Saturday, 19 December 2020

Earth is an Elite School for Them Game Enough to Play?!?

So what you asked yesterday.  WORMWOOD More Weaving.


 Treats, delirium.. hearing voices jolts 😆

The herb is an antiparasitic

The first time you told me this year...

Snakes and Slides... Oh that was before I tried to slide into Hell

The Etymology of the Herb

'Yes Ren.... Arctic Skur like we told you this is what you wanted to learn' O.o Wow!


This is the soul aspect retrieval - 'and your heart lead hunting 😈 'Cupids bow... Loves lil sis.  

The European name is also worm - Northern speak for wyrm too...

And the Wormwood and Screwtape books from an old Devil to a Young!!  Also Lewis Carol (The Worm story too)


What was all them paintings 😛 Clipping cupid's Wings?? 


Why everyone clipping cupid's Wings??  Oh!!  

'Shooting your self in the mirror bitch?' lol  Ohh....  😆


I'm getting a good aim though!! 💜

CBA to read it... I don't need to hu? 

'Data plan Witch, you know as you've been there!'  Haha 


So why folks wana clip loves wings?  'Time of the Mind Ren, wasn't loves go'  lol 


Oh... Also cause the split-brain shit! 

If we go looking for the other half of us in 'other' then we end up projecting our own internal shit on them!  

'Yes' So they all got pissed off with love and desire as they were looking for fulfilment outside not in? 


As we are looking for the rest of us!  'Mmmmm'   

Shooting the messenger?    'Like blaming the scape goat bitch'  Hahaha 



Inak, what you doing... 'Coming in'   Any reason?  'Cause I can'  lol Ok then lord n master, time and my ass hat twin... My vessel is your vessel.. Got for it


'Bitch your nuts'   Woooo 😆  'Plough pose quick, your spine needs a crack'  lol Haha.. Plough Harvest and agriculture yeh?   'And you know it Ren 😈'


 So... Esoteric spiritual awakening, Shamanism taught by dreams, Witchcraft from the inside out and now astrology taught by the planets?     'Earth's an elite school for them game enough to play!'    lol dick... 

Oh.... That's the fucking time-hopping for a perfect crime dream!!!     'Who hops better than a flea bitch?'     WHAAAA 😆


It's like having 'The gods plugged into your head Ren? It's sure is bitch... Don't tell me it's not fun though' Ok.. but quit butting into my conversations! Shoooo 

Where is Malico, 'Busy'... 'I'm still keeping an eye on you Ren so please behave' 

Hehe 😂 Yeh any other requests?  


 'Do what you want tonight within reason, just remember to set intention' 😜 Haha cool... 


First wake at 1ish. I'd jumped to find Inak who was smoking by the fire outside the roundhouse and sat next to him, asked to dream share and in a dream fast.. 

I'd been something? 'You're usually something'  People were asking what? 'You were asking what' Oh, lol errrrr I was emmmm  'I know 😈'.   lol so tell me?  'Dream more Ren, it's more fun to show'  

Still here, 'Roundhouse unless you want to move'   Nah, I'm relaxed here..

'Dream here then mouse by your strange roundhouse'  

Next wake 2.40ish. Oh, lol  

I'd been dreaming on 2 layers....
One I'm with you guys awareness chilling and chatting and someone saying 
'Let's not fuck this again while everyone's watching' and I was thinking of when Inak was saying 'Let's not get caught with our pants downafter the Moon -Sun transition dream where the sun was coming and I was half-naked.... and then I'd been laughing cause I'd wondered what Uranus was doing 😁 and someone shouting juvenile 'That would be me Ren'  lol sorry, sucks to be a visual thinker 😆

TBF when you guys said I needed to learn a bit of astronomy next I wasn't picturing the planets with archetypal personality traits talking in my head 😛

In the other layer of dreaming was a crazy puzzle game. Strange people all coming together to play, all with different bits of the same puzzle. I was rendering it wired... A church, an investigator, some kids a music festival, random clues/parts bits we'd all agreed to add.  

