Sunday, 6 December 2020

Dreams of an Aeon

I'm? 'Our in'  

You let me bite again? 'Then we call you home and cleanse your ties' 

I'm not really me? 'You're gaming wide' 

'Intention bitch, it's all you need, play with us and chuck wild seed' 

Biting Lions? 'and playing games, you're dreaming your life we are one in the same'

lol 'You are waking them up Ren, the same as you'

I dunno how, what I do? 'By letting us in Ren, you're still our car, play nice and we can travel far'  Hehe ok 😆 🖤🤍

-- That was odd, planes? 'Yes Ren' When I was here before I flew planes? 'Come here again'

What is time? 'Trajectory memory layered in space'   

I'd been bouncing there too in and out of reality 'Yes, many meeting one mind'   Sleeping in patterns... Electric Star/Astral car.. back at 2.22 'Get up for a little bit Ren'   ok


I'd been back with Inka from last night. (Not written this up yday)  

I'd been avoiding him and Leon and then when I found them Leon had told Inka 'Deal with your sibling' and I'd vanished again back to the house with Ileth and Kaylo. When Inka found me he changed me into a child again. I was young maybe 3-4 years Inka was yelling at me and angry after he'd chewed me out a bit I'd run of and hidden in a walk in cupboard it was wired, I wasn't child me, I was a diffrent child.... I was squashed under a shelf, in an old fashioned nightdress, I had a tin candle holder and a white candle that I'd litten with an unfamiliar style box of matches. Felt like the Wee Willie Winkie rhyme 😆 I was hiding there.  

When Inka found me again he'd picked me up... Was wired as I had my recall but not body I asked what he was doing and he told me he was taking me to Daddy... I thought he was off his head 😜

Anyhoo.... much to my amazement, we jumped back into another dream, it's the second time I've been back in this dream..

He took me back to one of my earlier dreams with Leon..  Around 2012 or before... It was a dream of a shore, and a sunset on the beach lived an ancient architect, in a small hut. On the sand were groins the wooden type that stop beach erosion - they were old and crumbling and he made stained glass art in the gaps in between

He let me say with him and make art too and a window of my own. They would get broken with storms but we kept making them

Anyhooo Inka took me there I could see me there, I could see Leon on the sand.....but the kids kept yelling and waking me so I didn't get to find out why/more. I'd slept again and he'd jumped me again still as a child but this time we were standing in front of Hitler ??? But again Zak woke me.  

__ So anyway, I was still in the house as a kid and he was there too. 😛

'Ren, bk to bed @ 3.33 plx'   Ok,

__ I'd gone to bed, awake but still.  You guys here with me tingly, until I slept again. The Star/Car, is the Merkabah....

I'm cold & not -  sleepy too... 'Come bk Ren, we play with you' Wake at 444.... wow, that felt amazing! I'd been at the roundhouse and I was cold, so cold and I'd stood in the fire and turned into a fire ele... this time big though. Not a sprite.... I was fire still but bigger - it felt amazing to burn.

I'd had a dream there too... a long one, I'd been with Em so Me/Em Em/Me again. We had been cleaning up to leave It was main dream area..we were sorting threw old stuff packing to leave, emptying draws and cleaning. Her hair had changed, it was dark black but she was growing grey in parts to so was black/white and grey lol like shadow the kitten! Her bro had had a message for me but I don't recall that.  'Check his photos'  

Errr ok.. lol. WOW! OK 😮 TY, Arora and sunrise! Aroura from Dec..2016?? We were talking about, 'Yes Witch' 😆

So the dream as I'm clearing out I was also making a list of what to keep... we needed. I needed 'Silver Birch Essense' and some other bits I can't recall... they were spell ingredients. Last bit we had a pool and we had planted trees around it different types.

We had taken the form or place of the tree's and we were singing row, row, row your boat in a-round.

