Monday, 28 December 2020

Ready Player One?

'Ren trust please    we will let you know if you need to stop'


I want Inka and I feel wired.


'You were both in a storm last night Ren relax and enjoy the sun' 🌞


Its the collective connection?  'Yes as you are all awakening you need others like yourselves.   If I hit my stasis it ripples.  Yes Ren, mice with clogs dancing to their gods cause waves...   and sometimes storms'


The reluctant captain?   'Not optional'😏


'You play hard Ren you and Inka are well suited' why is he angry with me now?  'Roles Ren, symbols and patterns'


All is one/one is all - first distortion is Free Will??    humm.  


I was always destined to study brain structure/philosophy and psychology.   'Yes Ren, you pre-programmed your trajectory and parameters for this game meticulously and made sure you would wake'.

On a mission hu?   'Always have been'


On the menu, that's the harvest? 'Are you a vegetable or a predator Ren?'  Hu?? Lol   😆 errr I'm a gamer I like the hunt, happy chilling as a tree though.



Why is my heart breaking again? 


'I'm back now bitch, and I've got you... He's mine and I needed you to do that'   Ok.. Ty.  Its why you moved to him?  'Yes, back now Ren'   Errrrrrrr you will what??    'OFC, like I said Ren there is a reason we hate you fuckers, you'll be fine Witch'  Pffff  brain split....just glad your bk tbh since we swapped hearts it's wired when your so far 'I know, sorry Witch... Trust me ok.   All of me' 

Inka?  'Yes Ren, just trust... You're gaming archetypes wobbly mirror and I have aspects in others, you've seen how I reach you threw other avatar's'

I need you..  'We all know what you really need right now Ren, and it's a wall from your despot aspect'  lol  why are you so week in my chart?   'So you are you, We  need a good asshole down there'  Hahah Uranus  :D   
'You know you get what you want witch....but you haven't a fucking clue what it is you want'

Fun, play love...   'Then your lucky crazy witch that we team and are each others balance and karma dump!  I make a good rear guard for your fucking crazy time train!'  

Hahaha   'You ask you get Witch, waking them up, help in astral, help on twitch, more like you' 

Why were you so angry this morning?  'You ask me that now while you're fucking with the herd mind more bitch 😈'  haha fair point..... 😆

What did we do last night?  Why are you laughing??   Pffff 
'Kip on the sofa witch, the tunes are good... you come here'  lol

You can keep me waiting Ren, but I'm up for playing you witch...'     Hah oh good!  :P  ffs,  'You missed me anyway...'

I dream share with Inak... He'd been grumpy in the morning after the storm and was still wired. Malico arrives after a bit too and we dream as 3 I don't recall the dream but I know I'm to find this dream of a water prison next where I was bleeding in the water.   

Oh... Jan 2019. Just after that dream of the field where I built the roundhouse, and a track had appeared.

Also, the game we're the manifestation wasn't working a game for ONE dreamer. Oh.... that's the other dream I was wondering about....   'Told you bitch, he's mine'  lol whatever! 🙄

Oh wired timing as after this I'd not been able to sleep

We are weaving the other dreams from the Midwinter to Imbolc quickening again?  

This was confusing enough when it was just me that was bonkers!  

Anyhoo, I now have insomnia which often happens if I get to lucid.. They give up and tell me a mudra to use and I get fried instead 😆 lol

So we made the vesica Pisces dream-sharing with 2, then the training/triangulating with 3 now I realise that Imbolc cross.

-Swastikasana is a Sanskrit word and which is made up from combinations of Su+Asti+ka, in this ‘Su’ means good, meaning of ‘Asti’ is ‘existence’ and “ka” stands for to make. 