It wasn't easy to understand each other as we all rendered the same puzzle our own way.  'Childishly in your case bitch 😈'  lol Inka, if it works who cares!  

Anyhooo - The puzzle was getting close to completion, and everyone is heading to the target loci..

Dino fancy dress suits, walking mushrooms, a field and a city, an odd house in a lake... Tents a strange mishmash It reminded me of you guys trying to help me in the other moon card and people watching hoping we didn't make to much mess fall out.

'Get up a while then lazy mouse..'  yeh ok. 

Nearly 404 come back to sleep Ren.

Chilled a bit before sleep.. very fizzy again.

Wake later... Errrr Star-shaped cookies? 'Dog treats bitch?' Haha

A wired dream it was a version of my house I sometimes dream in... it's here but different the hill is steeper, and the houses larger.. I know the people in the street, but they are not my neighbours here.

It was my house and people were delivering stuff a huge white lorry had arrived and the driver was inside with the delivery.. the cats were scared of the big lorry with white 2 unmarked containers. It was dropping stuff off, a small boat was parked up outside too 'Vessel'  

On my driveway was a stall for 'Transition town' with flyers and some people at a desk handing out leaflets and samples...I realised they needed to budge one way or the other a bit for the lorry to get back out as it would be a tight fit. I was checking the location of the cats & kittens as they didn't care much for the huge white lorry.

A female friend was walking past... and she starts pointing out that my driveway is littered with apple cores! She tells me she is making a note of who is making a mess.. lol a mess of apple cores! I think a food recycling caddy had been chucked or squashed. 'Find the food recycling dream Ren....... and take better care of your apples eve!!!!' Phahahah   -- 

Oh, lol TimeWalker!!

What's the lorry?? Hu?? 'Find Uranus bitch your heads in the clouds'  Hahah wtf??😆 HAhaha Inka what?? From where?   'Here/Now'

lol ok...  'Find your star-walker app'  I duno where my phone is use your lazy legs then. Pfffff I was curious enough to get back up it was 0550

I looked at the skywalker app... all the planets, the systems and constellations above and below.. Then considered birth charts and looked at the sky now, not much going on and then at my birth chart and woosh!    'Ren, 707 come bk to sleep, see why your you now'   lol, sort of that's wired accurate so much info... 'Like all the stuff we told you?' Yehhh 

Our birth charts are a form of agreed parameters? 'Yes'

Ok, these ones are harder to change from ingame?
'Yes, but still changeable - they will help offer a trajectory and also how an entity perceives the aspects of the archetypal system logos' Mines busy...... 'Relentless? Curious? Violent? Extremist? Stubborn? yet loving and revolutionary?' lol yeh, kinda Ok, it seems accurate for sure...

'Try looking at others for comparison'
Who? 'Start with your bro, you can find his time of birth your mother's old stuff' OK... will try him later.

So lots of the planets are dominant in my sign,  I have my Lillith in 8, and a pice of fate in 12 house Saturn..... Saturn is a calming influence... 'Yeh when you're not going psycho Mars on me' lol 

I wake again wow!! I was inside a brain 'and a mind' 👀
I'd been looking threw the brain from inside, the different structures and connections and eye of Horus that's the pineal? Anyhoo also the thalamus was connected to the horn bits. Oh yeh, I remember now!!

I'd jumped back to you and we chatted planets and archetypes how they were rendered differently depending on each entity's chosen and current parameters..  
'Like I told you, Witch, I'm whatever you need me to be'

Then I'd wanted to go back into Leons/Leo/Sun awareness.

He's easy to find cause he's still asleep under the roundhouse. I'd gone to ask if it was ok and you'd all agreed, I'd wanted to join your awareness to get your mind's perspective on it! I remember joining you then waking up from inside a brain 😆

Is that like when I was dreaming of being inside a system shaped like a uterus? 'Find it Ren'  Also horns? 'Yes' Oh is that like a mirror of the 'Find the dream 😏'  

The dream of the brain the horns are also the GPS I was told to look for in the dream about the guys from Jupiter and other planets! 'Yes, and others' 'Yes 💜' Rodent spacial awareness 😆 lol

That's also how humans can learn how to read magnetism to locate too then? 'Yes' - Nice one!     

