Saturday, 26 December 2020


I wake suddenly at 333 'Come Ren!  Play time 😏'   Hehe

Chaos & Order I was holding my small rainbow prism there is an eye in it in my dream looking at me 😆  'Still making Stars Ren'  

This track, up down.. that's shuttle.. Heart to mind or to higer-self/totality.  Round and round, ever-increasing or decreasing aspects of ego aspects.  The knowen quantity for titration/harvest..  everything makes sense from that perspective..   

A dream of a hotel/building/school I had my pyramid pink/purple prism and was looking for something in the school. 
A guy in the school has published a book on 'dream-forcing, Free energy, Reality, all the stuff I know too - He's like me, like all of us...
He thinks he is Jesus and is trying to put us in his box, but we all our own Jesus and I want us in our bubbles to co-create harmoniously together. 
The Male/Female system architecture.   There was an accounting going on at the school too big room full of auditors, I'd climbed up there by mistake trying to get somewhere else but the steps/ladder I'd used was one way only.   I thought I'd have to go threw the auditors room but I realised there is a corridor to the side where I can bypass them so head back into the school again too. 

It's why people see the chaos as bad evil? As we trigger, trick and torment you to face yourself and integrate? 'Or not Ren, to grow in their own time' Oh.. the harvest for further experience or sorting? 'Yeh, you're a guardian of it too, we told you that years ago' lol yeh.... 'You knew well the ego trap and wanted to avoid it' Yes as you are everything and nothing 'Ditto' lol Yeh. Changing / ShapeShifter. ... and same as you!

Pushed back into this dream of a game where we had to capture people and have sex.... monsters to mate with at the higher levels and people with wheel clamps on certain memory pathways rigged to explode if tampered with. 

lol Collecting game like Pokomon with fantasy monsters at high levels!  😆😆

That's the star? The Tantra of merging with other larger egoic aspects more surreal as your integrating the collective consciousness archetypes.

'Yes Ren, you could see Inak and me in many formes/guises/roles as you integrated us Sol too'    Yes, all symbolic too.  

Next I see the Shell Oil logo .. I think of the many meanings in my name

A shell in a box, a bug in a box.   The oil, the Loosh?   Our black blood?  Andrea's hell to some it felt like home to me...

'You see others like you, Changelings, Elementals and sprites, not daemons and monsters'  I liked it there, 'OFC, instant manifestation/Karma'    Inka and I male female mind balance 'Yes, within this role the Saturn archetype acts as a balance & twin aspect' Something solid in a world of illusions, symbols and patterns.

I came to heal and integrate? 'Lots Ren' Right back too?  'When we made a planet' lol  'I'm serious'   Hahaha I'm sure you are but wow.. so more bits to go then?  'How big do you want to grow Ren?'  lol, I dunno I'm just curious and sick of amnesia I still want to remember my name.

'Your brother is at the door I assume to want to let him back in?' lol 💜 always.

'Framed as the perpetrator but really the undertaker' 

It's the Chaos/Female that kills the ego, crashes the walls of the tower.. I had to accept Inka's Saturns boundaries to crash my last tower... and then..

'You and Kaylo agreed to my house rules Ren, like Inak, said once you let us in its joint responsibility... we team'   That's why you crashed the tower last time? 'Yes and you felt and transmuted the emotion for us'   Oh, all that heart pain! 

You guys randomly hitting me? 'Balance to Ren, you love us despite our actions - It's to do with the balance and stabilisation of our energy gestalt, symbolic too'  I guessed that, 'While you do not judge there are many who see us as lacking and you as being in love with evil'  evil/live 'Yes, you're in love with life Ren'  

The arranged marriage the blue boggarts forked tails, they make a star when paired!! The matching and integration of a new suitable egoic aspect..... non of which are me as we are all each other.  'Yes'  The gay lovers, the harmonious ego aspects??  'Go play your violent games with your brother Ren, come to me for wisdom'   lol ok 😏

They use force to make you do, what the deciders have decided you are going to do! Killing in the name of.... This is the energy in motion! E- motion is the force potential directed via the male mind architecture?  'It is Ren, enough blue now go paly with Inka'   I Invite Inka back into Malicos' house accepting the responsibility again.  

 Oh, the childlike soul? The fool...  'Yes Ren, you don't just step off a cliff, you launch your self of knowing full well you can fly and that some fucker like us will find or catch you' lol 😆 Practice  

The child soul dose that trust and impulse, the security to trust their wings... the 'fall' into the system birth.  

The cup? Leon.. Grail too and the energy shape torus.. 'Yeh Ren, knowledge you have much now naughty illuminated mouse 😈'  Hahhaah

The emotional body is linked to the heart and the adrenals 'Limbic system Ren look it up'  Ok, this will be flight/fright? Instinct and intuition?  'Yes' fucked up in most people threw constant stress fear?  'Mmmmm'  Oh, School... high school, peer pressure?? The pressure of the herd? Social control pressure to conform? 'Yup'   That's a force too!! 'It is Ren yes' 

Ah!  Limbic system Homeostasis!    -  lol is that the stasis?? 

