry' ... Hah, no shit! 

I jump, Inka is outside smoking by the fire and I walk into the fire and sit down.  After I burn a bit and feel better I tell him, Kaylo/Leon told me I didn't need you...... 'You don't need anything' I told them you fule my fire... 'You burn hot enough already Ren'

But I hunted and came to find you after you attacked me? 'Maybe I needed you then bitch?'.....    

Nothing makes any sense here.. 'Not from a material perspective' Hahah, Yeh.... but that's how most people see shit.
'Chill bitch, we warned you, you were getting played tonight, just ride it' Pffffff 😏 Yeh it's morning though 'You'll still have us bugging you 😈

I don't want to make...... Oh 'Yeh.....go on Bitch 😈' Gingerbread house window display today 👀 'Hahaha Ren, Yep Find that dream too' ...........

Its one thing understand this and feeling insane, it's quite another knowing it and feeling sane 😳  'Chill, Ren... Just remeber, It's a dream and play nice... rocking the boat when you're a big vessle can and will get messy' 

Wake at 14.14 'OFC you did' 
I came to find you 'OFC you did'  lol I feel better 'YW' 

When Leon asked if I wanted violence, mindlessness, or mindless violence, both or neither.
I want fun, taking shit too seriously is messy...  
'So is stomping with clogs on mouse so play nice, as you have no idea when to quit'  💪😆 🐁

 I looked up Gingerbread house dream...... Inka! 😲  'You're being played with Mouse'   lol no shit....😆 I didn't even recognise you then, let alone the endless Wormwood - Lewis Carol  rabbit hole!! 👀 -  'I'm you too Ren, we just Scape - Goat eachother 😈'  Hahahaha

Oh Leo Sign is Sun 😆  Haha I just read up about it  Extreme  balance!!   

Oh then the Chinese Zodiac is of our Higer aspects being slower cycles.. So I'm Air & Fire, Dragon too 'Dancing in a hall of mirros running into them and swashing your stupid nose mad Bitch'    Haha  💜  Ok, I'll play nice.  

Might still argue with the archetype party in my head and dreams though 😏  'It's cool Ren, you're squashy and resilient... We can pick you up hug and laugh at you again' 

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