Oh when I get up and right/wright that is the spinning top!!!

Earth with a wobble or flat earth when you are observing reality from a perspective in the centre of your own event horizon and the aspects of the planets around you!   Also the Celtic cross and the East and Celtic Chakra system

'Told you you were a big bitch 😈
' Hahahah  💜💜💜

'So get up and write/right' lol yeh ok 2 mins at 808 😏 'FU Ren' Heheh I do love you... 

I feel like a yo-yo 'Shuttle 😏' Hahaha yeh that too

'You knew your adha was something you were working on in many concurrent reality games' 

Now I know why!! It's to orientate and navigate inside the earth game 😁

The birth chart describes my ADHD mind too!!!  

 Haha Train 😆 you're at the back 😛  'Fail-Safe Bitch & the Guard 😈'  Haha ... Who the hells driving?  'Not you that's for sure'   


 Oh that's the other time I time hopped!  'Yeh, you were meant to be in the back carriage and a bunch of you fucked off to the front!'

Hahaha... Oh we had to come back...  'After you'd fucked it!'  Hahaha Yep 💜 Ok this astrology stuff is kinda fun, especially from inside out!! 

Why pluto and Neptune have such an influence then?  'Zeitgeist' Oh yeh... 'Told you that over and over and over'   So I'm riding the Zeitgeist train... 'Skipping from carriage to carriage Ren'  'Crashing it now and then too'

The wired thing is that this isn't even that wired anymore!  😆  You were not wrong about a wild ride though!!

Oct 2018 Uterus  dream... Oh wow, lots of cool dreams then too.  That's the hopping then 😏 

Go for a run.... and the Fun dosn't stop.

The dream with the people I'd been one of them??.. The controlled/controll people, I'd been one but wasn't with them. Taurus age? The minotaur -- 'Ariadne the moon crones Witch' :)


What are the other's Loci is he another larger aspect too? 



The train wreck...... dream I had years ago. A carriage on its side burnt out in a forest. I had to call spiritual regression and go back in time.....👀  I dodn't need a regression, I needed to go back! 

Last time we barely made it?   'Yep Ren' 😏


I'm going back over from the fucked up futures.. the front of the train! Trying to stop the borked trajectory where we are at the end of the line 👀'There is more than one Ren'

 Wow, all my childhood nightmares.. stuck on the tracks.  


Blood 2 spiders an ancient birthright... knowledge and spirit are not for sale. Not fucking paywalled - Neither should health be.. we are all sovereign if we want to be that is.... free will.  



Catalyst, friction, heat, pressure cooker, boom!  'Yes, Ren... Duality..... free will too' 




I Don't want out I want in 💜

'You know your trajectory then Bug?'   Hit the stasis? Neptune? Moon? O.o errr 



'You can't help yourself bitch any more than I can'... pack it in I'm thinking 🤔 


'Hahaha GL with that Ren 🤪'  FU😆




The larger cycles are they like the bigger Chinese star signed 12×4 ? Also on moon times??


The station's dream..... The multiple layers waiting for the train
The complimentry earings!  ringing ears... You put a flea in mine 😃  'I did'   That first dream...WTH bug armour!!  All them dreams, the Elen of the ways pee... Santa/Alignment/Bug earing.  Inka...... 'Souldn't play to win Ren 😈'  Hahaha 💜  That's why were teaming 😏 



Oh The minotaur dreams with controlled people, I went in to rescue a female... With grey hair, an older me.  