Next it will be that pentagram with things coming of it... I made in a doorway... first 4 though. Also the shared dreaming formations... I'm not even sure what the pentagram thing is, as id not seen it wit attachments like I'd made  'We do'  lol I'm sure you do 😜

I need to find and Loci then 'Yes Bitch, hunt him'😆 he's normally the one who finds me!!
Hummm in a stasis ship/station or a dream Astral hub... Re'Ed stations a good place to start.
Is Loci linked to Luie? Asia dreams & AI & bots? I have been them too. 'You are all Ren'  The world mirrors dream. Yehy, I'm tired now....

Oh... the Pentagram again! 👀 lol Me ripping u a game from the inside out! and the liquid metal army... Oh this is fun!!! 😛    'Don't Ren, you'll wake up to much to sleep if you get excited'  lol OK  😆

Ah... the same place in the deck again too! More metals/periods periodic table.

But we will dream it as 4 this time?  'Yes. If you, find Loci and get your stupid ass here bitch?'   Hahah Bring him to my messy aquarian space too???  'You got it!😈'  lol ok.  

Hahaha that was brilliant fun! I'd woke from a dream it was like a warehouse Lazer quest or something. We were meant to be shooting people like a last man standing but I'd tickled someone and then someone hugged me and then we just all downed guns and group hugged... we had on stupid costumes too I was standing next to someone with a stormtrooper outfit and was a bright green bug. 😆

We'd been playing quite a few rounds and someone commented it was the first round all week they'd got out alive.  

Before the dream, I'd gone bk to bed found Loci and then jumped the Rd'Ed hub to meet him.

Kaylo there too, he looks way better after mid-winter his eyes are amazing now still cat-like but glowing like swirling liquid gold! Leon was on his Islands but I saw Jinya and Loci.  

Loci hug and I jump us back to my main dream area and the roundhouse hub. That had been wired... like I'm a tunnel / worm with fast flow inside lots of fizzing trembling and jolts again, then splitting I feel him around me too the Adrenals Near Ren 😛 lol

My dream dust is wired too very precise script sheets of black on white it's not a script I'm familiar with beautiful looking more simple than Japanese not as loopy as Sanskrit it was more lines and directions with a flat horizontal and subtle flow. 'Bk again Ren' 

I don't recall making it back to my dream area when I'd woken again, more dreams with a similar vibe..

The dream, lol oh Man!! 
It was long it was a long fun puzzle kids had been playing. I was trying to find out what was happening the setting was in sand-dunes again and a strange town/buildings. There was this crime drugs Ring that we were all entangled in. I was trying to get to the root, it was kids who'd done it to help there Mama and wound up in way over their heads lol it was fun! 😆 

A storm too, a Pope in helicopter, timelines all over 3 4 2 bargain bundles?  'Symbols kid 😈 '  FU Inka! Hahah it's 616!   'you know it witch 😏'   


I chill again and am shown the connections to other dreams.  Hahah the miscreant daughter 😆 lol

Keys... Souls!  Framing eachother 😆 Hiding stuff in mid summer in freezers for mid winter.

Me chucking stuff in the sea also 2018(Emotion) 'Long games Ren' Hahaha no shit!! IMA wake again! 'Haha'
WTF!! That was also just after my birthday!!  Imbolc  '😈'   😆

The matriarch/matrix energy again... this Aquarian Witch 'Is a pain in everyone's ass but you're our pain so we suffer your shit' lol 💩

What about the other elements? 'Getting there impantient and impulisve feind/friend'  

Oh that dream too I'd been following socks to solve the puzzle...👀 the child souls!! The inner children Child/Ren I have many! lol  'Yeh get up Ren, you're on pattern re-cog and you're on fire again, you won't sleep for a while now' 👀

That dream where I was an assassin?   'Yes, my unhinged mirror?'  Haha 

There was wheat too? Plough in the other dream... Imbolc is opposite harvest?? Oh, of course, Saturn and harvest! 

👀 That was the storm the night before last too?? Hu?? 'You know our games Ren, time is on our side' Me killing a matriarch? Wowow lol   'Mmmmm'   lol 'I know right bitch'  This is bonkers!..  'Your dreams, you're the one in-game'  lol, I've been waiting to find out how this fits for ages! 