The tasting of the oil and the tasting of the blood Just after summer solsdice 19?? With Leon/Sol that's like the mass thing?? We tasted oil too.... 'Yes Loosh, the ancient compressed wildness, the thick black blood of the ancient earth... the ancient wildness' 

:( That's why I hate them oil pumps and they freak me out.. not liking cars... 'Yes, may as well run on blood to you my wild friend'  

The rainbows in the oil, like the void the dark is saturated love all the colours all the potential. The carbon into Diamonds. The 7 colours in the rainbow and their mirror-like the 14 dimensions people speak of, 7 heaves 7 hells? 

'You can move and weave between them all' 
 In this space, I see so much, 'You, reject control Ren, running, playing, vanishing, slipping formless threw the gaps in games and reality until you realise there is no place outside of you to go and then you dive back in, loving all the things you sort to escape from'   

time is now?... that's why I play both sides me and mirror me at the same time, weaving between them... There is no escape in running away! But we need to hunt/reintergrate in order if we want to stay balanced/Sane.  'Sure your Sane bitch?'  for now 😜

Wow.. 'Yes beloved' Oooooo! lol I stopped splitting in the liminal space and go to dream share with Inak... we had discussed first I'd asked him to kill me again and he agreed.  

He jumps us into my main dream area where he had hit me in this dream re-entry... He'd come back with me to change the male energy from the first dream.

We arrive back in the drea as he'd hit me and people on the street are staring at us.
I'm In the white avatar this time a child at first while like the white profit and I realise we are in the street opposite the church (This is the white children who skipped out of stasis last winter solstice before the lockdowns) Malico had taken my 
white form here on Christmas eve too!

We turn and walk to the church hand in hand, the people who had seen him hit me start to follow as I'm small and bright white and he's big purple/black smoke as we walk towards the church and enter it I'm ageing rapidly we walk up the steps in and down the aisle.

By the time I get to the front I'm an adult the tall white thing with horns. We stand at the front of the church filling with the people who had been on the street and we hug, my awareness is outside of my form now observing. He stabs me quickly with a gold knife in my right kidney and I die instantly bleeding thick black oil from the wound there as he removes the knife.
My awareness is formless now observing the scene 

He picks up the avatar and places it on an alter were I bleed out all over the floor black crude oil from the wound way more than should have been inside me and it is running towards the people watching. I see the cross on the pipes of the organ attached to it is the black blob I saw on a cross in this dream at the end of Nov...

Only now I know this is Jupiter/Malico as it's the form he was in as we went back threw a portal again!! 

'Yes Ren, <3 we are all Ditto'

Hahahaha! The shattered Pan pipes!!

Oh that's the same nightthis Dec with Malico before I realised he was Jupiter... gave me the sky and told me! The God's DJ!  Pan pipes!!

The mother 'Virgo' had Virgin that I disposed of.... had been the one to give me to the church as a seer, in Nov too. I'd been hidden under the alter in this dream!   Malico Bound me to Leon, and then Broke it again too

Wow... We all create our own reality, but few seem to want that responsibility. 😁 I came here to wake in the dream   Tune!!

Oh... I'd forgotton the undoing of the hand fasting dream that you told me was for the book too... That was week or so ago.

Was also the Mirror of this Death card here. 

As requested Ren jumps to directly to the library where she finds Malico waiting for her.  He places his hands on her shoulders changing her avatar back to the horned tall white smiling at her he asks 'Please use this form when you here for now?'  'Errr ok'

she tells him wondering why.


The room as always is hot. They weave threw the tall book cases until they are directly in front the coals and logs burning bright in the wide gold grate cocooned in it's smooth stone surround.  Catching her attention he looks at her embracing her for a moment before walking to the table and opening a smooth wooden box that glows as he opens it.


 He returns bringing what looks like an impossibly thin long crystal wand or rod it glows with it's own bright white light.  She watches fascinated the white light twinkling in her wide white eyes.


 'Ren, show me your hand please?'  'Hu?' she replies frowning at him confused.


'Where Leon cut you and I hand fasted you'

Oh, she says suddenly recalling the other dream where Malico had bound Leon and her bleeding palms.


 She lifts her left hand looking down at her palm where the jewelled gold knife had cut across it, Malico takes her hand in his then fast and with no warning hits the centre of her hand hard with the glowing stick causing a bright white flash and her to jump and shrike in surprise and pain, Malico grabs her hand instantly kissing it and the pain is gone as fast as it arrived, then he takes the same hand pressing it to his forehead the smooth glowing rod vanished with the flash.  
'What the hell are you doing' she snaps angrily 'Undoing a spell' 'But it was you that performed the binding' 'So it is me that must undo it'.


 'I don't understand'  'Blood magic Ren, the recall in the DNA you needed to share'

'Why bind me?' then she asks puzzled

'You trusted us that you should integrate and understand what Leon symbolises but you are sovereign Ren, you do not belong to any'.

 'Oh!'  'I'm sorry it hurt he tells her embracing her again and she feels his very genuine remorse' 'Dream here please?'  She considers him and then sits on the red sofa before laying back and rolling to face the fire.


 Staring into the fire her awareness quickly leaves her sleeping form looking down upon it, her vision changes and she observes amazed at her avatars skin becoming patterned like shattered crystal, a rainbow coloured harlequin,  the fires flames dance reflected in her fractures. 

Sorry DJ gods!!  I'm back on Indecent Noise tonight!!  The tunes man...   Them waves for the surfers, Weavers and riders at the crest of  TIME.

'It's fine Ren, you're the bug ball in Inka's court tonight'  Hahahah Bring it!!

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