The controller.... Did he try to give me a jug?? .... and I took out a water squirter!.... That was so obviously Aquarius!! 😵 'You're an ass hole Bitch...' URANUS!!! 😜😆😆🤣

'and Juvanile Ren'  HAhah 😍 , it' works 😁


Aquarius poking the dreamers... 'Yes bitch now hit the fucking stasis, please?'    Hahaha 🤣 🤣 


Haha 😍' track timing 'your god's a DJ '

'Come to your brother I know your trajectory and I'm a fucking good aim too. 😆'   Lol 😆 


Who did you fire me at last time? 'Look it up dreamer'


My between lives regression there was no place to go they were all in me. 'I Am' and my thing was a winged heart ❤


'Are you sure this is a good idea?' 💡 


'Leos asleep in your house bitch we can do what we want' 😴 😌


 'Oh it was Leon that asked Ren to hit the stasis power' 😲😲🤯🤯🤯🤯

Ren wakes sitting upright she turns staring down at Kaylo who yawns rolling and looking up at her sleepily.   ‘What now?’  he asks exasperated at the look on her face.

‘You don’t remember that?’  she asks him equally exasperated, his answer an unconcerned shake of his head as he closes his eyes again.  She stands up.  ‘Ren?’ he asks sighing.

‘I need to find Leon she says.    He sits up too considering her.  ‘Now?’ he asks her.  ‘It’s always now’ she replies.  ‘Fucking hell Ren, your starting to sound like them’ he mutters pissed off, but at the same standing up, taking her hand and porting them both to Leon.

They find him sitting with Jinya on the wooden benches, it’s evening again and the lamp catches her eye, but she heads directly for Leon. 

She feels Jinya drawing Kaylo close to them and she knows he’ll be fine.    

Leon stands to greet her and seeing the force of her intent motions that they should walk.    It takes her a time to order her thoughts and he allows her the space as they walk the grass together in the dark silence.    There is so much she wants to express and Leon’s acknowledgement helps her put it aside and focus on talking.   ‘I didn’t get it, but I’m starting too’  she tells him and remaining silent he walks with her. 

‘You know have to try this?’  she asks.   Giving her space he remains silent waiting.  ‘What if it doesn’t work?’ she asks him stopping and looking at him.   He smiles at her ‘Ren, you know better than anyone no one can make you do something you don’t want too’.   ‘My responsibility then?’ she asks.    ‘Of course’ he replies.   

‘I think we can get in she tells him’  watching him nod she pauses to think again.   ‘How do I wake you though?’    He stops and turns flicking his fingers a lamp appears hovering beside him she looks at it watching the rainbow light illuminating the area where they talking. 

‘You can’t’ he tells her simply with a smile.  Frowning she’s lost, if she can get into the system but can’t wake them how can she help.  Then she knows, and she really doesn’t want to know and her eyes pop wide.   ‘No!’ she says out loud to no one and everyone.   Leon looks at her waiting for her to put the bits together.   ‘You want me to drop the power?’  She asks.  He remains silent watching her the two of them alone in the rainbow glow of the lamp.  

The shock hitting her like a sonic wave she explodes.   'Leon, you're asking me to kill you!  Illeth too and how many others and in permanent stasis?  You know that's mass murder, right? '   

Leon watches her.  Her mind and emotions on fire ‘Didn't you, tell me the reason you’re in stasis is due to the spiritual repercussions of terminating you?   What are you asking of me?' 

He looks at her deeply 'I'm asking you, to free us, Ren, you’re the only one that can'. 

Reeling and realising, the weight of the responsibility crashing down on her like landslide she blurts out 'Shit, Leon.  You know this is fucked up right?'   

He watches her battle her conflicting emotions, deciding fast she glares at him  'The others will never go with this?'    
'I know' he tells her and she looks at him searchingly.  'Leon they read my mind!' she tells him starting to think he's as crazy as she is.   

'No Ren they read your intention' He states patiently looking at her expectantly.    Her mind recoils from the direction her heart is pulling her in.    'I can't lie to them' she tells him as the implications of what he is asking sink in.

Leon walks to her holding her.  Thought seems almost stupid in the vast flow of knowing they exchange, and she knows she’s agreed.    