I kept missing my cue and getting annoyed with the person in front of me Marie/Mary Middle me) She was confusing me by being quiet and then I realised she was a silent M. (This the Mary/Mag/Middle me stuff) Once I realised that she was silent it was easier... I needed to control my volatility too 😛 

My bit was 'Merrily, Merrily, Merrily' 'Witch Ref to Bitch' lol Inka, it's 707 💜

“Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again.”

I don't recall the other dreams well, I know I'd been with you guys... 'Naturally'  Guy at one point too 'Yes'.
Hehe I'm hearing in the track 
'It's time to burn, in my head'  

So the Silver Birch is the tree Winter? New beginnings I think? '
Ring of trees Ogham too, Sleep Ren come here'

I jumped back with Inka and Leon, I'd split,  half of me was fire inside Leon and then I was still fire in the hut chatting symbols and Ogham with Inka.
He taught me about the Birch/Beith, Broom's beatings/ clearing/boundries and beginnings. My Tree is Rowan, birthday Imbolc I remember he'd told me... 'Meby Bitch, you have no boundary cause you just like to hang out?'  We chatted about the symbolic nature of realities....
Oh, a bug/Scarab beetle? Had it been squashed?
  'Haha, Ren, we squash you frequently' 😁 lol 'You just reform'

I was woken by corvids outside the window!  'Here again'  

This time I'd been with Inka and Loci, still talking symbolic rendering of Earth... The potential is below the earth, underground in our hearts, the mirror inside out.  

You showed me two more Ogham symbols.   'Find them Ren'.

They were like a y and inverted y -- The splitting of roads too... 'Which path, will you dance Ren?' Both and eye in each, waiting and watching. Oh... the symbols, The end and the start! 🌞 Solstice - Midwinter.  

'You should have split Ren, your memory is shit when you sleepy' lol yep, You had told me about the Sun?  'Yes, and your love for the sun, You're rising Ren many, many are this time'  2012, 2016 wasn't enough? - Now? '💛' Wow lol.

Still so many..... 'Play Bo-peep.. stop being volatile and competitive' 😆 💣

The last dream I'd been at a funeral - Wake!!

'Symbols Witch'  Oh and for direction, I follow the sparkly eyes 'Of your guides😏'  Haha my love is my connection, the tug from the heart... I can feel in the darkness, I follow my heart.

Wow! Just checked the Dec 2016 dreams!!  

👀 This one from the 20th before the Solstice, I was initiated by Witches - and a Hearse! New concepts!   That was after the Void game, and the training start?  'Yes'

Then on the 21st!! Was the Regicide... long ripples in my space-time experience?  

'Big Ripples, Long games... scoot and Run mouse' 😏

Oh I'm on Aeon Card again!!  'You would have been yday if you'd been less pissed when you went to bed'
  hahaha What was my last Aeon, I didn't understand it then but oh....   The short fuse on the heard mind?    'Your mind will pop Ren, F off and run'  haha yeh ok, wow I dreamed the whole deck in under a month... 'We did, now would you go'

Ohhhhhh.. the Vid I found and shared Yday with people!  wtf?  'Head, bitch... run and gound before boom!'  

I just noticed my Soul tree is Fir, Farsight!   'Would be a lot futher if you stopped rocking the boat everytime your slighty board'  It's the waves that keep me awake 😆

Oh looking up Merkabah...  That's the thing Leon burnt into my leg threw the week. 

The other is a representation of the Singularity we make when we make timeloops?  😲

How dose this work?  'Magic 😈'  lol FU 😆 'Zoom out dumbass till we are in the perspective where you weave the day and your dreams with us Ren'   Oh yeh...  Wish it was easier to remeber all of this when awake...  'You're Not awake, your just dreaming on another layer' 
Ah, so they agree to play for the catalyst too?  How did they used them exact words?  'When you are high Ren, your shadow has a long reach'  lol 

What are the things we came to see fall?   This is tied in the the Regiside dream, 'We are showing you Ren, keep asking questions' 

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