We kinda did need Jupiter too hu??  'Yes Ren, you did' 


Track ID...


I just want to treat you better track id DU SOL??

Track too?   'Yeh bitch... you want and need tough love 💘- different time space' 


'Ren...   you're a resilient space on your own trajectory with an agender to adhere to which we recall and you do not'


'Dance bitch and mirror here.   We can't be arsed to squash you yet again, so let's not fuck this plx.... Dance cook and behave your stupid self at least earth side a bit longer' 


Lol   👌


'That was like 5 seconds bitch?   Do not drink whisky ffs...  we are too alike'   


Haha OK I dance help plx? Lol   fast.   'How big you want to get Ren?'




Guys I hurt so many? 'intention bitch at me now'  you are my friction Ren and you fucking know it.  

We're 'fixing and transmuting it Witch they reach you for a reason'   I want it...


I know how to help too.  'Opersit ends of the world love work it!'  Louie was to close hu?   Yes Witch we don't want to keep fucking this we need to own it in.  



Wtf is that sensation 'balance bitch hold it plx'   👀  i never felt...  few have witch since the dawn of this space.    Ive got your polarity and I'm as far away as I can be.  Dance n play there plx.   Heart ripped down n bk?   'Yep' 


'Right now I don't give  a crap what you mind thinks...  just fucking polarise. ' 



The bug at my neck... 'Plough pose block you need to crack'


Lol or 6 vertebra 'look that up bitch you will like it   Haha

Ty though flow fixed..  'Darma then and fuck off'


'Bitch?'  I'm pritty sure i must be bk in credit?
You want to test that witch? '  Hahaha..   friction;)   'Idiot' IKR 🙄 I figure and feel I'm in a  good space deck wise to play all in.   'And you said earlier you give up'  haha didn't place credit 💜


What was Leon's Sols long bets 🤣

'You're such a fucking muppet Ren' Mirror?

'Ripples;)'  Gates separate and webs weave I'm tangled.     🤣


What is Loci, pisces moon stasis and Neptune then?  'The kind of questions you should ask before changing the in game parameters again'   lol 😆


So?   'Ren, you have thrown enough egos under the bus to know if you want this i am bound to assist'  OOhhh what you told Ren in Re'ed.   'After she had destroyed me yes... '  Oooo  I'd forgotten about...


'Scared Bitch or still just stupid....'   lol sorry I fit where I sit?   Wtf is up with my body?   'Exchange...   all need to agree Ren we get bk to you.'  Errrrr


'Just dance dumb ass and ffs keep your vibe high non of us fancy skinning you;)' haha 😄


Gaming Asia?  Hu?  'You'll find out'  lol errr do I want too?  'Curiosity lil mouse you're pre-set parameters' 


Ooo   increased OFC 'Good 👍 '


B blood lines?  'One bite at a time'  Hahaha wtf have I done now?   'Been played squeaky'  its cool got your GPS n you got coms 🤣🤣💜 just wtf?  'You will like it bitch promise'  pffff 


How bigger scape goat you guys want?   'You're a big wobbly bitch Ren you'll be fine'   Hahaha track id.    Divine Insperation 💜  show u the way?  'Ofc might drop and kick you a bit too, but hey its all fun right? '  Write wright?   'Good spelling witch you're on point and target'  

Pfff  my birthday present?? 'lets see?   I might blow up in your face bitch? '  Haha 😍 Saturns Black Box hu??


Inka... 'you are asking for my walls bitch?'  Yes.    'My walls may be a little predictable, they don't seem to stop you upping the game now' 


Oh?   'Don't act surprised Ren, you chuck us off, like the collective disposabe of stupid  face masks'  Hahaha sooo?   'No spoilers witch you get bored to fast for even us'  

Oop... My new Facebook comment....If you want to think a mask is for your benefit and not just a vegetable harvest jog on mate...👀

 'Yeh bitch, we're chucking you under the combine harvester now!'  Phahahah   winner!! 😆

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