 'You won't need to lie Ren.   Inka understands, Kaylo too and Loci they all know deep down'  She cries hugging him his arms still around her 'I don't want to lose you' she tells him. 


He laughs at her but not unkindly 'We are part of each other Ren you can't lose us'    

‘Remember Ren, with your impulsivity and trust come connection, you won't be alone and you never were.    You can't understand this yet, but your impulsive decisions are taken collectively, by allowing, many contracts can be completed.'

Her mind and temper fires up at his last sentence as the implications of what she is agreeing to hit home.   'Good contracts or bad contracts?'   she asks him abruptly.     

He pushes her back to see her.   Looking down at her quizzically he pauses.   'Now that dear depends entirely on your perspective'.  

She sighs glaring at him 'You could have just said good, you know.' she tells him sarcastically and he hugs her again.  She pushes him away trying to process the enormity of what she’s just stupidly agreed too, and he gives her the space backing off and leaving her alone with the glowing lamp.  

Plonking herself on the grass she sighs enveloped by the myriad of emotions, thoughts, implications swirling about her, and as her awareness spins the strange beautiful lantern that has joined her on the grass dances her conflicts in light around her.



'You could have done it with Kaylo if you weren't so stubborn...' 

Fuck Malico and Inka helping. 😲

‘Loci will take you, but you’ll be on your own for the first bit so just let the body consciousness drive, Ok?’.   ‘Take me where?’. 

Inka looks at her frowning, ‘I can’t really explain Ren there are just a few more things you need to see and know before we get started.   Nill’s and Koa are trying to find a way into the systems we need, then you’ll have to piggyback either Me or Kaylo inside with you to navigate’.    

Shaking her head she tells him ‘No, I said I’d do this, I can’t ask y’….  He cuts her off smiling and shaking his head ‘Ren you couldn’t do this alone even if you wanted too and believe me you don’t, so just accept what we are telling you ok?’  Ren looks at him considering.  He laughs, ‘I can see it’s going to have to be me then, Look Ren, like I told you you’re in service now, you don’t get it, I do.   Listen up, and it will be ok’.  He tells her smiling.  She hasn’t got a clue how, but she knows his intentions are pure and accepts the pipe he offers.   ‘Loci is going to dream share with you later’.

One by one the others start to arrive; it feels like lifetimes since she’s seen them then she remembers how upset Flo is going to be about the meeting with the overseer and feels horrible.  


The pool game with the planets fuck me!! 


'We back on Aeon cards... ready player one?' Lol


Jinya? Is the mirror you

White profit and dark assassin 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😵😵


And Satan's asshole 🙄 . . 'Knew you'd like it'🤣🤣 ... pfff gg mate, fucking impressive!! 

'Epic?'  Lol yeah...


The night with Leon and Ren chat.. my speakers all wired...


Then the thunder writing the void game part and the heat wave breaking .. was like the Never ending story and I was writing time.

'Nah bitch times, mine.... I was writing it you're just the bug hopping it!'  Lol 😆 



Am I not just going to be shooting myself again? 'Yeh But I promise it will be fun, and your payload is love 💘' 


Taking Vits I asked if need A today 'How's your vision?' err its good 👍 'Its 2020 Witch!' 😆

How.....  'Told you there is no such thing as fiction Ren'  Yehh..   'Don't freak bitch... Your to curious not to do it anyway'  Hahah  pffffffff

Oh the other dream... with the walk-ins!! 'One of our fucked up trajectories Ren...  We are trying to avoid them so please trust'  Pffffffffffff   'Anyways Witch, you've allready baptised the new Leon night before last, he's not going to be happy you tried to freak him out'   Oh...   here, lol  Yeh he was all Golden.   That was 2 nights ago... 

'Have a kip Ren, Come here... you need a wider perspective' 

Yeps TY 
'You're welcome Ren, love and emotion are pretty formless, we have perspective let us be your walls and trajectory for now. As always your intention is impeccable hold it'

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